xt77wm13r24z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13r24z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1986 1986 1986-10-02 2020 true xt77wm13r24z section xt77wm13r24z t . I .
‘ .
Vol. XCI, No. 27 Established 1894 Universny of Kentucky. Lextngton, Kentucky Independent since I97] Thursday, October 2_ 1986 .
I » .
SGA V otes to 866k attorne y general’ S 0p 0 I]. on
"LHYVHL‘NTttN —————_——__ al's opinion will be developed by _—_—.—_‘—'——— . ' .'
NW5 t‘lt ”UT H ' SGA legal counsel Keith Baker "All “ i - - - , ' . , ' ' .'
. . V (The SGA) sent a_ Clear ngnal to the, StUdent we're asking (the attorney general I don I think you have {0 be an engineering . i ". ':
iiill]:ititliidfiflxiifiiiiriilgeil;iizbffifé body and the administration that we 11 go to snail); to render an opinion. Bot~ major” to get alcohol m your reSIdence hall , . . , _ .
’8 V ”t‘ttt' tlitp't‘tl t‘tSt ”lg-ht by passmg a great lengths to DTOICCI (Student) rights. He also said the student support room. . ‘ V I. i, '-
iii'i"L‘il‘fif.‘~.illk12in?“‘3: $333331? ”3"“ 30"""5' wasthvrvtorthessuv Scott Bridges. -. . . V.
ofa t‘t'sltletlcellallroom. ' SGA senator at large deg? $2M“: find Sgt-{Vim Tiff; electrical engineering senior " . . j « .
V the resolution.sponsored by ben— — policy," Bottling said. referring to — . ‘V . ; V' _ V.
at“! at lxtltit‘ ttd‘td VBOtktnS‘ also property. ‘5 the residence ”t a Pit)" Botkins said the tfntt'f‘rSItF has signatures on a petition he circu- the last senate meeting due to lack would onl\ encourage oft-campus " '- It
‘tdtt‘e that >tuttt'nt5 thing 1“ dOFmb mg tenant Just as an apartment. the right to have an alcohol policy, lated to people who lite in residence of student input (innkm, ' . ' '_
who are 21 years old or older have house or other domicile.“ the resolu- but he wanted the administration to halls There "are a lot more people A “Thet mhmm‘m ”t ‘llt'OhOl m , , V " ' 7 ». ' ' .
f ttt‘t‘“ dt‘ltlt‘tt tht‘H‘ fights t0 drink al‘ tion says. Botkins said he was not “recognize the rights of a 21-year- ion the petitioni than voted for us in The resolution also states that the (mt-x (10:11 “mi. ..n....urgge. a stu- T V. ~ '-
‘ "”ttttt ”t tht‘tr ”mm“ asking SGA to advocate drinking. Old adult.“ the last election ” current UK policy. which says no al- 0 A ' ‘ " L‘ t; : 3' '-. .
i ”A ‘tttt‘m ““1“ although on state bUt student rights. The request for an attorney gener- Botkins‘ resolution was tabled at cohol can be consumed on campus. m- «A. that v. VJ ’3' ~ _
i ‘ ,‘x_‘ .
. . Reagan Gorbachev ~ —
' - ‘ .’ ' _ ...\ . V N - ‘ .‘ ' ' 'u'
: .' W‘t-ftgi. ~. {k _ . ~, ‘5. m V . “fl?“ Vivi} .. ’ .t. . ,- .V. .~ _'
a . :14}: 233531;: sf“ ‘ $335331... . . . ‘, .. . .~
V .._ Kyla . Cfittr’f-‘Qh . tho. {i if." Maw .t h . . VL I'L .' ..
. ._ ,. o e 0 case ensron
, 7W. :1 . 2“ ug a". " ~ . we.» g... a w {3% ‘ rte-f “x ,; 5 . _ I. ' ‘ . .
, ~~ ~ ' e Wit Jomt summit ‘— ,
' ,. ... ., t -: ‘ «:- .- *~ - .-
.__ ts .x...;;j‘_ _ > sift’lvst' Z ,Jfi§§*§e~? . . . . 1 , ‘ j. , =..
-. <3; , ‘t ' ~ng ~_L P0551ble missfle-reductton agreement , g . -.
» Rt, '33? " ”“5 highlights upcoming meeting in Iceland - _
: “Fri; in nutm st'iinii i.t--: . . WL or. " " I . . t
' .. . , ‘ t't‘r‘mi‘tt‘ttt’tv» 'he .‘ttri': :.. tors z. l.'»t to.ii.ti‘ies. '. V. . ' _ -. .
. 4' ‘ \tannr‘ist...‘ Kamila I..:*.i.otli.i _ . - 'i : i.
.. . “ \h'HtVi'l‘ttV Tht' Vt .-- i-Izhmiii. \ ,i .i.ii . ,, iii-.i j ‘ '
' l'n.ot. ltllnt'fl the Reagan. .id: .:.s “it piopow ."~t' AL, that the} ’ V . a ’
. ‘ tt'ittt‘tt‘ .ttt‘tt‘t‘da.‘ 1“ Prt'tttt'v-titl d set up negotiations in “it: the coil ’ t .I t ‘ ._
i.rt-.ir.itiit)tigti tlli ctii‘lnni.‘ tin-2o...“ i'itt- tht‘IJHM'ldlsLlHl . ‘ ‘ -, I
' weapons at the meeting lli lt't'lrtli' ”Wm. 'here are my L “(May " ' ..
ti ‘ ' between President Reagan and (it‘l. “1 ”amp... [L for the “1.1“”, meet . ‘V . '
”31] Secretary Mtkttittt -‘ tt'H't'w 4.1: wit the official. whit itt‘12.ttltlt'(‘l . .‘ I i: t
tllt'\ Jump 1_ ~' ~' ' I .
l'.es1tte1.ti;ii t hiet tit 57.111 lttt' it «1 Ho L. .; 11,- gut tt-uif press liot' I ‘ . f l-
l Reuai. said the t‘ 3a» .1: with l).i('ilt' .o Milli“ lllttlt' Mute! Jews to ' ‘ - .' ‘. .
mitt? ”('t H L’ 't‘t’ltl't it'utt t'i emigrate to [stat-l lllt' t‘\‘i(ltt> is at t ' .
. t a better understanding and. pet a 1worV\eat‘ low Apart ft‘tin; reunitr , ‘ ‘
l . hapS. \t)lltt' SHE llt‘rt‘ {llld lllt‘lt’ ”1 mg \ttlllt‘ ‘ll\'ltl(‘tl ltillllll'“ t’.“ ‘x-rnnh . t
We???” Ol‘dt‘l' lt) t‘(‘.i(‘ll ill‘i titll't‘t‘lllt‘l‘il sir we lltlt). Siwtt-t (fill/(‘11s ti. itilt‘. their t‘t‘lil " - I ‘ V Vt
. . . ._ . e 3;, . get sonicainzs reductions '1\t‘\ lit the \test llh‘l't‘ n.i~ been no . ., 5' '
.. :Tf‘LfiKs-L .3 I » t. It" . c ' . , Foi lllt' \o‘itct lit-”ti t‘“"“‘L" ltl’tJL‘t‘t'N on ltl'ltitl ti ~ "l‘.;.tll.\ is i. 7 . '
>551 .w’ffigywa“ :‘2‘ _ ‘3 ( .‘.li:.i- t: _\ spowsiiiaii (it‘ttll.ttl‘- iwtk \tit‘s the “11m... saw; ’V »
1:5;ng “Q4:L'“g ‘ ”t" ‘" ‘t‘t‘t ltt' “\Pt‘t'tm l” ltt‘ftklot tn lteagan and t.ot‘hachei itiN' are 7 _' '- ' ' '
ff?” , § -"‘Z”t*‘_"V‘ ‘wttfi‘ ’ . “some kind oi tireathrough ll: 'llt' apt-cm: :i, Like up thel s oider to _ . .
' vi 1- . fie“ she-7:. I’""-,;*"'; 37-.V'; ‘ tom. of instructions to lowi-r-leiel ”pot loft gmwi dipionmig my, gm. .' _
‘ r V, » L " weapons specialists to solidity at: [M’XI tn. . \i-.ii‘— As part oi the dud . ' . '
. . t , ’. ~1flt'9t‘ntt‘ltt tti.tl tvonuht Anteritan l’t‘pttltt'l _ . ,
Wt L. “‘" ”t"; “ f" I’ “9:" " I‘ It ‘ tlU t" l’t"‘ttt‘t‘ tttltt “9 Cul‘ \ ijho..i» \ Iliii..lt~tt home \liiit ..
moun- “""°‘s'°” nine iiioii-meiit in missiles the (mentor; to. .to week Redm- I . .
Footloose \ti\’t€l ottii':.il said on NBC-TV \ ii.i\‘si1i-.i lllllt'itlt .1»! . tepart = . ‘
'Iti‘t‘tatu pt'ttL'tVt' it"t’ “1“" llldt‘t'tl. tieiasii m s. oi the tile 1 ;‘ '.
Ed Breathett an art junior, steps off of his slalom ski and onto club on the Kentucky River yesterday. The water ski club is one I“ lt’dttf‘l‘S t" 1“” tht‘tt' “Putts t‘” pine me me v'l‘t't'l. wt; ch 'he sot ‘ V ‘ ., i. 'r
his bare feet while practicing barefoot skiing with the UK ski otabothOO registered UK studentorgamzahons. “l” and '0 Uttt'k tt'h’ “”7 t" “m t‘t\ st} t> htt‘L‘ .1 ..i.~. “Mitt teat? H L' ' r ' .
~t lllt‘ kiitd oi tlllt‘t tioi. to \ttl\l‘ our retaliation .t :l a.» i~i\.l ed .it Rt'Jl'. .‘ . .
pioiilt-tns tank V " I
N‘tl‘t‘tdr.‘ M tht‘ “W"‘L’t‘ t) "The ulti::..i‘t- :lt't'ts‘nti is going to ~' .» - I t
. . . \hult/ t: canwhilc. ‘dld Reagan had be taken (jur‘in; it“ ,1“ nit." the . - r .
0 e aureate to e VlSl tlng pro eSS or m ('t'ptt‘tl tittrtiachm s proposal for it foreign llllnlsll'} ~ptikt'stt..itisu1d = : ' ‘ f__' L? I
'\\t)rtl‘i‘t informal meeting \\llhlll Shun; |1.itlil.llllt‘tl. meanwhile. ‘t f L V»
two weeks lX‘CdUsC "the name tll the that “we me getting out ohtu-tiu-s t .» V"; . .
th .I \\ l-11t1~Zt-Il.l~ilt the t'niyersity. Anyone who wishes Thomas London. of Fox Chase Can a doctorate in biochemistry from iiatttt‘ttt‘r“ '5tt'bt’t‘t’Prttbtt’nb H .is' far as the t \ .iri.inc_i-i..i-nts ate ' y- . ,2 '- ’i :V ».
\ t‘oiztrihiitiiie \trttt-i' to attend Bluniberg's public lectures cer ('enter. and Blane Holenger. of Oxford t‘niiersity. will take a leave V‘tttt‘g that it range ”t "5““ "‘1“ VOM‘WHN N t . “' ..
is welcome Baylor L'niyersity in Houston. from his work at the Fox ('hase (‘en- t’“ ‘t'j‘t'tt>*"tt~ ShttttL tntt‘rttf’m‘” "” Th“ 140* AVA-s" 5“ 71"“ ‘- (IUOtlt-b‘» ' ‘ ’ I ' ' . ‘ ‘
litst‘ucti ttlunitx‘rg. Nobel laureate. Graduate assistant Eileen \‘an Ashland tiil Inc is funding the yig. ter and professional appomtments at ttt" NB“ program. Silltti "“0 tlt't’ 1“ unidentified t' s i-outiti-riiitelligeni i- ‘ . .' ‘ ~ ‘V ,' V; "
will t'tttllllttlt‘ the \shland Visiting Schail said Blumberg will work with iting professor program, Blumberg the l'niiersity o1 Pennsyli'annia to «‘ P‘Ntmtt t hope. t" ”litkt’ >0'l't' sources. repm‘tt‘d W-‘tv'ttdt that ”‘1‘ _' ' '-.""‘- , -
t’ltttvsstit‘ Program next month students and faculty “1“ be the third visiting professor to cometol‘K progress ‘1“ tht‘bt‘ problems that t «'hict ot the KGB ~ttttlol‘t ant tht' ‘ . .. " - V
when hi \isits l'K The lecture topics will range from cotnetot'K. Bl mberg de mg Ct)ll("l ”(K have think allot us would want to see re- tilll‘ military intelligent-i- chit-t at 'V -‘ - . .
liltiitttioiiLt who won .‘I 1976 Nobel medical to agriculture materials l x 3) t1 ‘ .rw; of ”him; m“ WhE‘dItlt Sl)"5>|tttt’t0d“~‘0 the t nited \.ittnns were .iinoni; lilt' ' ' ,V
l‘ri/i tot ttlt'lllll_\lll}.‘. the hepatitis B that will benefit many people. \'an 'l‘om Wicker. assoctate editor and (dt‘t tutti}; 5;“) he“ ot the tlnltl‘al Beyond arms control Lew”. Rea ‘35 and that they would he .iltowid tt- _, . I.
'. thus will \‘lsll l'K for the entire Schail said. A reception and infor- columnist for the New York Times. 152%.)“ mt the terminal ll\'(‘l' dis- L”. In“ Gorbachev are llkt‘l} m remain . « , . . . j _ _
. month oi .\oi ember and will return mal discussion will follow each of was the first visiting professor. and ease 'lCt‘lll‘dlll‘ to “I :lhhwhon 'it .141‘00011 broader cultural exchanges The newspapei ltlt'tllillf‘tl thi- Md: ‘ . 1 . .' V-I
- " t‘ttt'l‘l“ \l'l'tt the lectures Daniel ()duber. former preSIdent of thMF‘ t't'h'stitEint't*1‘(t:‘tlti‘t‘ ( .nd expanding consular offices in (‘hIEt «'5 Valery twm‘tt'h N‘Vht’” _, . '1 ‘ _- it
“t“tt‘ “t l'K. Blumttt’l‘g W1” be in addition. public lectures will be (‘osta Rica.was the second. e ox d’ ‘ the two countries. an administration k0. who is listed 21> d t'OUlN't"? at . .. ' - " ' _ '
tt‘ttt't‘lt‘L‘ -”"t mitkmh’ 1"")th appear- held by visiting speakers in Novem- Blumberg. who has a medical de- A unique \‘LlCClth. lleptavax-B. ottit'iat stud ”t" 't"5""“~ "mt t'ttttttSt'dV ”“15” .1 . " 2';
.inces before people affiliated with her. The visiting speakers will be W. gree from Columbia University and was developed toprevent hepatitis. The im, sides 315" haie “LL-m. cw“ WWII. page} ' . , . _ ’ .i' .
' 'r t M ° lOUKf tbll l
t ° k d t ‘rt ~ kNCAA 'k l '
0 give wee en concer J . - brea tic et ru e . . ._
. _ . “ .
, V . V “‘0‘ . Staffreports For each notation. the stiident- ‘ ‘ .-
at S memorlal Hall , ‘ athletes would lose their rights to .-
t n. T9“ t'K football players "tt‘tittt‘tt one full-season complimentary ad~ . .‘
. Iii \\11.I.1tr2\.\‘ll\\\ earned a strong reputation as pro- " ‘_ J ~ . t ' NCAA regulations regarding compli» missmns ' - ‘. . ‘
('ontrihiiting \t'riter fessmnals and attracted a local fol» ». ' I " ? mentary tickets during 1985 and will The NCAA regulation states that - ' . ~ .
lowing At the same time Mangione - . V . . . be penalized. L'K athletics director only famlly members. rpihmeh and _
There are few musicians versatile was attending the Eastman School - ‘ CliffHaganannounced yesterday. fellow students are eligible to re- _ - '
- enough to wear the labels of mm of Music. which in 1965 enabled him ’ .‘_ I t According t0 a press ”193591 ceive complimentary tickets. . .
poser. bandleader. educator. produc- to travel with Art Blakely and the N. I i .. "888" said there were 32 violations \cc \( AA. Pagc.‘ ' .‘
i (‘1 and musician Fortunately for Jazz Messengers By playing trum~ ~ (4 . 3/ ' in all and that the University. 85 di' . . '. .
Lexington. one from that select pet in this group, Mangione followed \ rooted by the NCAA. revokethhe » . s, gswrgs.
Lil‘ntlp ot musicians will capture the in the footsteps of Clifford Brown. ‘\‘ *‘t ' rights to complimentary admissmns :- ‘Mflct§‘§s
stage ot Memorial Hall at 8 pm Kenny Dorham. Bill Hardman and . '1‘ I. L. w?" bythefootball players involved. The Q2; _ LL we V: '.
Sunday Freddie Hubbard. ' ». ‘. _ “ football players' names were not re- t - ~; stit- . -
(‘hiick Mangione is no newcomer A - a A, vealed.
to the business. his ntuSical career 552417,?Qiiflfiit'liigell’fiiei’ot‘i’ofifli mm'aonmmm The investigations came about “‘0 UK lady K09 volleyball _
spanning a period of more than 20 on writing. That same year h(i wrote Chuck Mangione will perform at UK Sunday night when the NCAA discovered last team faces the biggest chol-
Wéttl‘ “Hill Where the Lord Hides." the month that 60 Lmverstty 0f “”1: long. of its mson tomor- ‘
.\(’t‘()r(lltlg to his press release. piece that got him his first recording ln ‘78 he recorded the soundtrack then and its. Mangione wrote “Ra ka . football players had misus row. See SPO"! P0902.
Maingionc's love of music was born contract on a major label. Mercury Children of Sanchez. which won the Chester. My Sweet Home." which theircomplimentary passes. I
. in the early ms. when his father Records. Over the next five years he Foreign Press Association‘s Golden commemorated the City‘s 150th The NCAA issued a memorandum
mm up w legendary trumpeter produced his first and one of his Globe Award and earned him his birthday. and recorded his Disguise to all VDitV/iSion I schools on Sept. 12 CONVLMNOP may be 90"..
hill} Gillespie following one of his more popular albums. The Land of second Grammy award. Mangione's album. for which Mangione experi- to "M?“ the use of complimentary but "3 "'"V'WY Wt" "no"
concerts and introduced himself and Make Believe. which earned him a popularity shot to its zenith in 1980 mented with both a guest producer admtssmns ,to football and men 5 on with "Top Girls." 50. 0|-
his two sons His father then boldly Grammy nomination. when “Give It All You Got" was fea- and studio musicians not associated at"?! wtomtelrlis maketbantggmlasgé Vim, p09. 6.
thkt‘tt tht‘ tt‘Ht’nd 0"" tOI‘ dinner. Mangionc‘s greatest success lured around the world as the theme with his group 2928:: —a e as urtng
and there in the MangioneV livmg would come in the next eight years for the Winter Olympics at Lake Th id dl‘n {0 re rti for ,
loom ( buck and his brother (,ap fell In 1975 Mangione switched to A G: \l Placid. The song was featured on his . 9 ea 1 9 r P0 “8
in love with the style and creativity Records and roduced two success Fun and Games album. and the tune For his latest effort. Say? the football was Sept. 25 and OCt- 15 for
lhill (illif'tsffl? brought to the trum- ful albums CEGSE “I? Clouds Away “'0“ him an EmmVV Night for MK twatjgtone worked “’tth baSke‘ba“
pet Since then (‘huck has called Gil. which became the background ' producer Morris btewart. who octab~ Each university was instructed to T 1' In
lespie his "inustcal father."and they music for the l976 ()lvm to Games Bv 1982 Mangione had signed with lished himself by producmg such report its findings to its conference odoy Wt cloudy wt"! 0
are best of friends today and 8 .~ 4' p " ' . acts as K001 and the Gang. Nancy and tothe NCAA. 50 MOM chance of ”lun-
- etlaua. for which he garnered CBS Recortb and recorded Loie Wilson and Ramsey Lewis The two dontor T
Soon ilfl(‘t‘ this. (‘huck and his his first Grammy Award. In ‘77 he Notes. In ‘83 he recorded Journey to co-wrote five songs on the album In the case of a violation. each in- "“- ”'9’" 004 ”-
brother formed their first group. released Main Squeeze. and his first a Rainbow. for which be accepted featurin "Take It to Church" and stitution was imtructed to withhold marrow will be chart». with
which they called the Jazz Brothers. gold album Feels so Good. the title the "Entertainment Award“ at the the 8"“me title theme and alon the right to timecomplimentary ad‘ lows in tho mid-60. CH
After playing the usual social func- track of which made him a house- Big Brothers' Fourth Annual Side- ‘ ‘ 5 missions for each player during the WWI“ OS.
tions in Rochester. New York. they hold name. walks of New York Dimer. Between SeeMANGlONIvZ. Pagco [moseason

 . s l l
I : ‘ 2-KENTUCKYKERNEL My, W2, 19“
' ' i T Andy Danna-f
\NN- \i
' . M -. -\ t * We ~‘xw‘asm‘e
i .‘ sd‘k“ \x‘itj‘ik“ \QE:\*& “Sr §¥*<»*‘sé§3x
“ i‘ B)1\tl)i)JU\FS come to town The match is set for ' them till. it Viill liilint‘tlialt‘l)‘ put us kmo) DeBoer said both have . .
I ; ‘ .‘1 Stall \\rtter T 30 at Memorial Coliseum u ‘ up near thetiip ‘ played outstanding this season and th
’ “N” “'3‘ ‘5 currentl) the IOP Ithlnk we can _ ’i‘lie ke) tii knocking on the Lady have provided much ()l the offense Slgns '. l
I" .- s“ The l K Lad) Kat \iilleyball teaiii team in the Southern Region. and 15' Challenge them, but lI’S Longhorns iiia} be the “a; l'K \t‘l.\ tothe Lad) Kat attack
' has reached the edge ranked sen-nth in the nation The - the ball up till ottense Senior lreiie it Viill take more than Just good of»
‘35} "g “lil‘i a at record. Coach Kath) Longhorns are a \eteran team that gOIng [0 take a Smith leads the team mm 47“ ‘Is tense. however. to upset Texas De- eve an
."“N.N" 1,} '. mllm‘i‘ knaus she has a good team ieatui‘es txiti til the best players in pumped-up, maximum 5155 (me season Both her coach Jud Boer said consistent pla) Will be
NW m" “NW N >99 ii that #001 the t'ltuillr} in Ha Murray and ” teammates pram“ h” 5mm) pia). needed troiii everyone. And this in- l{l(‘”l.‘”.:U)N “hm ,Mi,
1‘ I. ‘Ugi; teaiii car i'ttikt‘ iht’ lump ‘0 9W" Diane \\atsiin_ Deiioer said effort on OUT 9311- but said it “ill take another line per t'lildesthe bench _ iii'ail Daugherty. the lust play-r
_- If. higherheigtits For the Lad} Kats to pull off an Kathv Degoer formant-eiodeteat'l‘exas "The bench has pertormed really musk.” m the 1986 VBA dratl, be
’5 _ \- "l‘ii make ihdi jump “ here "“‘l‘l UPN’i. DeBiier said the) Will need an UK voile I; ll h “ltur setter is dning a great _]()ll of \iell. but Just like the team: not con- can“: the highesppald player m
‘ ’sz'zft‘i: night mu L‘l‘ out and pla) reali) all-outetturt 3 a cone putting the hall where it needs to sistentiy.” DeBoer said. "Vie re still the (level-and (‘avaliers‘ hiSlm'Y
' hart: " d Neil‘- “1 dfli‘f’fllh good sn-S going to be a real test for us — go,"N Ackermaii said "And i think trying ‘0 “will“! kNC'YUperfl’n “’h” yesterday. signing a guaranteed .
xiv. “ tear: iteiinei said bu: milking i ., -. ti ,- , ) ‘t t h . that 5 going It» ltt' iiiipni'taiit became can iiiiite in and \H tdil wunt on 51x,\(I‘”' \i,mnmmmm-ad
‘ thdi 'mtll‘ t‘ A it“ “NW“ “(Wk ”1“” Run-M "kit d"ndJLi‘sI I}? ”Lopho C the story may be d'fferem ”“5 “m“ Texas is a team. that it the\ L‘ei tht'mitbpdrk 11> ' '
Hull? ‘i iii...- mtIS' people “mitt“ included. thmk thlgliihnile [ShetmsdleNt it's] (:6 calf; around tun blockers on _\ltll then it’s going 11 the l..'iil_\ Kats tiiiil \illllt‘ttllt‘ The 7-f00t9r from the l'nivel‘sr
"'“ ‘sf ‘E ‘5 l :h‘m‘ “0 itLIH‘ the potent“! I“ L'ikt’ i gum (14“ max1rnugrn $1.0M "l thought we reall) gave them ii iii lie tough [ti gel around them ~\ii It who call spark them it) \lt'ittt} iii 1}: Of North (aroitna reportedly
W 4:33.; b" "m" “”1 M” i havent seen that iiiiiiur pm Pt) p. run for their money last year.“ she she can split the blockers ltir ll\ ”10mm will“. ”1““ ii “i“ l“ “ “‘“l M“ be paid $500000 in the (”St
ri.~.".'__v."‘. 1' )e1.itl1s:>it‘iili_\ 1" ‘ said. "And I think this year we have then it's going tiiliea big help \iL‘ll that lllt‘\ ll.i‘.t‘ tiiiinil that via year 0i the deal. Willi annual
.1‘1':..‘“;.£ i '. ix .1. '_~ '::-\' eharici 'e Last year ’i‘exas defeated the a better chance of making a run at Another key to i'K‘s success \Hll \i\t'i‘til1\l~li‘llt§ \‘lil lx'l'llii‘ih it .- .li raises until reaching $1.» million
{if l_.',t‘ ii [ratio ".i' my twnuiiiim f‘ilfl" Lad) hats in three straight games them. From our position. vie h£i\t‘ he the play of the middle blockers. be .i \itiil lllal tlii‘ liint‘ math ”mi mlh‘V‘l‘m year.
.. ': “”t‘ "‘K it x» ”in, ieiiutii-z'us Hut l'h senior Jill Ackerman said evervthing to gain. if we knock Ackei'inan and so homore Lisa Bur lllliiill‘tlt'ut‘li flit-ii iuiitiiitial
. .1 . . p
,3 Aiijii‘h‘i' ,;
LN-'v,.".N-5' ' R . Adm.
.; 1...: Packers vs , Mustangs? itsm'ucuv 1m . t A, HOMECOMING CORSAGES
.' iii "“"' ""‘"" "‘ ‘°‘° Promloros s:\;\‘7/y/ sold by the HortiCUlture Club
"3'1; 1.5 - f; illl N l” “N \\ \l’ t id th _ h ".75 g-x_\r_tw( 4,
i,'- -. u . “l. i i'. " . h - imn fli‘l’t‘lt . e measure Wit ~35, r 1‘3“?”
- r‘-'- : 1 . , . I h T . . a
.‘\‘,Q Lita t‘hnitv liter. school .\ \liistaiip chuckles tint l‘rLLstee Robert Eiting Fin:;:;¥.ivzu6:;s~ou ;/":hi<~: Just $3.25
‘ x f a; '13 are {Willi}; not: \Hli‘ a in record. \i‘ t‘\t‘i1llltill) llll)\ ed the resolution and 4 j./. \ \' Available at
" ‘ . :3 I; the \lllLtL‘t‘ tiiiard thinks thex're 'i‘riistw Robert Ehhen seconded it. ThoPlacoToBoln /’ , \\ \ I
' ,5, . . ~ .. . . / , \ nt i ,
TEES. ,1. reaiij. tor a wager challenge the M lriisiees Hilbert (territts and Chuck LO‘IWWM" M'd"'9l" Tonife 10:30 N [Ii/1 \ S Ude Cen er Wed and
1". 3: [fl- Green Ba} Pat-keys Fist-her dissented Frldox Midnight! \;§\ _ ; Commons Cote. Wed. 8. Thurs. 4: l 5 - 6 pm.
.2" foil-.3} ‘ The board \lllt‘d 3'3. Tuesda} tti Tako a trip Nback to tho 60‘s with GENERAL :3 M _ . 4“
'1".:i"_~.‘jf adopt a reseiiitinn urging the Mus thoMonkm .. .. . .
tancs thullt‘flgt‘ 'he \Fi. Ventral \.\ \lthlaiitls coach. Fischer had Sat Jean” Mt TRIVIA ‘~, N” 3 L05? minute orders accepted
. {3—2}: [MUM-1!? 't'dlll \ :liaae ,-\dniinistr.i» gut-(1 reasiiri A Packers-Mustang “mg-FER) ~ '- Call 257-4209 on Oct. 3 4-9 .m.
°. Ai'..5,‘:.'*'f,_'~ tor Darrell Holland priipiised the mifchup \\"uld end up with a final 9
’i measure sew-re “\ihate\'er the}‘ «Green Bay
2'3") Trustees of the Uutagaiiiie (‘ourti named u tube. hesaid It"T’T“"éfiéékifil‘gfiéb’fit‘fiifig““¥:
; -'.~’- ' - . N .,'
: :’ $9.??? I 21/9 ~‘”i “'i 257-8701 3: D I' t g y 1
» . pix ' - e ico ossen
. i i \f' r‘ I it» . _ it
-;_._ I  \
. , . . WHILE STUDYING \ ‘
. 74> . It Haircuh‘ing \ t A;
t s l“ ‘ ‘ l , Catch \J “
i - . w. ' ,vr ‘ , waves Relax and study lot that b 3 ‘ r‘
I'- ‘jbifi; LA\ '0‘) 7,. /® i , test while donating at o ’
_. 1N7}! L @5 Coloring PLASMA ALLIANCE. The SOVIngN
‘ ' /,\ , f ‘ And earn up to $85 372 Woodland AVG. \.' - _
5"- ‘ ( WV ‘ by appointment in lUsi 1” dot/5 253-2202 \
.l".'i..5‘\c-‘;", I ' i. :_
.N-CNNN; Tilifi‘ \ / - 254-4824 Mom-mun. 7:00o.m.-9:00p.m. Plasma Alliance 0
. 13:34. 1&3 - Fri-7=°°°-'"--5=3°P-'"- 2043 Oxford Circle Tanqueray JOCk Daniels
‘ (Ne; y/‘ig A «MN 5* Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.rn. Lexington KY .
“A4534, V ' grammes: Sun-a=Wo-m--2=3° M- 254 804', Gm Black Label
. .Z:_ 1}; ,- 3 ‘ L’ A" fro '
. i~ i 1 ‘ t * i ' NEW DONORS ONLY Ex . 10-31-86
.1; .1 , fad-‘9‘ VWLL M+W 287 S. Limestone P $9.99 $9.49
in.“ . _\ ‘, ’ (near campus) . 7,0,“. 750ml
t "
. \ NC: “I
Kentucky Kernel o Ron R'o R . .
:::~j...-* .:-ji«.;:: ~ . ' um Tosh Ash
t‘ Editor in chief Fron Stewart LL or Dark $6 99
r, ’i',.".»'.' . O
3“ Managing Editor Scott Ward $4 49 750"“
f NeW$ Editor «'OY Blonlon Mr. Gatti‘s is currently undergczng an aggresswe search to' 755m.
" 9:43“??? A“‘"°"' News Ed“0r 3'“ Cooper career oriented people looking tor an opportuniry to
N Editorial Editor Cynthia A. Polormo advance with the largest Mr Gatti's franchise organization
(It SP°"’ Edi'c” Ai‘dy Dums'mf We are accepting arpiiéat'ons horn penp'»: trterested tr
‘ i :i-I'i'iii‘ Ar“ Ed"°’ EH“ Reece serving our customers in these positions
'6‘ a: ‘2 Special Proiects Editor Seon Anderson . Maria ers
".‘ Photo Editor Alon Lessig . A slstganl Man 5
-:_:$.,—y.; -. :;;:_- . Cgsmers 399' Sun Country Fletcher 8. Cakes
' ‘3" Adviser Paulo Anderson
r -- rifz r
.‘ii'.".’_’hi‘»;":af=g Advertising Manager Lmdo Collins : gifzpa N'akers COOIers SChn:;P;9sP e
’ Production Mano er Rhonda O'Non ' o 4 Itk
.:.:"","::“ '_~' 5;: 9 . gliserlfich s 2 099 (Spoclcl Non-Alcholic Tasting)
- j. WE") l. Yhe Kentucky Kornol -s published 0" «ox» Jm': turtnq the academic yeor . spa ETS ‘ ' Pk "0. “MPI” "L 3‘7
' :1‘ x " I: and weekly dbft'ig the summer sessio" . Delivery Drivers
I'J'N‘!n ’b d iioss postage paid as Lexingtw KV 43S" Mailed subscription rates Progresswe Pay Plan
f! ’I' 67.1."; “’55 99' “”9"“ 0“ 53° W “W Medical. Dental. & Life Insurance
1. 1‘1".) The Kernel is printed at Standard Pobl shirt: and Punting 534 Buckmon Retirement-lRA ACCOUVIIS
_.‘;.‘1'_":,-"S._:;, Street SrophevdsJiiie «V 40165 P d V t' ‘
”i'égNif J'} C.O"esr:c~ntieiite shomd oe addressed ic the Kentucky Kornol Room 026 Flefible agiécérdlses s, h,
."FI’": .f 3.: . , rn. i'w‘ B widm Unw r i" at K r‘ r 9)"? 'rt KY 4050600423. I .
5 $2215 m 227 28?: e“ ‘ " ’” "‘ L 9" Old Milwaukee {50” 5
- 5- ‘ “ha-”r: ‘1 A I in arson or send resume to:
5.37:”, 3‘3”.“er PP Y P Mr Gafllis _ $6.99 case $4 99
z'. .’_'.N‘-" -_‘I_-.'.'~ ' 2412 on. bofllos °
-,"-'= 1. ';_:-;.i“- 2333 Versailles Rd.
"-5,!!! / T H U RS D A Y Lexington. KY 40504
rill-"2’43... Mom-Fri. 9-11a.m. 8 4-6 pan.
"v ("11%).
.>'."""" f. _. , «
.1, -'I # Trausers' Sklr's N > .. :’ Na:
r/iij' Sweaters S or? Coats - - - , N ‘x
n,- It; - ' p The Student Activmes Board Presents: t: 7
'I 69 . i .
, ‘3, IN 7}”: - . “Ch " \H‘ l N
my”, I u '11-“ o ’ *‘ ’J
-.. Homecoming 86 A Tribute to the Stars and Stripes . r.» .4115
-' 2 pc Suits fink-41%»
.,‘ ‘1.”7'2'» 1N \\ / ) x_
.. Be Iey Plain 1 pc Dresses - “(fol fl
1‘: ,-.‘ - “(w/‘33,
Clg 3 39 h WILDCAI ROAR KW ’“t a
It". '5! eaners . “C 3 ‘fi‘ '«i'?
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, j , Alteration Shirts l h . M... .l _
' " ' . Service Available Laundorod to TO" 9 T.
. ' ..———————-
f . , '44! ‘ 2 in "Chester 94 2824442 Perfection. foldod _ . .
. ', or c 2-th Mr; or on Hangers The parade wnll start at 7:30 across from Memorial Coliseum and end at COMMON-
' ‘ imam w r g 269 94') . .
, ' .3 ,1 (:3. 01am” y7‘ 08m WEALTH STADIUM, where the Pep rally Will occur. Enloy the FIREWORKS!
‘ . Nonhiand st: 255 4869 79 c “‘h . _
> . 'mm W” 278:360‘ Sponsored by SAB Homecoming Committee
’xossroads S C 27? 3223
' L‘” “9'0” ”‘33 ' 2699“? Shoo Ra lr Availablo
' ' v :Iaqe Senate 3 c 253 005 9° SAB . E h F F E y !
’ .lz‘O Mum can”, 273705: at all locations nou un... or ver one
' ‘62 N” 0'” N E 25‘ 3256 oxcopf Vorsalllos Rd.

 i I
. .
K r
s i i i . l ’ ENTUCKYKERNEL Thursday, acrobat 2, 1906- 3 1
State police officials say report alarmin but doesn’t n - - '1 . '- ' - - ._
g, ecessari y represent trend - -
l‘RAl‘IcKFORT. Ky - Serious irtg. but it is too early to determine 111E“! Ul'l)‘ n \ 1 ll 2 .2 ' " . I
crime in Kentucky Jumped hv 2-1 it'the increase representsa trend (meV f r d "31‘” ‘1’} “ ”"“‘ d“ Iota] .m- q'l'llt‘l’ th‘igilt'tl n. m.- .,i I , 7 "
~ ' . . ‘ .. ‘ ‘ 0 more '11 1» ~ 1 - -. 1 . ,, 7
percent during the flrbl six months the llulllln‘l‘ ot murders. declined «)1 crime Jett T: 17“” lllll ‘“.‘“ ltlldtl or .. qlldltllt‘tl \Alll‘. their, A retell Beauty Suppty Store ' V, .'
Of 1986 compared to last year. 1)) 3 percent in the first halt of 1986 21 ‘ 5 “- AM! i. hen .\irie t‘lllllllt‘ll under the tree mi 1’. 1403 f Rd 2 1, . '
according to ' ‘t d 1-. . . . . -- V ‘ 5”” Umpire“ NM ”00““ (“Mllllm “ere killerl ill I 'l ' ' . ~ Ul' ' ‘
a a u y re eased ye.» but the other 51X ottenses used to “a“ about .1] t , ‘ “ ’“ “”‘ ’-‘ ““‘“‘m ’0” N ChulOSle Ri B t t‘ ' V'
, . " 1 . .. \ 1 . ' a '”. v-r-v: .5 .I .- "
terday by the Kentucky State POlICO, measure the crime rate showed Population I {’“U” ‘;l Iluritiitm Moi. than halt or 1.11 ”in,” 11.1. ‘ 9 ” t t '- _ _ '_
. . ‘ . )u accouii or 3‘. M iii ”A k " .1 '. .. 1 " . . . . 1 ; ' 7
. milked 111c1"‘ ‘- _~ < . . - l ' ~ ““1 ”- ul-Hlllt I man an“ Feat r ‘ '- ’
The state police also released an- 1')V[x-i't-eiit FEEL?" 1:299 increased cent oftheserious (-1-111195 one in im- “0H- “..“131. mi“. . V u a" . ' > - -.
05h” study Of 370 "mum“ hum" gr'iv'ited deg-flu“ ‘1- perceln VbVVg The other report, “Poem on \lur othertem'i1e~ ' earrings o to} i | h V V V a '
‘ ' 2 ‘ t . . ' ' _ It ‘ V‘ ' V .V.V ..‘
crdes during an 18-month period that L’J‘IFV m I“ m“ 1’ perun), UV der. shows that killings occur more \11 t 1 , 1 o hairs ra ‘ . p ‘9” one ‘ ompoos , 1 1 . .
, _ . . 1_ i... , - .. i, . g 'i ‘ « .. \ i- ' , --'
“‘0“? a UPICd] “cum lS likely to be WM. M 'th t1 tV I‘lrrten}. ._4 [xr lt'equenth m rural ‘drt‘ih than m , . )ll .: iVVV tit mime 41......4 . 11 P nYh pro essional condhloners . > . 1 .- ..‘.z-‘J
a white male, between the ages 01 20 .11 _ 1,1,1, 1. t __ percent. urban an.“ 2H M 15“ .llt ”the! ~ 1.. t.n- \.il1.t‘ltitt "0 P0 5 es ' curling trons/hair dryers . ‘. 1' V " ".V
and 50. Who is killed by it relative or The .ictiiril number (it reported Only 60 ot the killings m-n- com ““‘-MI» -II"' 71.. mm! lrv'qlii-m --------------------------- " 'V ,r 'V ‘-’:V' "3 .-’
acquaintance during an argument ('l‘ltllt's ugh not included in the re. ”“qu (“”an ”1" 9011111115510“ 0! mi ’V'V“l””V‘ “"”’ "”'-”‘7‘" ””‘” ”"‘“ PrOfGSSiOHOI Curling Iron for OHIY $1 95 VVVV V V‘VVVV VVV’ VVV
. , wi‘t other crime. \Hlll rot't - - - -. .. . . ' - V'V' - V V ' ‘V L
hLommissioner Morgan hlkiiis mm 1 frequent incident ””.‘ ”It most 11.... i.’.lriIH r..ei. Min 1.11- -:. itlt‘ regularly $8.95 (with $10 purchasel ' ' :r‘ V 5
t e serious crime ti ures are 'ilarm " . .1 . , . “" "”“‘? W 113 til the $70 2.1.” V f V- " ‘ '2
g ‘ H“ “1"“ (10M xhovu that the Most murder \1t‘lln1>. 27*) ot lhe \lU1llt‘tl VV 5' V'V" I‘Vl ‘ V
. ~. ,; 4 .
. ~V.V;.‘I4VV,";".r.~V>
. .r.,1 I ,3), 712-“?-
. -',.' 'r’ ’U,’ 2
UK 81 ns 5- ear contract M a ow n *
B . nixwenw ' BASH RI PROCK S '
(‘thtrVihiinin wVTiVV‘V‘ LVK ”“‘“me ”““’ ["”‘ Thm'mtin. done.“ \ttltl Hr-H'. \‘.it‘t‘l1('\tt-' or r- " pr. 1 '1 i V' VVVV'VVV'V VV
. . .. . . . . 2 . - ‘ ' , » ~.i': ‘.12“- r.\ yr n ".-"* ' .-'.
g r1 “V d\.\(l(ldlt rliiiitnr tor dtll’nlnhlliilltlll \\=ncl’ie.~ter l . .‘ u '1' -. 'V‘Vn 1‘ 24'" ’V V' '.‘V
[hdl [he “’“ng b(’r\VlC(‘ that removes ”1“ (-HI 1-4.,“ ['”ntrhvt huldvl. ptlnd ”C, l “r. H H r 1.x )t p IlllliL 1.iL‘ l .’r.i .t r. 1 .. .\ llti [l‘l ,m 1’1 5‘1“.” .:’.’. v; , «'1.- H,
their C'i s w , '7 - . ‘ - g 7 ' ' “WNW: We '2" W. . ~... any-.2 .w: 22- '2"...
‘ r bf” parked ‘“"g'ml 1-" 514m per \‘Q‘lllt‘lt‘ \\hllt‘ Bluegrzis'x 198. 2- . V V Famo ‘VV’ 'VV’VV'VVV V‘V V'V
nolongeratl h 'I‘ovi L, 1.. 1 - "' US .-‘ “Kw" :1.“ 2. '12:!
..ii,. NHrtetntlSH J“ .. \pprox'ini'r ); 1 l .;1,1- - ._-..-,-1.
. > r . er. ; .oo 'i-r1 .w i- A ,~
students 7 - " . . . V . ‘ . "V “ ’ “"‘
h] . -h>V mVjugVVV ma} Vl'ltll he [ht toning [1.1. “I” remain m 32” “4.“. ”“‘)“an i.i~t “1‘”. ”Hm :2 11 .iir. ‘.('nit,'i¢' 2 Merrie iriipounilm - V~'-VV‘.V'=V.V'VV7£V‘V 2V. {‘Lj;
‘ pptVV “ L" 1} llHd out 1h hm 11 per \ehiele unit the remaining $1130 Slllhldllllztlh ii...”- In...» my. mu. 7““ ”W inY. .:!:.\e_~ prior t2- ’7” 5.77.152
It“ 0mm, >t1\1t.t \HHLN)tiithvpdrklngfund yeai'x thorn-Nu. ‘11-‘11; pur'nr- .911". .'.'.l 'w' ,iiipotinii ":i' "' f.~~-.’4V-VV.\2’3V‘V~V-V'VV2‘.V‘5T"V
"‘ - . -~ ~ ‘. "t 4. 1" ',r~-'-. . '7) .-1. .‘2'1""‘«‘- ..r *a".
[affectne midnight (X‘I. 1. It . been .'i pleasure working with ”Hlut’L’J'éh\ '1... ”.1 ..i 1. 1. W :‘ VV. VVV 5" ‘V H V 1 5“" \H‘ " ‘VG’t‘V ’V‘. -:".~.1'-»‘.,|."=,
,.. '. . .. 1 -— NIH ‘l V‘. ’ 11‘ r-' ll iiv ll . -. V‘-:‘ "V.VVV'."'V'V':.
Bluegrass Toning Service nus. 1k .1er weve had 11 um“ 11]] (gm-”um. .,,1,.\i..1,.}. ”1,, -V I,- 2,V V ,5 ""’" “"1”” ”V “‘1" 3‘ 5154‘s,: '.~V-’.“‘ 15' 5V
1 ., . 1 . - - 2 .1... r ,w: . I}. .. .‘ - _ .'-. ,2,1 1 .i .. . -._ . ._' _I1"I,. L'."z ‘
awarded a five-year contract It) to“ ,pldhflmmp m H el‘\'thirig “0-“. V0111“ our WWI" "H '1. K x . I "f; . i. .it ..'..ir u (l .. 3.011113 hi .‘i-. ._ _