Kc11tucky Agxucultural Expcr1mc11t Stat1011
RICH.-\RI) C. STOLL, Chairman. Lexington, Ky. ‘
CH.~\RLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington. Ky. _
LE\VIS L. \\'.\LI(ER,· Lancaster, Ry.
HENRY S. BARKER, President of the University.
MEL\`ILI.E ;\. SCOVELL. Director. Secretary.
_ (In order of appointment.)
M. .·\. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist. s
.·\. M. PETER, Chief Chemist, Head of Chemical Division.
II. E. CURTIS, Chief Chemist, Head of Fertilizer Division.
II. G.\RM.·\N, Entoinoloeist and Ilotanist, Head of Division.
R. M. .\l.I.EN, Ilead of Food and Drug Division.
I. D. TURNER, Irlead of Feed Division.
I. (). Lall.-\CI·I, Chief Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
I MISS M. I., DII)l..-\I{E. ;\ssistant Entoniologist and Iiotanist. .
S. D. .\\'ERITT, Chemist, Chemical Division. 4
O, M. SIPIEDD, Chemist, Chemical Division.
MISS LILLIE LISTON. Chief Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
E. C. \i.r\U(il·IN, .·\ssistat1t Entomologist and Ilotanist.
(CQEORGE ROIIERTS, .»\grononiist. Ilead of Division of ;\grononiy.
E. S_. GOOD, Ilead of .·\nimal I·Inshandry Division.
]. \\i. NUTTER, .\ssistant in Dairying, .\nimal I·Insl>andry Division.
MISS O. L. GINOCHIO, Secretary to the Director.
IKI. D. SI’E.·\RS, Chemist, Feed Division.
MISS .\NN.\ \\*.·\I.LIS, Stenoqrapher.
I. \\‘. McF.\RI.IN, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
lI_ F. SCIIERFFIUS,Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
E. RINNEY. .-\ssistant .·\gronomist.
\\'II.I.I.\M C. M;\TTI*IE\\'S, .·\rtist. Division of Entomology and liotany.
T. R. IlRY.\NT. Extension \\iork. t
I., .\. IIRO\\'N. Drtiq Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
]OIlN l.. CI,.\YlKROOI(E, Inspector. .
\\'. R. l’INNEI.I., Inspector. Food and Drnq Division.
C. S. PORTER, Drug Inspector, Food and Drne Division.
Il. D. \\'Il.SON. .\ssistant Chemist. Fertilizer Division.
D. _l. lIE.\l.Y, llacterioloqist and Mieroseopist, Food and Drug Division.
MISS Rll.l..\ l%. NUTTER, Clerk. Food and Drug Division.
.\. IC. E\\i.\N. Superintendent of Farm.
II. t`. \\'OOSl.lC\'. Special .\eent. L'. S. Department Agriculture.
MISS M.\Y (ii. CINOCIVIIO, Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
\\'lI.l.l.\M RODES. .\ssistant Chemist, Fertilizer Division.
MISS I.lI.I..\   T'I·lEI.I’S, Stenoqrapher. M
ROIIERT GR.\II.»\M. Veterinary Science. .\ninial Islnslwandry Division.
F. M. SL`RF.\CE, Riologist.
The llnlletins of the Station will he mailed free to any citizen of Ken-
tnckv who sends his name and address to the Station for that purpose. I
Correspondents will please notify_the Director of changes in their
postoftice address. or of any failure to receive lnilletins.
Iaixixizrox. I{v.