Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station xvii
Husbandry. At Louisville, the exhibit consisted of a Model
" Dairy, conducted in buildings permanently equipped
through the agency of the Extension Division, the funds be-
ing provided by the J eiferson County Fiscal Court. This .
exhibit is maintained at the State Fair and is conducted
annually. The Model Dairy is designed to show the cheap-
. est and best methods of producing and handling milk. '
Cooperation with the University. The close coopera-
tion with the University made possible by the action of the
_ joint committee at its meeting in June, 1910, whereby the
Agricultural College was reorganized so as to embrace the V
Experiment Station as its Research and Postgraduate De-
_ partment, has been observed during the past year. Pro-
__ fessor Garman has supervision of the instruction work in
. t entomology and zoology and is assisted by Messrs. .
N iswonger and Vaughn of his Division. Professor Roberts
. devotes half of his time to Station work and the other half
i to teaching in the Agricultural College. Professor Bryant
has taught the classes in bacteriology during the past year.
Dr. Graham and Prof, Kinney have also assisted in teaching,
and other members of the Station Staff have given lectures
from time to time on the subjects of their respective lines
of work. Students doing postgraduate work have been ‘
‘ permitted to work in connection with research work at the
Station, thereby coming in contact with men of the highest
standing in scientific agriculture. —
Station Staff. Dr. Joseph H. Kastle came to the Sta-
tion in July of last year as Professor of Research Chemistry
and is Head of the Division of Chemical Research.
Mr. L. S. Corbettof the Amherst Agricultural College
and lately in charge of the Agricultural Department at the g
Sue Bennet Memorial School at London, Kentucky, has been ‘
secured as- an assistant in the Division of Animal Hus-
bandry. _
Two new members have been added to the staff of the
Division of Entomology and Botany: Mr. H. H. Jewett, as
Assistant in Research Entomology, and Mr. H. R.
Niswonger, as Assistant in Nursery Inspection work. Both
of these men are from the University of Ohio.
Mr. B. F. `Scherflius was appointed Tobacco Expert
with the United States Department of Agriculture to suc-
ieed Mr. H. C. Woosley, who resigned on account of his
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