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Woman's Missionary Society, Baptist Church (continued) » `T‘: L , ~r ` A U
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Committees: Enlistment, Mrs. J. D. Fades, Third Street; Program, Mrs. Edgar V A
Nichols, Broad Street;·Yeung Peoples Leader, Mrs. A.—W. Mahan,.Second Street; I
Mission Study, Mrs. Rey Lem, Second Street; Personal Service, Mrs. B. N. E
Holman, Second Street, all of Central City. ~ V ` ` ~ ‘_ A 'Y‘l Qu j
Purpose: To promote missionary work among all the peoples of the world. _ pg xp ]
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with Red Cross, donates fruit annuallyipl I
to orphans home and training school. Renders aid to the sick in the community. Q
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Family Social Service ini A j
i‘ Industrial Areas. interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, g
Preparation and Serving of Food. ‘
Local Puhlieatiens: None. ` ' " Y` 1 . » . - A`
Missionary`Society, Christian Church U. S. A.), First'Christian Church,
Greenville. Founded 1955. President, Mrs, Ray Brown, College Street, Green}
ville. Telephone 295#W. Secretary, Mrs. Claude Cornette,`52O College Street,
Greenville. Terms expired July, 1942. `
lkmmership: 15. Open to adult Christian women. P N `
Committees:.'Finance,·1Hs. D. F. lbrcer; lhnbership, Mrs. W. O. Smith; Special A `
Program, Mrs. A. P. Cook, all of Greenville. (
V Purpose:’To extend missionary work at home and abroad. ri I - i·
NormaI_Civi&jtgtigities: Cooperating with Red Cross. · 3 ‘
Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Cross Assistance. Training for First Aid. Interested in Preparation and
Serving of Food. A -—*”—“__-
LocalmPuhlications: None. lihbmi l t`·“l
E Conference of W. S. C. S.), Methodist Church, Greenville.‘ Founded 1880.
2 President, Mrs. Mallory Pitman, College Street, Greenville. Telephone 300.~
I Secretary, Mrs. Felix Martin, Thin Street, Greenville. Terms expire r
_ January, 1945. ‘ ,.- · ‘ ·" e;. ,· gr 4 ‘ _
Membership: 102. Open to church women of good standing.
Committees: None reported.
Pprpose: To promote missionary work in home and foreign fields.