Julie Bell ’83, an interior designer, Sandy Copher ’85 is the director of Robert A. (Bert) Nienaber ’86, a
has joined june Surber & Associates the merit scholarship office at UK. CPA, is controller for jordan
Inc. in Hyde Park, Ohio. Construction Inc. on Hilton Head
Peter J. Freeman ’85 is now manager Island, S.C.
Gregory S. Wilsey ’84, '92 is direc- of retail sales and customer relations
tor of the Law, for the eastern U.S. for the Valvoline Walter J. Ferrier Jr. ’87, '89 is an *
A Youth and Company’s sales and customer rela- assistant professor in the UK College of
, - — Citizenship pro- tions area. He previously held the Business 8c Economics. He received his li ·
_    _ { · gram of the New position of branded division manager. Ph.D. in strategic management from *
  T i York State Bar He and his wife and two daughters live the University of Maryland in_]uly. _y `
    Association. in Atlanta.
 s  (T,  ° Glen Pearson ’87, and his wife, Patti, A ‘
Kathleen K. Kaysinger ’85, a have been named the Charlotte and   1
X research scientist in the department of Andrew Mungenast Award winners of ( l
orthopaedic surgery at the Carolinas the U.S. junior Chamber of Com-    
Bartley D. Pitcock ’84, ’86 is market- Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C., has merce Family of the Year. Glen says,   1
ing manager at Ashland Chemical been awarded a $40,000 seed grant "We are especially thrilled by the l
Company’s Electronic Chemicals from the American Federation For honor of representing the changing   l
Division. Aging Research to investigate the bio- face of the American family in that, to   I
medical processes of aging and age- our knowledge, we are the first couple *
Gerald S. Scholl ’84, a Navy com- related conditions. without children to be so named." He   E
mander and a physician, is stationed is a chemist for Indoor Protective I
aboard the aircraft carrier USS Deborah L. Rumage ’86 is controller Coatings in Birmingham, Ala., and   E
Theodore Roosevelt. for the Wilson Sporting Goods Patti is a travel consultant. ( (
Company in Chicago, Ill. She has ‘ I
Kimbra C. Hils ’84 is the head volley- been doing a lot of traveling between Mark E. Krebs ’88 is vice president i t
ball coach at Midway College. Chicago and Munich, Germany, to of Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering 6
provide assistance to the Wilson- in Huntington Beach, Calif. ( t
Rachel D. Mullinax ’84 is an assistant Europe finance director. I E
professor at Alice Lloyd College at Greg ”Buck" Houlihan '88 is the   S
Pippa Passes, where she won a 1995 David S. Lalonde ’86 is a self- maintenance supervisor for the YMCA . 3
Teaching Excellence Award. She is employed consulting engineer. He Phyllis Wheatley Center in Lexington.  
chair of the Members in Education was recently promoted to captain in
committee ofthe KSCPA (Kentucky the Kentucky Air National Guard Beth Tocmbs Hawes '88 is a
Society of CPAs.) where he is a C-130 navigator. research assistant at the University of
Louisville. She is working as an enrich-
Tracy DeMaree Lovan ’84, a special Tracy Simpson Hankins '86 is a ment program coordinator at the 2
education teacher at Paul Laurence senior account executive for Earle Cabbage Patch Settlement House, an i
Dunbar High School in Lexington, Palmer Brown in Philadelphia. inner-city youth organization. I
was awarded a Golden Apple Achiever {
Award sponsored by Ashland Oil, Inc. Ray H. Turner ’86 is an audit manag- Jeanette Gregory ’88 has joined the (
Her husband, Joel W. Lovan ’77, is a er with Ernst & Young LLP in Islelin, staff of the Lake Pointe Medical Q
band director in the Fayette County N._]. He and his wife, Ellie, live in Center in Rowlett, Texas. She is the l
Schools and a member of the Union, NJ. director ofbusiness development. ;
Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra. ’
They are, she says, "eagerly awaiting" Holidae Hayes ’86, ’89 is counsel to James R. Bastian '89 was ordained
the birth of their first child this fall. the U.S. Senate committee on banking, into the priesthood last june in (
housing and urban affairs. She had Buffalo, N.Y. A native of Kenmore, he `l
Bryan K. Slone ’85, a civil engineer been senior enforcement counsel at the attended Ashland Community College g
for Columbia Gas of Kentucky in Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C.. and completed his priesthood studies  
Lexington, has been promoted to civil at Christ the King Seminary. He has
engineering and land administrator. been serving at Our Lady of Perpetual
  U Help since his ordination to transi- {
tional diaconate injune 1994. (
Iii) Kentucky .—\l1nnnns Winter 1995 i W