xii Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the
spectors’ samples were analyzed, both chemically and micro- ·
scopically, 135 manufacturers’ and dealers’ samples for
registration purposes, and 34 consumers’ samples, making a
total of over 700. Besides these, a large number of purity
examinations were made for consumers.
The Division has been interested in the adoption of a
list of definitions of standard feeding materials. Such a
list of definitions has been adopted by the Association of
Feed Control Officials of the United States, and has been
published to the trade.
Division of Animal Hasbancliy. During the year, this
Division has continued the experiments relative to the_
growing and fattening of hogs on diierent forage crops,
especially young rye, clover, oats and succotash.
This Division equipped a small plant for the prepara-
tion and distribution of hog cholera serum during the early
months of the year. The first serum was on the market in
February, and at the close of the year, 13,430 doses had been
put out. Members of this Division have vaccinated 146
herds, including 5,129 animals, of which 4,707 animals sur-
vived, showing a mortality of 8.2 per cent. The serum alone ·
treatment was used in 93 herds, including 2,802 animals, of
which 316 died, or mortality of 11.2 per cent Fifty-two
herds were treated by the serum simultaneous method, in-
cluding 2,327 animals, of which 110 died, or a mortality of
4.7 per cent. A
With the above output of serum, we were in no way
able to supply the great demand for it by the farmers of the
` Divisionpf Agrrononiy. The following lines of work
were carried on in the Division of Agronomy for the year .
1911. These experiments are to be continued for several
Corn breeding experiments for increased yield and to
determine relation of length of ear and rough and smooth
dent to yield.
Experiments in rate and method of planting corn, two, *
. three and four stalks in checks, and drills with stalks 12, 14.
18 and 21 inches being tried.
Experiments in depth and frequency of cultivation of
corn; also an experiment with no cultivation except to keep 7
the weeds shaved off with a sharp hoe.
The variety tests of wheat were continued and experi-
ments in rate of seeding were also made. Some 250 bushels