{ A1¤1>12ND1x. — 61 ` r
 t  cated for the balance. So stood the ease at the close of the fiscal year 1881-2. How -
  stands the case to-day ‘? Every cent of the obligations of the College. principal and `
  interest. has been paid. Thousamls of dollars have meanwhile been expended in addi- ,
l tion for lal>o1‘at¤1t‘y Ut`lllll)lll(*lli5 for li1iC1‘<.¤SCOp0s, Spect1‘osc0pcs, polnriscopes and other l `
  material. Three well equipped laboratories for general chemistry, organic chemistry
l aml agricultural chemistry, aml for the experimental station, have been provided.
  X\'ithin the last year the Normal School has been strengthened by doubling the ets
ly; feetive work of the department proper. Witliiii the last year, too, the most import-
‘ ant step which has ever been taken towards realizing the idea of agricultural training
  aml experiment was taken by the Executive Committee, viz. the establishment ot` an
  experiment station tor work exclusively experimental. Under the charge of a com-
i petent director its bulletins have already attracted attention from widely ditferent
‘ quarters aml have taken rank among the best publications of the kiml in the country.
Under the auspices ot` the director a measure requiring all fertilizers used in the Com· ·
ntonwealth to be analyzed at this station, aml by the otlicers of this College. with sate- ,
l guards for the protection ot` the farmer, was passed by the Legislature. Every pack-
age sold hem~eforth in 1{entu<·`