To Miss Hsry 'obsr, Stats Diroctor, Division of Trofcssionol ind
Sorvico Prcjocts, Hr. C. T. Clors, ind other officiols of the York
Projocts idministrstion in Llobomo, who bgvo ot ill timos o?5orcd
oncouroginp cooporotion, ws are also rrstcful.
To oro under oblipstion to tho snthoritios of all the librnrios in
which many Llobsxs imprints irc locatci for cooperation in our rocord
of tbom. Tho sssistoncc rivon us br Prof. Eldon R. Janes, libraricn
of thc Harvard Low School Library, Nr. F. O. Fools, librarian of tho
Association of the Bar of thc Citw of Now York, Ir. Edward Starr,
curitor of tho Snmuol Colsitz Baptist Historical Collsction, Nr.
Corsld D. EcDonsld of t*» To¤ York Public Library, ann Hr. Willard
O. Untsrs of tho Honry E. ¥untington Librarr, is most cordiolly up-
procistcd, ss is also thc coopsrstion of Ir. Gzorgo 1. Schwognonn, Ir.,
diroctor, in chocking all titlos against the Union Catalog of tho
Library of Congross.
It is hopod with sono dcgroc of confidsnco that this list will bc
found holpful by Southorn historians and by other scnolsrs intsrostod
from any point o? viow in Llsbsmo. It is of courso roolizod such s
list is imporfoct in many particulars but time and uso, and contributions
by man? corrsspondonts, oro ossontiol to its smplificstion and improve-
mont. Vc have found that too vcrv issuo of s list liks this ons cslls
sttontion to tho intorost and v1luo of thc local imprints of A stoto,
and brings out of hidinx, is it wore, much gstorinl which would not
othorwiso bo put on rocord.
Notos of additional titlcs ond locstions of Zlsboni imprints oro
thsroforc most oorncstly solicitcd, in ordor that thor may bo
inclndsd in s possiblo revision of or supplynont to ttis list, which
may bo brought out ot sons lotcr Cato. Such notos cin bo sddrzsscd
to tho undcrsignod at 453 East Brio Strcst, Chicago, Illinois.
Dowglos C. Xclurtric
Notionsl Editor
Lmoricon Imprints Invontory
Chicago, Illinois
Docombor 7, l95Q