Women's Missionary Society of First Christian Church (continued) In U
Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and
Prepaiéties of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance. Interested in
Recreation, Discussion Leaders." I V :_V_ _ ~ _ V "’ ·
Local Publications: None. J U '“ ‘ _
Conference of`W; M. U.), Baptist Church, Greenville. Founded 1900. President,
Mrs. John Haley,‘West Depot Street, Greenville. Telephone 2624J. Secretary,
MrsZ Arthur’Rowe, Cherry Street, Greenville. Telephone 1794W. Terms expire
· October, 1943. ” ` ‘ · . “
Membership: 50. Open to adult women members of the Baptist Church. .
Committees: Program, Mrs. F. B. Dempsey; Publicity, Mrs. Clyde/Widick; Personal
Service, Mrs. C. R.`Widick, all of Greenville. U
Purpose: To promote home, state and foreign missions. `. M YV
Normal Civig;Activities: None at present, but plan a program of collaboration
with Red Cross. ` - ' I _ , ,-
Defense°Aptiyities;-Interested_in Hospital and Clinical_Assistance, Sewing
and Preparation of Surgical Dressings.
Localpgublieationsri·None. · V` hh) nt
YOUNG BUSINESS WOMEN'S CIRCLE (Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.),
c/o Mrs. L. E. Rea, Greenville. Founded l940.' President,`Mrs. L. E. Rea.
Telephone 145. Secretary, Mrs. G; F. Brockman, Greenville. Terms expire
lhrch, l945. Executive Secretary, lbs. A. B. Gross, Greenville. Telephone
16. Term indefinite. i' ·4 `· · ·‘-` I
Membership: 15. Open to young business women of sound character.
' ¢~ 1 , V — ' __ V. p
. Committees: Visiting, lhs. Villiam.Donan; Year Book, Mrs. Ned Culley;
Telephone, Lela Wagner, all of Greenville. _
) Purpose: Family Social Service and Bible study. ·”: V A
i Nppmal Ciyic.Activities: None reported. ~ I ` p
* Defense Aptiyities: Interested in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas,
Library Service. _* `
Local Publications: Year Book, U V