By Gizoaos Rosarvrs AND E. J. KINNEY.
I. Variety Tests. _
Report is made in this Bulletin of the results of tests of _
varieties of wheat from 1905 to 1911 inclusive, with the
exception of the year 1908.
It will be noted that many of the varieties were dropped
from the list in 1911, some because they were low in yield,
some because of poor quality and some for both reasons,
while others were dropped on account of weak straw. If a B
variety is to prove itself valuable, Hve years ought to be
sufficient time for it to give some indications of value. On `T โ€”
the other hand it is not always possible in iive or six years to
determine which is the best of several close competitors.
Some years one variety will stand first in yield, while in
โ€˜ other years it will drop back several places; This may be
due in part to seasonal conditions, but it is perhaps more
generally due to variations in the fertility of the soil in . ,
which the varieties are grown.
Up to the present time the varieties have not been grown
in duplicate series on account of the lack of ground to accom- โ€˜
modate such a large number of varieties. "
The wheats have been grown on different plots of ground
each year, in the regular rotations of the farm, usually
following tobacco or soy beans. Fertilizers have not been
` used, but great care has been taken to prepare the seed bed _
properly. The soil of the Experiment Station farm is not above
that of the surrounding country in native fertility, so the
results fairly represent what may be accomplished in wheat
production on this type of soil, provided good seed is used,
the wheat grown in proper rotation, and the seed bed
properly prepared.
Table No. 1 gives the yields per acre by years with the
average for the period grown. ยท
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