. {itc? ,
mgoex. 153 g   ‘  
Fertilizers, Held experiments with .. .................... VIII 1   ‘_
how to apply. ............,............ 68 l   '_ ,. L`;
importance of analysis of .........   , . . . ...... 66      
impossible to make of uniform composition . ........... 85 Q  Q.-
inspection of . ............. V .......... . . VIII  
instructions to purchasers of ......   .........,.. 63    
values oi ingredients of ......... —; ........ 2, 70, 96  
Financial report. ............... /. . .   ........... YI 1  
Food of the common mole. ......... . · · {_ ........... xm  
Fruit-growing in Kentucky ........... : .......... 25, 27  
Fruits, small .................. ; . ............ 37  
Fungus diseases of the apple .......   . . —- .............. 35  
German, H. . ............... Q . I . v, ix,x1, xrx, 7, 23, 119, 144  
report of Division of Entomol_ogy,and Botany ........ ` . . xix  
Gasteropliilus Equi and G. nasalis . , ..... `_ ............. xxvii  
_ description of .... _ . . L ............. XXXIII  
hamorrlioidalis . . Z . ....... I ...... 1 .' ..... xxx  
_ description of ................ xxxrv   i
nasalis, description of.   ............ » ..... - . xxxur  
peeorum, description of . .................. xxxrv  
Gathright, J. T.. . . . .... i ; . .7 ................... V  
el-apes . .............. l ......... · ..., . ..... ai  
Grasshoppers ......... , . ; .... . . , ......... 11, 15, 17  
Grass plots . . . ............................. rx  ’·:. `YZS
-. *·;;¤¤$’» -·¤¢•.
Hammer, F. B .......... . ................... xv  
Hawkins, T. S. ......... , ................... . V ir 
Izleliotlns rliexia. ............................. 23    
Horticulture, Report of Division of`. ....... . .......... ` . XL\'l _ I  
Hydrocyanic acid gas, use of on low-growing plants. .......... 1, 17, 144 ij 
Importance of soil supply ofi plant food . . . _ .......· . ........ 57  
analyses ol"fertilizers ...- . ................ 66  
Insect enemies of the apple ........................ 33  
Inspection ot` commercial fertilizers. .................... viii ’  
Inspectors, deputy, of fertilizers ...................... S1 '  
' Instructions to purchasers of fertilizers ..... ' ...... . ...... G25  
.Iames,`D. H ...... V . . ....... . . . . . .......... V, vi i; 
. Jordan, A. T,. .... 4. ._ ......-   ................. v    
, , Law, fertilizer ..... _ ......................... 61 g. ·  
Lesser migratory locust .......................... lf!     Sid?
A · I _‘ life-history ..................... 20       i`‘'
,7 Letter oi transmittal ........................... in    
Limestone, analysis of . ........................ xm ll { i'   livl. ·;
Locusts ............................ a, 7. 10, 21, 22    
destructive in Kentucky . ..................... 5, 7   _ V  
` remedial treatment . ............. S   » I {1
Low-growing plants, use of bisulpliide of carbon on ........... 117, 144   `I T
liydrocyanic acid gas on ........... 117, 144