xt77sq8qcd2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qcd2j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1941 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 12, 1941 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 12, 1941 1941 2012 true xt77sq8qcd2j section xt77sq8qcd2j ‘ J
‘ 1
    Inauguration Of   B   in    
‘»   · r ’ ‘’’1   ’
it PY€SId€Ht May 6 _ .   1
· Formal inauguration or Dr. Herman Lea , , Q gg G Q '_    gy   1
,1 Donovan, sulth president of the University by  ;..       ~           ; y   W, /1    l  V   ;
g of Kentucky, will take place Wednesday,       {       ‘   A I    Y i  _
‘   May 6, 1942. according to the reccmmenda-  :1,       —,*  l ·1;     9      #    1-— -     ,  
  tion that will be made to the instiiutioiys   V ``(''   A     4 1,,   V         2       ?
i beard Of ¤‘¤S¤=€s by the ¤<>mmitte¤ appoint- ‘ ” __  r , · y  ·            '·==   r.,¤,e,< i   It  .    
    ed by Governor Keen Johnson to prepare     i    ,     j     ,5     j
    plans for me i¤¤¤s¤¤‘¤¤¤¤ as Well as the   ,-r‘        as          r,, rl ,,~,    
if   ¤¤1¤¤ra¤¤¤ ¤f me U¤ivs¤‘Si¤y’S Ssv·=¤¤v-fifth   U i   ,  -  »· ·‘’*¢     ,** ~ Q, 
    anniversary. The anniversary celebration   fg; 5; ,;:     " " s,   ‘V1r   `r·'; i A  Xi
iggjgii   will be planned apart from th€i¤=1ug¤f3ti0¤-   ;- i..   . ”  -- ~ · -., ,,   ‘
Ti? 3 Invitations for the inauguration event will _.._- ‘ “‘`' " ‘’''````'“ “   lr- __ 1   V 1   ::_; __   ,V_. _ "   ··    
  Z be e><¤¤¤¤e¤ t0 all i¤S*>i¤¤¤¤¤S ¤f higher ‘- l   ,,e·; e .,.,..»     rr,.     ..._· 1 ,........ f s ~.rr...     .-.~ ‘    ~ ‘
 ¥€%§_ L learning in the United States, and repre- J     V..._.   ~,·_   r‘V:   ..-.i-·_·· .- _.,, `f
    s<=¤¢a¤veS ¤‘<>r¤ these- as Well as other lead- » ......,, T  ,.i,r§   =..-· , ”i-.l 5   ,’·et‘1‘¤ ?     ...'-.‘   s_~,,, ‘   _.,_..’‘’ ie.   ~-.i,~—_   ;,¤r   _t-·.i· . ..=» i   1
  I, lng educators who will attend, will prob-   A UW   " ° ''``'-`” V 'V V '``'”’'` `
 ‘   ably mark the largest concentration of ALMA MAGNA MATER
¤=" , educators ever to convene in Lexington.
Plans for the day will include a noon
{ luncheon for the University’s guests, the in- - ,
sd,,,,a,n ,,a.,g,.im       and a Alma Magna Mater H. D. Palmore 14
'*‘ Ubanquet open to the public in the evening.   d D • ’ ’
5. de- * Weather permitting. the afternoon cere-   H I-]
>S€ of Qmony will probably be held on Stoll Field.       S  
een a The general committee in charge of ar- Alma, Magna Mater, e club for the sons Goal Set At 1,000
Tigmn rangements1ncludes1Dean Thomas P.C00per. and daughters of former Students Of the Additional Members
chairman; Ezra Gillis, Marguerite McLaugh- _ __t b t f b h_ Of 405
Of the lin, Dr. Leo Chamberlain, E. F. Farquhaf, Umvelsl y‘ Oas S f) 3 mein HS 1p H. D. Palmore, chairman of the Alumni
; held VD1._ Shame EriksOn` D1-_ Frank Murray, Dean for 1941-42, according to Lida Belle Howe, Membership Committee, at a recent meet! ·
Eagon V James H_ Gmham_ Rh D_ McIntyre, Judge newly elected D1‘€Sid€¤€· ing gf his committee outlined a pf0g1‘am
1 3S · S h . . . ’
Kapm Richard C. Stoll. R. P. Hobson, Dew am Sponsored by the Alumni Association, ca11111g 101. 1,000 add111O11a1 111€111b1_11.S Of the
· B. Holmes, G. Lee McLain, and E. G. Sulzer. . it _
am,1- _______ the dub was f<>¤¤d€¤ ¤¤ the U¤1V€1‘S-- Y A111111111 ASSOc1at1O11_ The 111e111b€1S of ms
1 is a _ _ campus in 1922 by MPS- Ffimk L· M°Vj€Y— committee, in addition to Mr. Palmore, ’14,
*“°“al Class R€uHlOHS Activities ofthe organization for the cvmins ara; Mya E_ D_ Shiririick, -27; Miss Luiie
. year will start with the sponsoring of an Logan, *13; Robert Heath, ’16; James Park,
      i[1f01`ma] dance, 8. mllita1`y hop, F`1'l.dB,y, ’15: Bergie Shivelyv ,36; and Marshall
» . . . Barnes ’ .
. Seventeen Classes December 5, in the University armory. ’ _
T0 Plan P1'0gl‘8Il1 Tickets may be purchased at 25 cents each M11 Palmdre emphasized the necessity of
a large active membership 1n order that
21. Lou- . Seventeen classes will l`€tl1I`ll to thi? C&m· from any Of the club m€mb°rS· the University might receive all the benefits
G1·0v€1' Q-pus in June for their reunion, according to Club officers, and parent or parellts Wh0 in the promotion of its program. Emphasis
lded 3 the Dix Plan, which was adopted at th? an" attended the University, are: President, Lida was placed upon the opportunity of ser-
nts for `nual meeting Of the Alumm aSS°°‘a;‘°“ Belle Howe, Louisville, daughter of Ben- vice to be rendered by a large Alumnif
ight, of fin 1941. In addition to these Seven €€¤ - · D_ Howe, #16; vicapresicient, sarah Association. If the needs of the Univer-  
e Wild- Yclessesy A· M· Kirby ’°'?» is amngiug for a iiirgigsoc, daughtei- or M. vv. and Mamie sity are to be obtained it is necessary mr »  
716 time special Yelmion Of his C1a$;S»_ midtmg MSO we McCauley Anderson, former students; Treas- every alumnus to aiiiliate himself with his i
before classes of ’06 and ’08 to Jom m this special urer, Jack Kelley, son of Clement F. Kelley, organized group. »..-..._·_
alumni occasion. The committee d€Si§¤a$€d bY_ Mr qc; Historian, Richard Stofer, S0n of R- T· The University program, calling f01‘ in-
1ll{B1`S1tY Kirby is; Major D0n P. B1`9j¤S0¤i Mun E· Storey, Ek, and Rebecca Cockrell St0f€1‘. ’31§ creased appropriations for maintenancé and
LIQCQIE Hllléhméyél`, EllZ3.b€i'/ll Walks, Charles _A· and Publicity Dl1‘8Ct0l`, Donald L3.ll· SOD of Operation, f()]' 2.d€ql19.t€ building, iHC1udi-Hg
Dixieo ·Mahan and A_ M_ Kirby, Letters 9.1`€; $0lUE Webb Lai}, ’16, all of LeXiIlgt01`1· a field house and facilities fO1` hfialth in-
itcloisid $0 an the members Of the Classes of 06’ m' Miss Howe, president and an Arts and struction, will be obtained by the_B0ard·0f
ini ani ‘B'nd ,08' . U, , , sciences senior, is a member of the student Trustees and the University 3.dI`I'l1H1StF3tl0U
aggnof   The regular mLm1O11C1aSS€S%X`€,, ,79’,80’ ,81’ ¤overnment association; basketball manager much more easily when backed by several
gag G1d_     " ’9'7.   ’9Q» Em? 00 i ` %g;’17;I_£· 111 the W0mgfi’S Athletic Association; mem- thousand Kentucky ¤1¤m¤i-
Leakfast,. _;;j@1;d 19 : and 35, Z? ti], Zgjociatibn ang bm. of Mortar Ecard, senior womens hon- Qu the back page of this issue of the
umm in _._. p an was voted upon y te H 1 Y the re- 01.111.1,; Whds whc in American Universities Aiumnus Magazine ycu will find a member-
n Hotel. gyimiued OV€1Wh€hTlmg1y'    2. S gh B who and Colleges ;and a member of Delta Delta Ship biank gc be fined out. If you have not
Blue and   of gas? iltjlugiyaigiegliiiigeliaiitiigsdiffer- DBM Social S°r°mY· paid your 1941-42 dues, now is the time '—
a- da¤€° iii m Sc O0 _a 1 ., ,- · d Retiring officers of the club are Miss Billy to take advantage of this Opportunity PY
0m· gem classes-to www than °1‘?f“?“gSh§§’S’·$,;_ Jackson, president; Charles Burton, vice- using this form and enclosing a check Wifi}
  Wgrklng groups to fulthel t B m president; Julia, Bryson, secretary; and Betty it, addressed to the Office of the Allllllm up I
  YS plcsgciiltliiiued on Page Three) Mitchell, treasurer. $€¢1'€’J¤TY-
  ,/ * 
n   _ tttt ,Q- .—-. »- . . -..

 T ip  .  ~· ·‘j..i':x:·i:`.·." i. ` ‘ A VA- 47 V l Y .
 .  l fi ———
  _    gram of the Alumni Organization calls tor W ` _
 ~ _`   Kentucky Alulnnus first—the interpretation of the University       . . . »- Club  
 to  ;. ‘    to the alumni and the alumni to the Uni- ·I· i ·` 
    Om mi O r th Ai iii iii i ih _ _ _ o gve you an idea of what some of the i
 :_V  ;_   Uuivegslty gfagexgtuck; publmrbed sgsgrtei-li? gu th; v°rs1ty· and ss<><>¤¤—¤¤¤s¤s*v<= °°°p€"“lu°n· U¤lV€1`$lty students of the past years have . icgwemor
 . , »_ _ -   campus or the University, at Lexington. subscription as extensively as possible, in the furtherance experienced during their sphppi days here , Kwon P
 ix. i st  §§.,‘}§’,,‘;I,‘él‘2,‘€i‘.Z5.'i;,ciii;§‘é’g ,,,’§’§§‘§,i§Z‘,§"%,tTi’ép§iu‘23¤i}§? Of iss Prssrém ¤f iss o¤lvs*si¤v- Thess are e rev incidents as reietea by the Aiumrii ‘ K"“u‘°"y‘
   -'. Q_     must be back of this a large, active Alumni themselves. ’   make this
 if"    3; Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Oilice membership, B V. along as
 or  .. _   t L i t 7 K H M 22, 1929, d th e r aylcss Introduces Frosh Cap ii
 gi ,-  ~  greroifszgiggs. Y ay lm er E ac o H goo; ddd-liionaili Members Needegl T. G. Bayless, class of 1924, tells of the   Black C
      . . amore, c airman of the umni starting of the wearing of the freshman i.
  1-    %¤:#;§m}§;o§i:iia—~*ugmin·—»—··_~··—Ma;a···J   Membership Committee, and his committee, cap. "When I entered the University in  The rl
l-  V 2 ;—   Helen King _____.....________.....,,__ Associate Editor l'l8.V€ Olltlllltid Bi D1'0gT8·IIl calling I`01‘ 8. thOL1- the fall 0f ’],9, if, was a custom gf long   Kentucky
 ;_     Mrs-· Etbol §;TIEg—R—S-B-£_ _1u;:)’:I*Ss M°·u“g°’ sand addltlonal members of the Association. standing to clip freshmen’s hair. The result   met On N
   ‘i  `W DL E. C. Eiiioti Presidept dllllillll C0l’lt8CtiM€¤ haye been 8pp0lnt€d was not only temporary embarrassment  ;;y1Or£hC
  _     Marguerite Menuughiin _........ Vice-ggesidght lfl more than Slxty counties m Kentucky. to the freshman but a permanent record in   E 9 el
   1  gi r“_§hg;i°°rp”j';Ls“ —··——-————~;;E; rregsuref There are sixteen active alumni chapters the annual, as pictures were teheh in oeto-   ¤¤w¤1¤e,
 .-    si ;;’“"XECU_H""vE" CONHMTTEE in cities out of Kentucky. There are, on ber, that made the freshmen look more like   Du G· Da
    ,   Wmium W Blanton H, D- Paimme the campus, nearly 400 boys and girls, mem- inmates of an institution of correction than   Dean T
Y`  ‘   Bo;-his Shiyely Louis Cox b€l`$ of Alllla Magna Mawr, Wl'l0S€ p8»1‘€Ilt Df an institution of higher learning_"   Wh0 addn
. _Q   i gig   'gimih ggogf or parents have attended the University at   to the Ui
;··    ei Lei mh pm e omve, o,-oooh some time in the past. If you are to let . .   tion amor
ia  ’   Millrghall ieaerugsr Ed dHph<;im1i¤ll:1¤s¤¤ Loyalty sit at the conference table-as the ccriziurilurgil   uxgld like .t°   good wor
 2     ti; T.v;;r`U!1d€1'W0gd ¤¤¤¤¤1 bY·P*°d“°i ¤f s¤¤<=ss¤¤—i¤st is- s ,,,,ew.,,ir,, .,,Z,,,ci,r,,_5,,Ci$..,,,l;"Z,`2sLZ'.$Z ésmmm
. ` f Fi Dr. G. Davis Buckner part of the training which you received while . ’ . . . _¥ lously in
 . ·-1 Dy Goo;-go H_ Wilson _ dent Irle at the University, to be mclud-
  -  ·   Dean wiiiiem s. Taylor il Stuu°““ °“ the °°·mbuS"u‘°“ Y°“ will ed in rms eezumu in the rulers my imemuer V
_;  s i  _g   affiliate yourself with your Alumni Asso- Write to the Aiumni Omce on th’ Uhh ache admi
 .  y f i   ciation by the payment of your 1941-42 versity campus The [allowing ingidems  Universit)
 l   du€S' , . . , _ were taken from records filed by Pm!.   Standards
 ‘ 0 -   ARE YOU LOYAL FOY your mformouom your Assoolouoo ls Ezra L. Guns, whose research Wo,-k U Pfssidei
 ‘   self-sustaining except for a small appro- I h. I. . { . van, who
 i · ‘ T .: TO U· OF K2 priation made for the purpose of keeping a 8 Ong .t is . me is eatumd m another as the f
. - . , story m thrs issue.
  -.   iqieyeiiy Should be a natural, normal card record of all graduates and former stu- .r should bt
r-  , i i by_pi,Oduct pf eduee_iipri_ If iit doesiyi, dentsi If yourthalurhni orianizatloiilil does hot Cppiipuipgy he Said: ui dprpi remember   l. Build
 i -‘ 3 ,;- exist, the educational program is at fault. Pay 1 S PYOPOY lobo o Por lb- fur ormg he that I resented the hazipg any more than ., only emo
      The cure must be effected at the source. U¤lVo¤`SltY’S program, it is the fault of apyppe eise hui I did rear that Something students
      After Commencement is apt to be ltoo lat€· 3;:5:8 EX°;Ilg§)€;;‘°S';_hu1uu‘¤1O;’rh°O s¤¤i;ls1_tbs could be done about it. I set about the but there
 i _ j    To fashion good alumni we must begin at the m · 15 15 Y PDO? L1 1 y- matter duieiiy and carried on a prop? ment_
‘_  · ` Q  campus gate." This is a quotation oi Hafogd 1941-42 to be Outstanding Year gahda eampaighp A _ 2_ Fihei
.  · T.  0. Voorhis of New York Universi y. ·e This is the year during which the sixth ··Ih my Senior year I served as preS·d rr gram of
 Qi "   have had, in the past, all of those things president of the University will be- inaug- of the Mehis Pamheiiepie Cpupeii I ripe was greai
_·  - g o  which when placed together should build a urated——during which the 75th anniversary uodor my soohsorshih and "yith the aid Oi support C
  ‘ · Q;.  loyal al11m}1¤s—€X0€llo¤lQ Umyolslty P°boloS· (Continued on Page Three) the other members of the council we were of the Ur
 ,  -   · a progresslvc _<>1"ea1'¤Zatl0¤» moslsm b¤lld‘ able to secure the cooperation or an the he. 3- Inter
 I § ings and equllilmont, _sollolol`$lllP ot blgb , , , ternities. All the fraternities pledged them- Public-—tl
g ‘   standing, and instruction ln the dllferom     selves against the practice of cuttng fresh- Public St
_   colleges that _cann¤t   surpassod by aby men’s hair. We put the matter up to the group as
 i ii other Umverslty of a like ¤o·tuYo· The Franklin Count Ch t f th U _ Freshman class of that time. The majority tho off01"
.· . There are at present 3, 2'71 students enroll- _ Y up sr °_ _€ m' were in favor of abolishin that form oi tho Extel
 ~ *· versity of Kentucky Alumm Association en- g
 " 4 i gd at the University of Kentucky. The least t . . d t . t. di hazing but wanted something to take its place jon lalml
 ; ‘ ii that should be expected from the alumni erulme a an Orgamza wm mlm at the "I had spent the previous summers ir Vslus to`
 — l. l or an institution, which is now rounding out C9‘p1t°1 H°t€1 Ou Tuesday €V€umg· N°V€m` Qgljfoynjgl Whoi-o I had come ihie posses; the whole
‘ :_ l   its 75th year, and which is the only State-   T§Bé)r€s1dent'§Ob Hjsfiui pr€Sidmg’ sion of a freshman cap of Stanford Uni- 4· Alhl
Z-   owned University in Kentucky, is all aGtlV€ 1 I? me qvemor een O mom glass versity. It was like the overseas cap of the pose Of °
 .*   l membership in the Alumni Association. equal gfonggémwgfasgnoftufg sglusgutigh Prosldolob American Seidier except that ii was in thi terest in
‘ A i i to the number of students enrolled on the i 1* _   g sr pmmk sohooi Colors. The eeimeii approved this football e
 e   i   campus, In other words, if there are 3,271 um u umm Pmsuu Wu? _Lu G°"‘u`u°" cap with the edditioh or KY OH it and so ulguly ad
{ ,   ’ students enrolled, there should be 3,2'll Ruuus K· Myulsi Class Of 25- Judge James did the freshman class. The caps became g°°u $tu'
 ;   i alumni enrolled as active members of the W- Cammaok, Class of ’24; Clyde Reeves, a badge of pride arid that rirsi year ihi lllltltls e
 i ` Association. Class of ’333 Bob Hensley, Class of ’361 freshmen wore them proudly. With p0· Interested
‘\ · That loyalty, which is a natural, normal W. Arch Bennett, Class of ’2’7; Tom Cutler, hoihg by tho sophomores and the hatomi. lmght tel
ii ·   byproduct of education, has certainly been Class of ’03§ all of whom are members of ties, all male freshmen were forced to pill'-, s
; i made a port or every graduate and ex-stu- the "official family" at Frankfort. chase and wear them.·· f The G
 ‘ r   dont or your Universityil Tglere are tiniets i Of course. no club of Kentucky alumni Weaveris Emherrpssmepi Wirth Gr-o
s   i i when negligericeh phoeriaiirlga go?-,a§V€ggshin; in Franklin county would be complete without Rufus Lee Weaver, Class of 1895, reeolleeie Famed wi
_ V   and seeming ac 0 · l¤h€ pl€S€l'lC€ of     Palmore, Ch2.1I`I`I13,Il of an Occasion when the pyesideriti Of the     Tll1S
· ‘ ference table where Loyalty, by Ylglltsi should the National Membership Committee, and varsity asked him to go up to the Second imembersl
ii Tho Umyoli yit uni; dmhigpr _ County ollabtob hat. "After a hasty and anxious search," s¤i0 radio by
_'  i wi the new Pres! oo, Wl a llool o· l _o· In addition to these, nearly every member Weaver, si did ppt mid iis, Mheh ie my the Univ,
 ·. r  ‘_ i ’ tion, is building upon ai Solld follildatlofi of the Executive Committee, including E. C. hiimihaiioh ahd embarrassmeht which liyho, chos
 _;-Va _r  - i in gf the past. The Alumni OrganlZat10¤, 1 Elliott, president of the National Organize- Sfij]1 feel, I oamo back and I-ooo1·tod_ So he Pod All
  _ ,     it is to function at all, is to function as a tion, was in attendance. The members of Wehi up that stairway with his ease and   The Lp
-  iii   .; cooperative unit in promoting and further- the Executive Committee were guests of H. D. my ham ahd got his hati Then hg hited,,hard-vvor;
 _     this outstandmg Dfogfesslve Program Palmore. my spirits by cheerfully explaining it bl blombersl
 - .     '·'` which hss b°°“ °uumsu by Pmuueut D°“°‘ Amr the sddlsss of D1`- D¤¤¤ve¤ and sayihg (rt takes e meh without ii hat to an 300 activ
   or   maih and the Board of T1‘u5t€eS· The Pl`o‘ (Continued on Page Three) - a hat"." gud Jeff·

....   .   1
Club Activities   Are You LOYM to U- of K-?  
• • j <¤<>¤¤¤¤¢¤ Mm Peer Tw¤>   <¤°¤il¤¤°d mm Page TW°>  
°‘ “‘°   G<>v<·=m¤r J<>¤¤S¤¤· Bmlic Shivalv and Ab VAl‘   ·>f the U¤iVmi'¤>’ Wm ba °bS¢”°d·d¤¤¤g  
5 h°·V° , Kirwan presented the motion picture or the   p’;e   which additional funds for buildings, mam- Q
l' hm '  K€“““°ky‘G°°‘gi“ Tm f°°“"*“ game T°   ¤*=¤¤¤¢€ and °P€m*l°¤S Mu ba requested {
mmm ~  m**k° this l"°t“” mm ’€**“S“°· Ab bmuehl   ¤f K¤¤¢¤¢l¤h M¤l¤¤s and Billy   or me University as or the ones or 1914.
{  Black,     ‘’r_     The Govemor of Kentucky is of the Class g
°f the V CAMPUS CLUB MEETING ar.? -.l;     i·=;   °f 192% The Lt- G°V°m°Y is °f the Class C
’f§‘“‘“,§   The recently ¤re¤¤iZ¢y and home l€¤d€f$mP· Y°¤ will
grgclige   D12 G- Davis BUCKUEI`, Class of 1908, secretary, i VQ V.;_   _ ‘   ’·e° .-     gi-aguates 523 {Orme;-1 lstunengs of gene
». ·   ~_ ,=l‘l— tiki? ‘‘“  ’       m"°’S‘ Y as B HS- ° gse ac S
’¤ than   Dean Taylm-’ in mtmducmg DL Donovan QEi`?izjzgé?-i;i;éi§@g@§if§?i¥%¥§*§¥5é;Q._; ._.,e_;;.;,__ §;,iQ;§;;;2¤=* ‘ i · _· lead us to the conclusion that our University
rv   Wh0 addressed the c1ub» Said that by loyalty .l‘. if;:a§:;a;2§2i2i2i3i2·¤;;eg,;.a§;;zg;;;@zi:ie§e;2;2;a§a;s;2;2¤ _ .,»r · __   · ., · - - · - - »
»· —» . -;.··e;i -;-.   ,-.- , ne -.t.-    .t   V. . is Old m Tf3,d1tl0D—NOW m Vnswn . Your
im the Umversuyi °1°S°’· m°“‘m°" ‘*Ss°°i”°‘   ‘‘;‘‘l      -l"‘ ‘ ie‘r V ··AA i ’ Loyalty to and your pride in your Alma
i to   gfgdazlgpg gzxlétbnyuxgilnigninprgiggp 3;     lnnl Z         · Mater should find expression through mem-
,S;ng, épartmenw by working sincerely and comin *¤· V  inns--  -_ bership m your Alnmm Aesociation. On
{st"' lllously in their separate departments each the back page of mls magaztne I? ee ap`
dud.   b ld d te itén . . . . plication blank for membership. F111 it out
may   ;‘;ma‘;1’mY§;tra;f§n°r0? ima azfgiiss Of°°u;‘; Prof. GllllS Dll‘€Ct0I` and man it to the Alumni Office immediate-
·   . . · · · · b ni ni h
dvnlg- ennivenny toward the attainment of higher Of Interesting Department §;;u"§;‘Q,atg‘Q§,,';“€ me °‘ mem °” P W °
Cf! S »e= ·
e standards.
P’°f‘ Y President Taylor introduced Dr. Dono- Few men haw? made as l¤t€1'€SmlE & con- .
W°"‘ I ven, who outlined the following four points tribution. or have had as lone and mutually Class R€““l°“S
mthef _ns the foundation upon yvhich this club helpful association with the University of (C0¤l?1¤l1€d {Yom P¤E€ Om?)
itishould build its program; Kentucky, as has Prof. Ezra L. Gillis, who This announcement of the class reunions
——-   . . th I e came to the University in 1907 as assistant is being made early so that the secretaries
zmember golieiligggggtzzefgzgige gse alioczzaggsg age professor, and who served from 1910 to 1937 of the different classes may start making
ire than   ' ` as registrar. their plans to return in June. Secretaries
. students. He thought the morale was good _ _ _ . .
  but there is always a chance for improve- Professor G1ll1S has probably more con- gielhe Classes Prepalmg Y0? their Yeumm
· L tacts among the alumni of the University - _ _ , ’ y Y y
*’*°"*" tmgnnneneiei He said the eduoeuonei ne- than my ¤th<=r member Of the me harm, fgg*5,°”‘}C,*€““1;"Sj{C‘a§€S 73 $$,,8* Q} f
» · —- - . · _ - r oo e unn s. . .
president gram of the University was good but there ;¤r<>¤eh tlgls 27 Yeni? as ilegigglag eng minrlld miner, 3602* gragsylvama Park, Lexington, 7
Wu and {Was great need for more adequate financial att-enctlancec lzgltlernled eftocthe prozlalimls) and KY-? 1898—P1`0f€$S0I` Job D- Tu-l`n€I`¤ EX'
e aid ol lilsupport Of research and other departments eemnleintsy ef hundreds end thousands Of periment Station, U. K.; 1899—Professor
¥¤f the U¤iV€Y$l¤’· Ca ter 0. Jett, U. K.; 1900— L. K. Frankel,
vgievglg 3. Interpretation of the University to the former Kentucky Stuctetlm 57; Mcclenand Bundinge Lexington;
d them ’public—that is to say, its real value to the Wh€¤ Professor G1ll1S reached the age 1916_ElSi€ B Heuer P O- BOX 339 Tuna_
ig fresh- Public Shmlld be kmwn best ry slhwh E gfngoofhlhg9;g;1§;_Si;];S'g;;i1cr;1r;§]&;];€t1;$ homa, Tennessee; 191'l—tCarrie Blair) Mrs.
i BTOUP as we have, for examp €· mug . “ . ' . . . Arthu Keeton, 232 Irvine Road, Lexington;
`lingnini the efforts of the Experiment Station and 0€CUD&U0lli Vvhleh usually 03TF1€S with ll? 1918_InnS_ Anene Kavanaugh Boggessq Lz_W_
form   éthg Extension gi·Oup_ the use of iespedezn the opportunity of lessenmg the academic mnceburgy Ky-; 1919_C. E` Planck, 3234
its nlaeei ;0n farms has been of greater financial burden. ’H0¥eve§, Enh thetlassignngent tof North Pershing Avenue, Arlington, virginia;
ers ii wut t0 the Sim than the mt °f “m““g P*°f€SS°‘ (T ‘S .° E l?°S‘ “`f“ ° “€?l°’ 1935..:. n. Palmer, Providence, Kentucky;
°m gsges; the W¤<>l€ U¤¤V€¤‘Si*v from its beginning- Of the 2** me *{¥“° ¥"““". ijeited Bufau 1936-Mrs. A. E. neniee, Jr. (Frances Kerr)
O § Un}- r 4· Ath1€tlC$‘“’hH€ not me marie pm" Of Source  ateualé m.I?1g_ Bl Educa 10% 511% Bolivar Street. Owensboro, Ky.; 1937-
sr Of the ,D0S€ Of any U¤iV€1‘SltY» th€T€ is great m' the emergem formel rgglma`}. Slmglylgndfg- Mrs. W. R. Engle (Mary Edith Bach) Psy-
E in at item in the a-thletlc l”°g”*mi p““9“1*“‘Y Wm. the .‘°‘°C‘*Si ,,9 ’“°`Q,“g LQ? .° chology Department, ua.; nae—Mie. wei-
a he ·T00tbal1 and basketball. He felt that it was AdmlIl1Str8t10h bull ing to {ie 1 iary, .1n lace K. Reese (Mary Lou Stark) Boone
wed t lg Yhiehly advisable fOr all D¢·>1`S0¤S UO €“°°“l`ag€ which FEW 1°°aU°n he stm Wmtks with Avenue. Winchester. Ky.
It ggcirie ”g00d students to come to the Unievrsity the hmltless energy forlwhich he is noted. It isi CuSStOmm_y·f01_ any classes, not in
S ear the _but it is also their duty to encourage athletes Organizing and outlining the processesof this group, that may Want to have Special
gin] p0_ interested in the development of what one a new bureau, the ramifications of which reunions to do SO_ If the Secretary el. nreSi_
f1_at€mi_ might term the social sciences. reach out to every alumnus of the state dent Of any other classes has planned a
d to pu,.   LOUISVILLE 1¤S¤¤¤¤<>¤~ was H} ltself H “€m€¤d°uS task i-eunion it will be vveu for them to contact
  The Greater Louisville Alumni Chapter, and Pl`°f€SS°1`_G1}hS h?S gon? abcut the the Alumni Office at the University in order
with Grover H Creech as president, enter- Wmk Of Orgamzatmn wth memculous car? that the necessary arrangements may be
l [<`ltB.l1'lBd with a dinner meeting on November with me _r€Su1t that m the bureau he IS made. This will be the first reunion of
llecouecit  This meeting, in addition to starting its fast btuldlvg up a rfgccrq Of _K€ntu°k¥ and classes under our President. Dr. Herman L.
the Un .s< . . . . . of University alumni which is as available a f ,14_ and S ecial re m.a_
(jhlembership campaign in Loulsvllle Bild _ . . . . , Donovan, cl SS 0 P P P
he S600}; tlefferson county was entertained over the as ami hlsmmcal data m the Umversltys tions are being made for a very delightful
d ge; sage Eiadio by the delightful young lady from DOSSBSSIOH _ _ program. The Reunion Committee of the
arch, v the University Campus Miss Betty Roberts, The hlSt0l`Y Of the Umvelslty 0f Kentucky: Alumni Association is: Dr. G. Davis Buck-
lch to ml $1110 chosen by the student body appeared OH a l`€C0l`d Of its a°hl€"€m€‘¤tS and that of its ner, Chairman; Miss Marguerite McLaugh-
Whmhie ‘»’t  ed Allen’s program on they same date. alumni and faculty is a phase of the work nn H_ C_ Robinson, Mm T_ R_ Underwood. __
3d‘ S0 1dC Th . .n I b h d d b a corp Of being done by the Bureau of Source Materials, Grovgr H_ CI·€ech_ Louis E_ Hillenmeyer and r
Base-amd`? 8 Lmllsvl E Qu y Ea E y ed out e which l¤0l¤d€$ H cOmDl€l€ l`€C0l`d of its Earle Clements, who, with the S€CI'€l¥ll`l€F
llhe lift;\|§i;I?rdgW0r;1<.11lg 0ff1C?!`S· astilinagg its goal cOnneetiO¤S_ both traditional and hlSt?l`i€a1~ of the several classes, andthe All-lmnl Omit
img lt aéogm er? lp campdlgm Si) gh Louisville Tg obtain this material. Professor Gillis has Win arrange an adequate program. “‘lll*·  
hat to hn   actwe alumm mem ers 1 (Co t' ed on Pa e Four) will be announced at a later .·.i.N_,., o.,   .; ~ `»VV   .   ~.. ci.·aco;i,l,,,ai,,.,$,ws_._.&_oi_,.;,e._ .,__ ,,,_&;,.:,_ __4._   __
 __   C  G B Prof. Gillis Director <
 ii l.           (Continued from Page Three)
  I I  C G ° S "T<>uehest in any ma¤'S 1e¤s¤el" nos appealed to all living alumni to seaicli · ·
 tl         Laconically speaking, thatfs what Baron their files and records, and send into his
  j  l On the first Thanksgiving of this year Adolph Rupp says of his 1941-42 hardwood office any material that they may hal/e ~;—
  ;_i  Kentucky again faced Tennessee in their schedule, slated to dribble into action De- accumulated during their life, which will VOLUl\
 if _/   season’s football finale-—and lost 20-7. cember 6, when the ’Cats blast the lid contribute to this collection. . ‘_`"r*·r*
 if li  It was 84 fairly typical Kentucky gan-ie_ by engaging Mialni‘s Redskins in Alumni Any ·snapshc;ts, fiewspapir clippingsé bg-
    The Wildcats fell before a team that did Gym- 0€1`¤Dh1€S of 9·<>¤ W OY C assma esi 00 S .;  
  »   not have just a handful of men Qghting Quintets representing six major confer- and articles written by alumni, and accounts i _i=gA
 f- ·  5 a gallant, it futile, iight; they lost to 2, team ences and two perennlally tough Inde— of their achievements, will be welcome con-   Vj
  1_·   that was Strong in Every position, not Only pendent clubs are included on the 18-game tributions to Professor Gillis} files. The Uhi-    
  _   in the first line but in the Second and schedule that the Bluegrass outfit has been versity desires a close personal contact with   f»‘‘’
      tm1·d_ matched against in recent years. her graduates so as to know their c0ntrl— g U _
  ` _ —  That, Thanksgiving Day annual cgmgntgd The Big TBD. tl'l€ Big Six, th€ S0l1thW€St- buuons and then p}`Ob1€mS’ and through i  
  _   the 1941 record of the Wildcats, They ern conference. the Southern conference, gl? W01'kd0f ENS 0lf1G€ many €0¤l¤€t$ M9 A  
  ..   had five wins and four losses the Ohio conference. and unregimented €lllE ma 6- ·  
  " `  . . tre Dame and Xavier—a suicide list if T" ` ‘ “`“'“C’"*" M4} "  
»     Kentucky had whipped every team It was NO _ _ _ . t_ C _1 St k _ 1 d Ken England · A ,
 {z  _·  supposed to whip--V. P. 1., Southwestern, thme was are f*’“° °°"°"‘“*d· _ + §;V°fh;p;L{m.d2t WSI; Qmc and Eymll ·__;;
     i  Xavier, Washington and Lee, and West Vir— Fl1`0m W6 Big T€¤ ¤0m€$ W9 mlglky Allen '   i·f;;
  »  _· gima On the other hand it was whipped Ohio State, the Southwestern conference 1S __ ‘ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . ,,    _,_,£E_Eg
{  , _ l by every team it was supposed to be whipped repwsented by the Texas Aggies, the Bis Tak? rizifghlgitggg Cg;2§d$ft;§§éQi;‘ .; _,;»_;_jg,@i;;,l
`· r     by_Vand€I.but, Georgia Tech, Alabama, and Six by Ngbygskgg (]O1·nhu5kg1·S_ Miamils EFSGS 18 6 3 Yi ht fair yearn * *Q  
 1 V  K Tennessee, Redskins slip in from the Ohio conference I 6 We mv 1 g ·   :»;»;_E;£i;iii¤
 { ·   And the fans and the alumni weren’t over- along with the traditional Southeastern The SEE?   H S h dmc mln 42     _--.  
  i ri! ly happy_ A rivals-gTenneese. Alabama. I as fi Q 0 ° ‘ _    ·-
· 1 f l It is unfortunately true that only unbeaten Affable Adolph has realy carved him- Dec. 6. Miami ........................ L€}i1llg;JO1`1   l
{  - _ ’ teams at Kentucky go uncritized. It is self out 011 this season, but don’t worry Dec. 13. Ohio State ................ E0 umtus  
‘ _ 2  also unfortunately true that Kentucky hasnt thls Mr. Rupp ls a very easy gentleman, DSC-16 Nebraska -··- ; ···-··---··~·~·---· €X}“g On  
 = _ §g gong undefeated since i39g_ Nevertheless quite capable of taking care or his share Dec. 22. South Carolina ............ Lexington  
  {   Coach Kirwan and his staff, finishing their Ol'! 2. hB.YdWOOdvCOld1`t. · . DBG. 30. T€X9.S· A.&M. ................ l1;;3Xlllg;Ol'l  
, - E   fourth year here, are bearing more than To a¤SW€1` thls hst of basketball mlghtles. Jah. 2. W9.Sl1lHgt01'l 86 L€€ ...» U Xlllg Oll  
` ‘   their share of the blame. the Baron will have his best live since the Jan. 10. Xavier ............................ CI;'lClIllli.;l  
Y; ' Z  . · - · ~. - glorious days of ’35 when the Kentuckiang Jan. 17. Tennessee .................... HOXVI €  
 » P   TPS ls unfam Knwa!} Sh“’°‘y’ and me went undefeated and reigned as Southeast; Jan, 19. Georgia ............................ Athens  
 ‘‘   ‘  "“"“"’ UK mf have “‘ °“* years rm i en ch u · o Jan co Georgia Tech . .............. Atlanta 4
 r `_ 1   them proved themselves honest, sincere and ern con eh ge a' lpw S" _ ' ' . ` · `_
 ~ · =rv · · · · Two otentlal-ver tential Marv Akers Jan. 24. U. 0f MEXICO ............ L€X1¤gt0Il  
 1 ·   conscientious men trying their hardest at D Y po ’ ’ . .  
P 7   what is at best 3 timnkless job a sensation as a sophomore, and Milt Tlcco, Jan. 31. Georgia ........................ Lexington W OV. _
 { Z   ' both return as junior warriors, determined Feb. 2. Alabama .................... Tuscaloosa  
i;  f  Then who does get the blame for Ken- to make this .iKemuCky,S Year], Feb q_ Notre Dame ____________ South Bgnd  
 2 * E t“°kY'S “°“,}i“g‘*°‘g‘3*""‘°i“"d *“’°““ f°°*" Other hoop members who occ being counted Feb. 9.A1abama. ........................ Lexington   ·
 it .` ;  ban legmds" on heavily to describe, pass and shoot the Feb. 14. Tennessee .................... Lexington   H. D. Pal
 n ik ,ThatS a' tough one to answer' But the Kentuckians to fame, glory, and champion- Feb. 16 Georgia Tech ................ Lexington {and J d `
 “   gm °‘ the “°“‘°‘€ was p°“‘“d °“*’ by ship are Mel Brewer and Jim King at the Feb. zi. xoyici ........................ Lexington i ¤ eel
 Q_ ‘  A Basketball Coach Adolf Rupp, who recently ---___,,-/——·· are-appoimg
j —   remarked "the trouble with Kentucky’s {cot- ;~S;GO\,€nO1_ KE
_ _;· ball team is not that they don’t have good MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION E Q H. D Pa
i {   football players but that they don’t have §l_ _d ` ‘
      enough of them." NAME .................................................................................................................... CLASS .......................... M3? 651 ent ai
Q   .§ A backward glance at the games