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l V The Legislature of 1879-80 also sent a committee to Lexington to ascertain and `
’ report the probable expenditure necessary for the etfective operation of` an Institution
such as by charter they had c1·eated. It was confessed on all hands that the income `
t`rom the proceeds of the land scrip was entirely inadequate for this purpose. ' `
The committee unanimously recommended the further endowment of the College
by means of a tax of one-half of one cent on each one hundred dollars of` taxable
I V property in the Commonwealth. This recommendation was embodied in a bill which
i§!* passed both branches of the Legislature and received the signature of` the Governor.
V l_'nder these provisions, with this prospective income, the College was re-organized.
,‘ During the collegiate session of 1880-81. the following departments were consti-
tuted: Mathematics and Astronomy, Natural History, Civil History, Mental and
Moral Philosophy, English Language and Literature, Latin and Greek Languages
and Literature, French and German Languages and Literature, Chemistry and Phy-
sics. Agricultural Chemistry, Practical Mechanics, a Normal School Department, a I
t‘ommercial Department and a Preparatory Department, with a Principal and Assist- '
ant. Contracts for the College buildings were let within the proceeds ot` the city and
county bonds, given f`or that purpose. As the buildings advanced in their construc-
tion. it became painfully apparent that the estimates and contract prices would bc
i largely exceeded, mainly on account of the failure of sonic of` the contracting parties, ·
l iy and the necessity of` reletting the contracts under circumstances disadvantageous and
‘ _' onerous in the extreme. Still the Board of` Trustees and thc Faculty were not dis-
I eouraged.
Q Our \‘llll>L\l'1`:lS¥lll(*IltS were happily known only to ourselves. and the Trustees be-
lieved that an economic management ot` their resources would enable them to come out
all right. The departments were well filled; the attendance had more than trebled m
» comparison with that ot` the last years of` our connection with Kentucky Ivnivcrsity. `
Every point was strained to provide machinery for the Blechanical l>cpartment.
clicinieal and philosophical apparatus, and to lay the fbundatious of museums and
to provide such other material appliances as were indispensable to make instruction A
Nleanwhile a storm was brewing ot` which we had little dreamed. In October.
d V lool. it became known that the synod of' Kentucky,controlling Centre College. had ,
l:d\'1}lllllt‘l',I went to Louisville to <'<)lli`\.‘l` with him in person.  
:,55 ··<-c  " t