is you begin to see where you are falling short. You then set strategies to try to fix those things, and that is the process the administration is going through right now.
President Todd reported that progress is being made to achieve the goal to elevate the quality of life for Kentuckians. In information provided by Dr. Baldwin earlier, she mentioned that the Patent Trademark Office has been quite slow in issuing patents in the last couple of years. They are going through some systems changes, but UK has exceeded its goal of the number of patent applications for the last two years.
President Todd noted that the university will also be measuring the number of start-ups businesses last year and specifically where those start-ups were.
He talked about the amount of money the university is spending in research that is directed toward public service. With the Commonwealth collaboratives, the university will be focusing on 23 issues in Kentucky. As the university focuses on those issues, more funding should follow. The $55 million from outside grants and contracts is new money coming to Kentucky to solve Kentucky's issues.
President Todd concluded his report by calling attention to the 2004-05 Summary of Progress slide and noted that the goal had been achieved for 14 key indicators. While some goals may not show progress, the university is making progress on some of them. He mentioned areas that the university needs to focus on and give particular attention to, including faculty salaries being noticeably low and African-American enrollment in the freshman class. He was pleased to report that some progress has been made in these tight fiscal times.
I.         Naming of Building (PR 3)
President Todd recommended that the Board approve renaming the Public Service Commission Building the "Robert Straus Behavioral Research Building" located at 515 Oldham Court. The building is currently being refurbished so the university can use it to do some externally funded and other behavioral science research on a variety of medically related conditions, as well as for alcohol and drug research.
Professor Straus came to UK in 1956 as a member of the planning staff for the newly started University of Kentucky Medical Center. He served as the first Coordinator for Academic Affairs for the College of Medicine and for 28 years as Chairman of the Department of Behavioral Science in the College of Medicine. In addition to his service, scholarship, and research, he has trained generations of behavioral scientists and physicians at the University of Kentucky.
This recommendation has been reviewed by the Committee on Naming University Buildings. They found it to be in compliance with university policies. President Todd recommended approval of PR 3.
On motion made by Mr. Shoop, seconded by Ms. Tobin, and carried, PR 3 was approved without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)