confidential inforrnation may jeopardize the interests ofthe University and could expose
the University and me to personal legal liability for which I may not be represented by
the University. I further understand that I may be requested to disclose confidential
inforrnation upon appropriate court order.”
D. Trustee Jo Curris Comments
Dr. Brockman recognized Ms. Curris for comments that she asked to make about UK’s
Student Government Association (SGA).
Ms. Curris gave a special thanks to student Trustee and President of SGA Ryan Smith for
the students’ efforts in supporting Southeastem Conference friends at the University of Alabama.
She asked Mr. Smith to inforrn the Board of their good work.
Mr. Smith reported that after seeing the devastation caused by the recent tomados in
Alabama, UK’s SGA partnered with the University of Alabama’s SGA by getting involved in
"Wrap America.” UK’s SGA has already donated 100 blankets and anticipates donating many
more blankets. He explained the purpose of "Wrap America” and invited the Board members to
visit the website, WrapArnerica.com.
E. Closed Session
Dr. Brockman stated that the Board of Trustees will go into closed session in order to
have discussions with potential candidates that may lead to the selection of a preferred candidate
for the appointment as president. The Board must go into closed session because open
discussions with candidates would violate their personal privacy rights.
The following guidelines will be used for the closed session:
• Only those persons necessary to provide inforrnation to the Board may be present
with the Board and no others.
• Nothing else may be discussed in the closed session but the inforrnation relating to
the candidates.
• When the Board discussions have been completed, no vote may be taken.
Dr. Brockman moved that the Board go into closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)
(f). This statutory citation is the exception in the open meetings law that perrnits us to go into
closed session to discuss potential candidates which may lead to the selection of a preferred
candidate for the appointment as president.
Mr. Stuckert seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent. The Board went into
closed session at 6:50 a.m.