-2:- _ I
g Brownsville Woman‘s_Missionary Society of the Baptist Church (Continued)
§ Committees: Personal Service, Miss Rosa Demumbrum; Young People, Miss
g Ivy Reed, both of Brownsville.
S Purpose: Soul Saving. `
§ Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with orphans' home, schools and
S churches of the community, and aiding the poor. "
Q Defense Activities: Engaged in Library Service, Collecting Books,
of Discussion Leaders.
Q Local Publications: None. V
I EDMONSON COUNTY 4-H CLUBS(National 4-H C1ubs),Brewnsville.’ Founded
Q l952.‘ President, Mrs. Ernest Lane, Bee Spring. Secretary, Miss Nina
g Tunks, Lindseyville. Terms expire January, 1945.
U Membership: 175. Qualifications, 10 to 20 years old and engaged
in working a farm or home economics project.
  `Committees: None reported. ' ,
\ . . I
Purpose: To educate rural young people in agriculture and homo economics.
·, Normal Civic Activities: None reported. I-
? Defense Activities: Engaged in Preparation and Serving of Food, Collection
' of Scrap Metals and Other_Metals, Recreation. Interested in Sewing and
é Preparation of Surgical Dressings.
Y Local Pub1ications:_ None. C. M·V ( "
Q F.&A.M.), Brownsville. Founded 1900. Master, W} H. Convey, Brownsville.
§{ Secretary, T. H. Demumbrun, Brownsvillo.’ Terms expire December, 1942.
@2 Membership: 140. Qualifications, white males of good character 21 years
P old or over.
g Committees: None reported. · , l — _ _.
it Purpose: Fraternal. _ _ ·
) is Normal Civic Activities: Aiding associates and helping the distressed.
F Defense Activities: Engaged in Child Care.
’ -
Local Publications: None.: ‘ . A`