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`   i · To Those Who Have f
  Never Dealt With Us ,
  This Page is Res- ·~
  pectfully Dedicated T T
  We ask for a trial order ‘
  only. Isn’t that fair? “
  V We will please you. Why? "
jr   ‘ Because we carry an im- `
    mense stock of lumber
  and you will not have to `
Q  V do with substitutes. '
  B e c a u s e we have the · '
  newest, biggest and best E
  l wood-working tactory in ·
    Lexington. ‘
  Because our prices are ~
  ` the lowest, •
    . Because we will serve ·*
  you promptly. _ L
  Because buildings erec· »
  ted by us are done under -
.   our personal supervision ,
`   and carry our guarantee, _
§.·I-E?] Z 1
  LU M B E R A N D ·
  ‘ M F G. COMPANY f
 “ omce, mins ai ncronv ‘
  . C.&0. R.R.CROSSING `
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