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c/b kms. Allan G.`Hubbard, South Jefferson Street, Princoten._Founded 1917. ;
Chairman, Frank G; Wood, West Main Street, Princeton. Telephone 54. Treas—V ‘ v:i`·
urer, Saul Pogrotsky, West Main Street, Princeton. Telephone 497._Vice- · _
Chairmen, Mrs. L. G.·Hubbard. Telephone 255. Terms indefinite. A.. ,
· Membership: 550. Qualifications, subscription of one dollar or more annually. ,
Cemmittees: Sewin Mrs. J. H. Ca1lowa$· Surrical Drcssin s Mrs. J. J. Ros- l
J 3 3 _ .
entha11· Disuster Rev. J. G. Cothren; Home Service hrs. P. L. Pruett. Q
1 . 1 _ 9 I
Purpose: Emergency relief in time of disaster. i t ~
Normal Civic Activities: Buying shems for needy school children. Q
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Defense netivities: Enramed in Red Cross nssistance. E
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Local rublieatiens: rene. Q
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xBEmEVOLTNT nxD shOTJCTl\T LID R CF ELTS (T. P. C. L. cf U. S. n.)» tbst main E
Street, Prineeten. Founded 1915. Exalted }u”er, Gus Tertxecht, Princeten. i
Secretary, T. E. Jines, 210 Berth Jeffersen Street, Qrineeton. Telephone 157. f
g Terms expire April, 1943. · Q
lbmbershipc 15C. Open to white *,.· male adult American citizens ofggund mind ` Q
_, and body; of gocd character and who belive in a Suprinm Being. , Q
{ Committees: House, Cus N rtrecht; National Defense, Gaul P grctsky, beth of Q
Y Princeton. · §Q
j Purpose: To inculcate the prineinles ~f charity, justice, brctherly love and E
fidelity; cultivate gncd fellvurhip ind tv quicken the spirit ef American {
patriotism. _ ` Q
Normal Civic Activities: Distributinr Christmas bask;ts· aidin~ sch sl child- iq
_i___________________ ___ ·_______ .5 3 Q  
ren in ibtalning glasses and making d.n1tiins to the milk fund, and sponsor- _ ·?
_ ing tuberculosis patients in Hazelwood Senaterium. _ fg J
J e ‘ 2 
T Defense gctivities: Engaged in Red Crsss assistance, Child Care. Q
L Local Publications: nine. , %;
X B 1 SLCUTe Or LLELICA, lLlHeETOr fROeP¤[$9 (national Czuneil, Boy Scouts if 1;
America), c/s Christian Church, Princeton. Fvunded1l95d.‘Sceutmaster, ilten C
·, H. Templeton, 606 Locust Street, Princeton. Telephone lC5. First nssistent EQ
Seeutmaster, Dr. Y. D. Rgmmagc, B cynd nssistant Sceutnastcr, E. G. Pr cter, _ Q
F Terms indefinite. ‘ V ;g
. ' ‘  
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L Membership: 54. Open tw bevs fren 12 to 18 years ef age whe can pass Scout 1%
· Te sts.  
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