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Church Club #1, Colored Presbyterian Church(Continued) 1 I _ ‘l §
Purpose To provide funds for the operatipn of the church. _ ` j· - ._g
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Normal Civic Activities: Assisting-in aid for sick and unfortunate. #.` Q
- Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Drcss—i _A" g
ings, Ped Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving of Food, Child Care. Q
Local Publications: None. ' I Q
CHURCH CLUB #2, BAPTIST CHURCH, COLORED, c/o Eliza Crump, 403 North Seminary E
Street, Princeton. Founded 1915. President, Eliza Crump.,Secretary, Elizabeth E
English, Green Street, Princeton. Terms indefinite. @
Membership: IO. Open to all religiously inclined individuals. g
; Committees: None r.p¤rted t§
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Purpose:Te prom·te church activities. M l§
Normal Civic Activities: None other then for the church. . _ F
’ Defense nctivitiesz Interested in Red_CrossVnssistanee. fg
p Local Publications; None. }» if ii
  · u ppf.  
5 CHURCH CLUB¤#5, B ..`. PTIST CHURCH, COLORED, e/e Mattie Bridget, 522 Plum Street, \§
Z Princeton. Founded 1915. President, Nannie Godby, 552 North Cave Street, Prince-Ԥ
k ton. Secretary, Mattie Bridget. Terms indefinite. Vg
v Membership: 12. Open to all religiously inclined individuals. P;
Committees: Building, Robert Bridget; Entertainment, Lula Grenter, both of Q
, Princeton. p ` E
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» Pirpose: To assist in programs beneficial to the church. 1% J
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i Normal Civic nctivitiesz None ether than church work. és
i Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress- gg
, ings, Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and °erving of Food, Collecting lg
Books. N gg Q
r Local Publications: None. S ji
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