" A1>1>END1x. 63 ‘
  Now it is the language of lO0,00l),OOO, and tl1ey the noblest, the freest and the i ·
  inightiest peoples in the wo1·ld. Among other nations and other races, free institu- `.
r_ < tions may still be said to be on trial with by no means a11y thing like certainty what ,
L the issue will be. But among the Igllgllill-9]')t3t\l{ll'lg` stock on the other side of the g ‘
  Atlantic and on tl1is, and in the t`ar·oi’l` but thrifty and vigorous and ambitious young
  States of tl1e South Pacitic, well—grounded hopes exist that tl1e roots ot` a genuine.
* lltlzlltlly freedonr have struck so deep, and tl1e plant has attained, under circumstances
  of great trial, such healthy, vigorous growth. that tl1e question of the capability of
` man for self-government   now, under proper conditions, no longer a problem but a
  certainty. I have said " under proper conditions," and I use this language advisedly.
,Qi` No people can long be free unless on tl1ese conditions-intelligence and morality-
  that is, they must know their rights, and they must, in their action, be guided by
l · a sense of duty. There are fanatics, whose zeal outruns their intelligence. There
` are hypocrites, who simulate a sense of duty in order that they may trade upon `
,. the eredulity and patriotism of their fellow 111e11. “`hen these in any consider- 1
i able nmnbers are invested with the privileges of the franchise. they endanger tl1e
" existence ofthe fabric of society and ot` tl1e nation. \\'hen these constitute a ma·
jority ot` those who are invested with tl1e privileges of the t`ranchise. they make selt
i government impossible. t
l Now. I believe tl1e Englislt-speaking stock to be capable of self government.
) `\\'hy‘? They have been addressing themselves to the solution ot` this problem for
ff seven hundred years. During the age of Henry and Frederick Barbarossa, while the
Einperorot (lerinany was on his way to (Janossa to place his crown in tl1e hands ot`
l the Roman Pontifl`, tl1e barons ot` England were extorting civil l`reedom from their .
kings and retltsing to allow the intervention ot` tl1e Pope in tl1e religious atliiirs of the
kingdom. \\'hile Louis XIV was exhausting the treasure and wasting the blood of .
his people and abolishing their parliaments, the English parliamentarians and tl1e
Scotch Covenantcrs were bringing one Stuart to the block because hc encroached upon
1 the privileges of Parliament, and sending another into exile because he overrode the `
. barriers ot` tl1e Constitution.
I And late1· still, when the French republic. having exhausted itseli` under the
l- ruthless tyranny ot` Robespierre. Danton and Jlarat. was handing itself in weari-
` ‘ " ness and despair- over to the victor ot` Marengo, bound hand and toot i11 ehains ot` its i
own forging, the American people were putting their Constitution into working f
order, and consolidating the great llepublic under George \\Yashington and l\lexander
llainilton. "\\'hy this ditlerence'? The French republic owed its existence to the
principles enunciatcd by Didcrot and Rousseau and Irlelvetius and Thomas Paine; the
Ainerican llepublic to the rights of man, as evolved in Magna (ll11l1'[tJl`,Htll>&1l$ Corpus _
and the Bill of Rights, and to the duties ot` man as evolved i11 that greatest of all
books, the Bible.
  But the enemy is coming in like a ilood. The Socialism ot` Most. and Fischer and ‘
_ *]·l<·> is akin to the Xihilism which assassinated Alexander rrli llussia, and to the (Yom- "
E onine which attempted to wrap Paris in contlagration, while the French people were  
. ry,.  " ‘