The largest prepertien ef tie imprint: yrvserved te we end herein
recerded ne? be cliesen ae official decwwenie, suck as seseiri laws,
jeurnels, cenrt renerts, ni tie like, ef which ticrc ere 15C. Ferxens
ini the preceeding: ef relieiers rrenes nike we t[e next lxrfest pre r,
fith 67 titles. The Free aeens, ilveys axcn; the ezrlieet fre tier
ergxnizetiene te recerd tzeir hiatery in nrint, ere respensiblc fer
enetner 54 titles, While T3 titles relite tv tie ";iv0reit" ef Alene 2.
The reneinder full inte ence general cntereries es: elnnnecs and
directeries, l3; peliticzl pztphlete, li; neetry, 5; cenxerci2l`
ennenncenents, 4; medical essays, 5; news ewlletins, 3; scheel texts,
2; and *erks .’.* ef fietiex, Q.
We hlve referred te this as e first liet ef Alsenwe iinrints.
‘ Strictly speekinr it is. It sheuld be recelled, he ever, ile; an excel-
_ lent bibliegrephy ef éuelicetieis relating te Alabama, which of cewree in-
cluded many items printei in Al;¥&A2, wi; cemjilei by the iisting ‘l’., ished
Seuthern nisterien end erchifist, thi lite Ur. Theres Nciderf Owen. His
"?ibliegrephv ef Alebsne" was published i~ the l89? Annual Repert ef the
American Histericel Assecintien, neges 777—lQ4S. Of the Ee? innrints
in the present list, l2$ vcre included in the Oven eielierrephy.
Other well knevn eiblieirirhies referred te t re {nent the eresent
list es Sabin, Evans, er Wrinley will be readily understeed as refer-
ring te the Dictienery ef Eeeks Relating te Amcrice by Jeseyh Tnbin and
ethers, the jgggj;;;n_§iglngv  end the eiles cite-
, lee ef the livrery ef Geerre Brinlev.
This list res nimeerrepiei and beund bt tne Alnnexa Histericel
Recerde Survey Freject.
Editing ef the eielieqrerhv tes drne iliest entirely nv Tenn
_ nndersen cf t*e imprints sectien ef the lllincie Eisterical Eecerds
Survey Preject, vnicn eperetes nnder the snpervisien ef Dr. Reyel S.
Ven de‘"eestyne.
is wsuel, cnr ebligatien: fer tesistvncc in eeeeielinr tn;
materiels fer this list ;rc nnnereus ine extensive. Tre Yeener cf
Frintei Eeeks ef the Fritjen Tueeui bes Utyn exeeedin>lr kink in
znsrering injriries, T”icN we n*de es infrequently as peesiele.
Our epgprecititifni is 5·;‘·iitefull2‘ iiclznevrlcdtied tc Zjrs. Qivrie Fanlzheed
Owen, Directer, Depsrtxent ef Archive: —nc Hietery ef the Steie ef Lle-
beme, end spenser ef t%2 ll‘*1i‘ Eistcricel Rcceris Turv ·’_· y Freject, fer
. her interest in and ceeperiticn fit; tgi ferk ef the Survey, and te {iss
Kerr Xullen, Librgrien ef tile Department; te Yr. Yilliem T. E ‘’·l rkins,
Assistant Librarian, Unirsrvity cf Tl bene; ini te Ir. Treris “illiG¢s
ef ileeems Swpreme Cenrt Lierer?.
Menbers ef ti; llebtie stef? whe rece i Tertznt c