xt780g3h1799 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h1799/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1979 1979 1979-09-12 2020 true xt780g3h1799 section xt780g3h1799 Blames pol/t/cans
V t f' d I'fe difficult after Vietnam War
By PAl'L MANN he worked was closed without notice. ‘ welfare. disability benefits and took advantage of public to do when this‘time came.
Com ”nor Simpson and his wife left New York and settled in housmg. “That was the most degrading period of my life." Even now hes haying problems making ends meet. "I
” Cynthiana. Ky. where he worked as a meat cutter at a he said. “People treated me like dirt." commute each day irom (y‘nthiana which is about 400
Kroger‘s supermarket. until that store also closed. Simpson said people‘s negativeattitudetowardsthose on miles a week." he said. ’“T be VA bases the amount you
Last o/a series Unemployed and financially unstable. Simpson watched welfare is unjustified. “That‘s why you pay taxes.“ he said. receive as ILVOU were living on campus and that‘s not iair
while the small amount of money he had managed to save “People should take advantage of weliare and public With the price of gas. I don‘t know how I‘m going to make
I'm proud h, be a Vietnam veteran. /'m prom] of what I began to dwindle. “I spent most ofmy money on booze." he housing if they need to. lt‘s the best way to get back on your it."‘ . . . .
did and of "II‘ toumri. II was the politicians. not the said. _ . feet. That's what the U.S. is all about.“ . . Simpson described himseli as very outspoken. with an -
("Gun/It who let me down. ~ Ell Simpson Desperately needing a job. Simpson started bootleging Even though Simpson was receivmg these benefits. it opinion on everything. "I d rather argue with a politiCian , .
Eli Simpson is also proud to ha\e the chance to attend whiskey for his uncle in Harlan. Ky. While on the job one wasn‘t enough. He decided to attend UK so he could take than eat. he said. ,
college. However. it has taken him almost 28 yearsto reach day he noticed two men fighting. The agitator ofthe fight advantage ofthe GI DI“. However. after-being at UK for a 'However. Simpsoh emphasized be was not like many
that goal. was much larger than his opponent. Not thinking it was a month he surprised mmscnj “llwas astonished mm a dhmh Vietnam veterans. A ~lot oi people think veterans are .
Simpson. a natiye ofPontiac. Mich..quit school afterthe fair fight. Simpson told the man to PICK on someone hIS idiot like me could learn anything.“Simpson said. “I didn‘t messed up‘. “he said. lhat may be true. but 9‘) percent oi
eighth grade. He then worked as a stockboy untilthe age of 0W“ size. He (ltd ' ' SIMPSOD. . ‘ know how dumb I was u'ntill came here.“ thc‘m men 1. .
17 when he joined the Marinc Corps. Simpson was a While this fight was gomg on. the brother of Simpson S Simpson is a Communications major and says he wants I was messed up beiore I even got to \ ieinam I wish I .
machine gunner in Vietnam for “l3 months. six days and opponent stepped OUt from the bUShCS brandishing a .357 to learn as much about the field oi journalism thatAhe can. had gotten my liie straightened out sooner. Simpson said
‘ four hours.“ magnum and shot Simpson. The bullet pierced both of “A degree can‘t measure what I've learned." he said. “I'm “At one point I was nothing but a drunk. handicapped _
After returning to the U.S. in I970. Simpson said it was Simpson‘s legs and shattered one of his kneecaps. just real proud to be able to say I‘m going to college." veteran. lh‘erc was no where else to go but up.
tough to get back into the swing oi things. “When I got Unableto move {OFSCVCH months.Simpson had Plenty Of Although Simpson enjoys going to schoolat UK.he feels Simpson s advjcc tovother Vietnam yeterans is to conic
home from Vietnam all I cared about was drinking and time for some soul searching. “For the first time I did some students have the wrong set of values. “The prioroties are out of (hi: closet. [)on t ilaunt the iact that youra y'eteran.
fighting.“he said. "1 was arrested 3] times for drinking and hard thinking about my life." he said. “So I qun the booze not} set properly.“ he said. T‘Sports and booredominate the he said. But then again dont be ashamed oi it. ‘
fighting. but three of those times didn‘t count because i and haven‘t had a drink since." _ . . entire campus ' not getting an education.” 3 . ln summing up the past decade. Simpson stud It haint
didn‘t go to jail." Thegunshotwound,whichtodayleaveshimWithasltght However. Simpson‘s college career is up in the air been easy. 'lts been a constant struggle. he said
At this time in his life. Simpson was married and working limp. prohibited Simpson from working as a meat cutter. because his eligibility for Veteran benefits Will be over in “Sometimes it 5 been worse than being in'i‘hc battlefield. »\t
asa meat cutter in New York. Then one day the store where Since he couldn‘t find a job. Simpson began to collect two years. Simpson said he had no idea what he was gomg least there you know who the enemy is.
Ker e] ” ‘ ” ” u ”U”
Vol. LXXll. No. l9 l'niversity of Kentucky
Wednesday. September 12, I979 m independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
— _
" ‘ M6. ”c .3»? g ‘V t g” i’ l r ‘ " --
5 " "" ' “WW-en ” " 3" i‘ .- ‘v; y .. «3’4 ' a ' .34. l l '
. ‘ e -mester offers var/e
. ~ “9 . .2 ”6:3: As: 42$ ‘4' *1». ,
. . ~~ ' : ..., .. 'W,‘ . ' s 3 '7 “f3; 7.:
W 3! 3 a. . ., . ' ' $33W$§¢Iflfi .3333 ~ «fix
‘ a"; . . $fi'3, gs; ‘ 5-5:: - ':’ Asa". "j"? i" -‘ By BOB COCHRANE Student Center Great Hall.and l‘riday Captain Richard Allenbaugh. coach
. "i W 3%. ’ . ' 3‘23”»; W3V‘ ”i is. $583": ’. , £2 . Staff Writer in room SC 203. For additional oi the R()l(' I'K Rifle Team has '
‘3 g 7" gkgtw. ‘ tab-3:; ~33; - fl . f” information call Bonita Black at 258- offered to provide studentx access to
S - ‘ ., $333.19..” " ' ”MW“; ea. .3 .. ' e. g ‘9‘: Caretocloseoutthethedecadewith 8868. the nth. ,3”ch Crawford “my "\Ve
” \ I, .. 3 ,2“- p::$~;w Q?“ ”f 33 '1 1 - ‘3'" $143 one last self-improvement course? If A sample of the courses offered: intend to approach the suhlcm oi the
j ”a?" l’j' -.:”’€"t ‘ : &x\}3‘:§‘o~‘§$’ Tact? .3335 .‘WE': so. the Student Center Board is Facts about Sexual Assault A gun at a machine. like a typewriter or
i .. 3 gang $§t2§§§o 3:” igifz'i‘T‘y «,e .M‘-”"”${i~*fl sponsoring Mini-Mester. a collection four week course conducted by the automobile. that has a place in
. , I . . \w.‘ ” at: ..... \‘tx‘TQsS‘Saféhw .Mi‘~.’ ”"31“" -- of25 courses in ev‘erythingfrom Disco Rape Crisis Center. Topics include American society." Asked ii be
it ” Ii" . fl."- 2” .. :4“; i.:_‘~\€$;‘;f&‘ . ,3 ""‘j ”is 4. .”.”__.” Dancing and Mixing Drinks to Facts physical and psychological defense anticipated any antt.t'h-,I.;irni opinions.
’4 :5 ‘ i ” ’0 ” i” i i “‘ "‘$W~ ‘5: V“ '3.” I“; about Sexual Assault. and a panel discussion among police (‘rauiot-d sztld. "I hope so."
”i“ g , . ” ”*“¢”::& £ij 2’ - The Mini-Mester may trace its officials, rape victims. and counselors. The Art 01' Pocket Billiards
é“ «.. s A; ‘ " '~‘*g‘,~” informality back to the old tree The Fun and Challenge oi lhrce-timc l'K pm” champion .lim ‘
W.LI;.I_I -- . . f . . . :- , ‘ Maze University that was spawned by the Handicapping Thoroughbreds Heath otters |ndi\ldllul instruction .
- . "E3 jam 3“ “3 if; ‘“’- radicalism of the Sixties. but don‘t Taught by Dave Hooper. Associate that allow each student to proceed til
T I = . n"- '. my». _ \ Wm ‘_ show up carryingacopy ofThoreau or State Steward at the Kentucky State his own pacc. “We might have a table
3 a 3 ’ 'W‘i‘ ,y‘” W Soul on Ice. Marcuse‘s children have Racing Commission. this course will of experts right by a table of people
‘ 3 ’ , €31.33 L, grown up and want to learn how to get you ready to break the bank at who have never seen the inside of it
e " ' ”i. ” a" ' .. - ‘ belly dance and bake bread. Keeneland. which opens October 6, pool hall.“
.- », .- . V By DAVID COYLE/ItemeISt-fl “Controversial subjects aren‘t The Firearm As An Anthropologi- Budget Planning \o lee i\ 3
.. a ” W ‘. V popular anymore." said Bonita Black. cal and Historical Phenomenon charged ior this course. .
pi; ' at: ' chairman of the Mini-Mester
33 ' "'.. Committee. “In order to find courses
‘ 3 ” that will go over we go through P I p' d U K . .
NT? } catalogues from other schools and a mer’ re ace trUStee'
. Us... _ x ~ . l I take suggestions from potential I 3 I ”
*: ”I. . ‘ . ‘3» Fl pp instructors. We try to offer low-cost. y d I '
” ,_- , w “QT“ I In special interest classes taught by a ma Slt on e ucatlon COUnCI
» . «*‘s . _ I specialist. It's designed to be fun.“
. .-‘ and 'ICkln The course selection has expanded AP Displtches Palmer‘s replacement on the l K 7
”” ‘ M at» . ‘ ' from 135‘ spring‘s '4 offerings ‘0 25 board angered some blacks and
m . W ’“ ~' I. l this fall. Some. such as Slimnastics. A post on the state Council on distrubed some education officials
: . I" Debra Aaron, Agricuture major are 8W5“ In cooperation With tht’ Higher Education apparently is inthe who felt a black should haye been
. 3 =._ _. . Fayette County Adult Education future for Zirl Palmer. whose named to his post. ‘
KN ‘ -'-'”- ” “mm“ mm” helps mm" mm L st 'er 200 students I h UK B ' d i W'th P'l v ) t inly K 'ntii‘ky ‘ ‘
.’ . 3 . .' .. food at yesterday‘s annual P J - a , year 0y . rep acement on t e oar o 3 l I a mu (U. i I, e t . .
_. . . % {._ . . . agriculture picnic. and Tom from the UNIVel’SltY and community Trustees caused an outcry among StateLniyersity and thel niversity oi .
:1" N . McGee. forestry senior takes . enrolled. ' . blacks. . Lousiville among state colleges hayc .
‘ \\ . '. - ' We‘d like to 596 more community Palmer is the only black ever to black trustees.
- . . refreshing break from the hot and ~ . .. ~ ' . i . - > . ‘
ire“. s... 3 . .1 3 humid weather at the event. involvement this year. said Hunt D. serve on the UK board. . KSl.. an all—black schooi until .1ij
\ °‘ _> ‘ * Crawford. Sr.. Who Will teach four He was replaced last week by lerry years ago. has six black trUstees
* ”‘ ' classes. “Last semester almost all my McBrayer. Gov. Julian Carroll‘s Louisyille has one. -
.. . students were from the University." hand-picked choice for governorinthe Harry Snyder. execuiiye director oi
”TV.- To ensure that the community is May Democratic primaries. the state counctl.said he was“pu/Iled" ”' .
‘ informed of this year‘s Mini-Mester. Palmer admitted that hetalked with by reports oi Palmer’s impending
’ the 5C3 contributed a 5400 Carroll “about a week ago" council appointment '
” . : __ advertising budget. All fees received concerning the council post. The council is halt the SIIC of I'K's
.jI. for the COUFSCS. Wthh range from free He was otherwise reluctant to board. Snyder said. “and we already
.. “é t0 540‘ 80 either to Fayette County or discuss the matter because “if he have effective black representation," " .
'”".-‘. . A the instructor. The SC8 makes no changes his mind. it would put both of Also. Snyder said naming Palmer to
' __f _______.____ , profit from the classes. us in an embarrassing situation." the council "does not solve the .
‘ L» 2 a“. . , Registration will be Wednesday and He added. however.“lf I don‘t get it. problem of no black representation at
”” ‘ 3y GARY LANDERS/Kemel Staff Thursday from l0 am. to 2 pm. at the I won‘t be disappointed," L’K.
communications for the Republican National Committee. The commission has no enforcement or legislative powers interests of the LS.“ Sen Henry Jackson said yesterday .
. Connally and Reagan are considered presidential and it is now uptothe Depanment of Health. Education and Jackson. in a speech on the Senate floor. said the Soviets
candidates. Welfare to acce t or re'ect the su estion. have iven Cuba two submarines. incliidin one that could
. campus P J 88 mine gUS coastal waters. threatening l' SEoil tankers The i
. . . _ THE STATE BOARD OF ELEMENTARY AND DAVID KENNEDY WAS HURRIED OFF to the other is a trainin vessel. Jackson said. leadin to the
’ APPROXIMATELY 2000 END IOM‘ TICKETS w‘“ 30 SECONDARY EDUCATION yesterday tenatively approved Kennedy family compound in Hyannis Port. Mass. after an presumption that mgore attack submarines are antnfipated.
on sale from 9 rim. to} p m. today [9' Saturday's. game increasing the number of credits required for high school incident in Harlem. the New York Daily News said. But . . 3 "
against Miami of Ohio Studenttickets willbesold outstdethe graduation from l8 to 20. according to the newspaper. he didn‘t stay long. PRESIDENT AGOSTINHO NETO Ol- AN(.Ol./\. .i
‘ (“h“um- at the front w'"d°“'5- T'Ckc“ f‘“ the general It"hllc However. the board said it would not take final action on The newspaper said yesterday that Kennedy. 24. son ofthe mm“ and Poet who became a key “8U” 1" thc 't‘tt'“ “‘10 that '
Wlll be sold at the ticket office. Tickets are $6 each. cash only the proposal until it holds a public hearing. slain Robert F. Kennedy, was taken to Hyannis Port by an swept black Africa in the l97Os. is dead at age 56 alter ‘
” uncle to get help for a drug problem. He later left. the undergoing surgery in Moscow for advanced cancer oi the .
- ' news a r said. and the famil is tr in to find him. pancreas
i State nat'on Yofianennedy reported being luiedgto a Harlem hotel in The “93‘“ on “0"“? "f ”“8013“ [M33““ Chm “‘3‘“ ; ‘
. ‘ . , “) i ‘ oi
- I FOLLOWING THE NEWS THAT SEN. sowxno M. rm: U.S.-CIVIL moms COMMISSION. reversing an if: Ema“: ;::bigofi:3:nlfifixggfsga Ethmf‘gfjs :Eadfgzrlpshti‘ligrmn al:i'ii::i:10‘:ai)tlili‘i:a an m m mm mm
' KENNEDY will campaign in Kentucky for Democratic earlier position. has suggested colleges and universities be bu er q 1:
gubernatorial nominee John Y. Brown Jr.. a Republican required to immediately equalize per capita expenditures for y ' weather
. official said yesterday three prominent GOP figures will men and women in all sports programs. world
. campaign in the state for Brown‘s challenger. Louie Nunn. The commission in January had called for substantially the LEXINGTON WEATHER WILI. BE VET“ W ARM
.. .. Former President (ierald Ford. former Treasury Secretary same amounts per capita in all programs except football. THE SOVIET UNION IS ARMING CUBA with weapons AND HllMlD today withihe highs in the mid and upper 80s
' _ I John (‘onnally and former (‘iilifornia Gov Ronald Reagan However. the agency said football expenditures should be systems that could pose “it major threat to our oil supplies." It will be partly cloudy and hazy tonight with the lows’inthe’l
' all will stump for Nunn. said Bill Hart. director of phased into the per capita calculations overlfive-year period. demonstrating a pattern of behavior that is “hostile to the 60s.
.‘ l.
. i .
~......-..........-....»I , ,_.,I.__,_0.q,..._. . . . _ . .. .-.

 KENTUCKY Dabble McDaniel Jay Faucet Steve MW! erl Green Tbornaa Clara Gary Landau ‘
Editor in (‘htel ('anipus L‘di'tw TOWI- VOIIII Pill Mann Enlfllammflll Editor Dttertm 0/ Photograph i
Associate Etli'ior I“ W i
e I (‘ary Willi Llaa Douaaard “I" McGee John (‘ lay David Maynard
Managing Editor Editorial Editor ' ('t’Pt‘ Editors Spam Editor Photo Manager I
o 0 Irlan itietrmi i
ed ltalals & comments Aimiant Spam Editor
K' k ffs sho Id be put into proper perspective
This Saturday afternoon at I:30 in Commonwealth In his book. Kentucky:ABicentennialHistory.UK important things get somehow iOSt 'h the moral few months. and you can start from SCFatCh next
- Stadium. the UK Wildcats will kickoff the l979-80 professor Steven A. Channing writes “the idea of shuffle. seasson. But the kind of serwces that a program like
football season, but ataluncheonthis afternoon at the community.astatewide community ofinterests. needs There is nothing wrong with the enthusiam with the united Way PTOVIdeS can last a lifetime and can
SC. a kickoff of another sort will take place » one of to be cultivated. Fortoolong.the principalthingsthat which Big Blue fans give of themselves in support of mean a better life for thousands statCWIde. .
equal if not greater importance ,, that ofthe UK 1979 gave Kentuckiansasense ofunity have beenthe flimsy football. basketball. baseball. soccer or whatever It Maybe we d do well to remember that there’s more
United Way of the Bluegrass campaign. reeds of sports." . . . seems though. that some ofthat same energy could be than one way U K can With more than one way we can .
United Way ofthe Bluegrass willalso be attempting Perhaps this view is excesswely negative but it helps devoted to more tangible pursuits do our school proud. IFuIl-hearted support of the
a goal ._-_ not six points. but 5! 16,000 (a five percenrt illustrate an important point: it‘s incredibly easy to ‘ United Way campaign '5 a5 800d a place as any to .
increase over last year's goal). place emphasis on something to the extent that After all.afootball of basketball season only Iastsa start. .
. i
I a I ' , (
SCI-fl history books get the ’meat’ it: i 'l l i
I . * i h *i k h R i
. \* K {k it X 1t 7: I I I a
American reading habits seem very given them new insights into old of Karel Capek. H. G. Wells. or even 1. t * X ‘k *‘W ”h i
curious. Although one may ask if questions. Ronald Syme‘s Roman Jules Verne) instinctively senses that , \‘i , I ‘
many actually read books in I979. Revolution was written in the shadow the “story" 0f the future rests With the ' \Ii ‘ I "h .
publishers say that we indeed bur of Hitler‘s Germany. but remains an facts . ofscience..4nalogand similar .' -‘ i / ‘.
dozens of books each year. But there outstanding reinterpretation of magazines show a manner of focus on I ‘ i .l ,i I . i ‘ .5
has been no “blockbuster“ this last Augustus and the questions of power. the human being. but the weakness of i t. I i,
year and the publishers are worried. .A good historian always knows that most science fiction emerges fr0fn this ii ’ . r, ‘, ‘ ‘ l i
No Thornbirds this year. no splashy the essential part ofhisstory is human: editorial recognition: the individual 2. ~ , l‘ iii . " '
pseudo-sex. no semi-pornographic the human beings ofthe Renaissance. who “saves US all from sure i I ‘ “i. ,, )‘ Ii i‘ '-
political saga which has captivatedthe classical antiquity. Nazi Germany. 0r destruction." which may be a warped I i“i“I I ‘ "C " a T ‘_ ‘ I ‘
millions. So what are we reading? ——-—————-——-— reflection of badly written history that i ‘ [I (i \ e‘élh\ - """’" I
The curious fact appears simple as it [I -- I provides the “one-man“ answer. . ‘ . i 1 ~./ \ .
is puzzling: the "best sellers" in In mente agitare History. science, and science fiction Ii i‘ ' iIili ‘ r. / t ‘ ‘-
America during the last decade or so _ all teach that chan e is the Mb 4 _ .~-------— ‘ .. l ’ ' , . "
have been history books (of all kinds) bY/Ohn scarborOUgh certainty. But the hurngan elements resyt i \E 0 ‘6 E ”(xi l. -
and science fiction novels. These have _.___—______ secure. and readers want as much ~ , \ 1—..2- ,' 6‘ ~ 53— u a” 3
sold steadily. Side by side with reprints the Grey Fifties give focus to an assurance of that element as they can ( ", ' . , T “a .‘.' i
of Ray Bradbury‘s Martian otherwise imposSibIe jumble of find. This reassurance will challenge \ ’m / r. \\ 5‘ -
Chronicles. Walter Miller‘s Canticle unconnected events. Good historians them. but will also connect them with - \ ‘5' ‘ ’t y ‘ '3‘," . . C ‘v)\
for Leibowitz. Isaac Asimov‘s ask the nasty "why" of people and the quandaries that surround: are .m- 4._.._________‘;_‘ ' .- &~_ 13'
Foundation trilogy. and dozens of events.tothe occasionalfrustration of there eternal values? What is ethic? m m ‘ -.“_-
other science fiction writers. readers readers who say they want simple Why are there wars? Why could a W @W 1 fiflg L‘
have gobbled UP Irving HOWC‘S World answers. Tuchman‘s complex Hitler become ruler of Germany? And I . (I " M ' i ~ 5'
Of Our Fathers. Barbara Tuchman's A panorama ofthe l4th century matches what about science? Medicine? Is ‘C i‘I ‘ ‘ , \\:\ \ t K)
Distant Mirror. Edmund Morris'The the almost unbelievable muddle of Tomorrow really going to be awful? . ‘.l l' ‘,‘ " h . 5m I . t; . 4'- \ .\5\)\ 7
Rise 0’ Theodore ROOSCVCIL and Nazi inhumanity so vividly seen in Or how different?0r better?And what ‘i i t » \1 “f. \ \ ‘ KI “, t ’
again * dozens like them. There are NBC's miniseries “The Holocaust." In does that mean? Where do we come ‘ ‘ k \ .\\\\‘I Q ‘ \ Iii ‘
no yearly “blockbusters“ here. but the each case. the human beings. with their from? Why are we going where we are ...__.__ ‘ ‘
science fiction authors continue to sell common fears and aspirations. going? Or do we know where we are M $5”?
the" stories in overall “blockbusting” provide cohesion. Can we explain how going? Since the basic approach to life Wu,“ T ”MMBW ‘. '
numbers. and the so-called popular the disasters of the l4th century in the West at the moment is through ,
. history volumes also gain high sales somehow led to something called the science. readers also wants clear "IT IS Tie FINVING d THIS CDMMlThe THAT TI? 88” Wib ATTACKQD DRGSIDGNT
and shortly appear in paperback Renaissance? Can we explain why explanations of the “meat" of the W’s CANOG KEG/“9N9 AND i‘bT AS OFAMDQR CpNSPiRACY....”
editions. Many of these books (the Hitler's zeal to rid Europe ofJews and sciences. Science isthe present, science "'2
science fiction included) are difficult. other Untermenschen lost his the war fiction may show the future. and f"
and will not repay rapid skimming; in terms of manpower and in terms of history puts a floor under them. The __________._ . m“ “we we — ' ~ ' 7 ' ””fl— "I:
L'rsula LeGuin's anthropology-laden stupid military blunders in Russia? best writers know the beauty of ' I i
novels are illustrative. They demand a Such is the “meat" of history. philosophy (but never trumpet it). I 7};
reader's full attention.especially-tothe Americans read this with relish. and understand the wonder of e ers O 'C I :5,
underlying themes. Then there are the not simply for escapism. “The Good comprehending the “other planets" of l 5?
near "best sellers“ that defy Old Days of World War II" were different languages. and easily realize I {- I‘
' afiiizisoaiehwhtihaihg DIt:iIiI‘fah Thd anything hUt 800d except that we the inner enthusiasm that comes from The Kentucky Kerrie/welcomes all right to edit forIcorrect spelling. concernsor events relevant tothe UK I I
. es on ‘ mi 5‘ e “Oh‘ holdingaconceptofmolecular phySics contributions from the UK grammar and clarity. and may delete community. I 1 l
Encyclopedia 0‘ Ignorance has SOld Science Fiction may be the other or Greek poetry deep within the community for publication on the libelous statements. ,‘g‘ 4- ‘,
well and is replete with the question- side ofthe mirror. It is the “history“of intellect. Such writers must share that editorial and opinion pages . . . I5 i
marks of modern physics. molecular the future. and the best writers of enthusiasm.The ancientGreeks spoke . . ' Contributions should bedelivered Opinions Shoi’id be90lines °.i less 1;
biochemistry. and astronomy; Carl science fiction are careful to of the Muse within. We have history ‘_ Letters. opinions and commentar- to Room 114 Journalism. University and ,Shoiiid 8i,“ and ”pith" a “.i?
Sagan‘s books on science have gone extrapolate from the known to the and science fiction ., and the ‘ies must be typed and triple-spaced. of Kentucky. Lexington, Ky. 40506. position pertaining to topical issues it
i2“) sieve“: prinftitiIIgszMand Arthur unknown. The Czech psychiatrist, stupendous hodgepodge of science :IngdnaImupst :Iichlpéises t::d wprIItSII: F I I ”Ibmors of interest to the K community. .13
oest er‘s ase o e idwife Toad Josef Nesvadba. securel' bases his with its Ian ua e of mathematics to ‘ . or e33 reasons. “in . ~ {‘t'
ihSIStS that we understand the small people of the neai future on keep us intrigguefi about ourselves. No ““h‘b‘i' UKstudeInts should Include must present a UK ”3 before the CommerIiItarles Srzilsngcoogaggf if
intricaCies 0f Darwinian and current theories of psychology. minus wonder that Americans read history the” year and mayor and IUniveIrsity KW"?! WI" be able to accept the $ih ess.wnI To mo e ved {OI EI
Lamarckian theories. Only Sagan. 0f the numbing jargon. Style is the and science fiction. employees should list their posnion material. ese arItIic es IaredIiI’eser . . :1
course. has approached the level 0i Packaging of many stories. but the and department. . authors w- (IL m; ee Iiorsopinion. 9
popularity enjoyed by SCIenCe fiction ideas of science festooned science John Scarborough teaches history The Kernel may condense or reject Letters 5h°iiid be 30 lines Oi less haveIspeCia Ci; entia Sltfhxiigmncfo‘ ;
or historical biography. in" Dr. fiction. andfas Asimov demonstrates) and classics. His column will deal with eontfihUtIOHS. and frequent writers and “0 more than 209 words. They "timing or 0t 6: “abide: ions if
Scribbler of our time. Isaac Asimov. the basic science must be well in hand books. academics. the bureaucracy, may be limited. Editors reserve the ShOUId concern particular issues, address a paitic" ar 5” i“ '
haS also "Oted the hunger for well o:thestorylacksthatessential“meat.“ questions of teaching and the like. His .' ‘
written and mildly based books on Anyone who has read Asimov (or columns will appear every ii :
selence and history and he has made some of the now-classic science fiction Wednesday. ___,______________.___. W‘T‘T‘fiw ’ai-f i
almost as much money from his {9 .i
Expositions of chemistry. zoology. iv i
iblc lore. physics. ancient histor 'and a it T
a number of other topics. as h: has . I I I h /m t3
from his “straight" science fiction. n excurSIon Into ree ”y an was oveM e lng :‘ A
The general public wants good '5 ‘
writing: Asimov is often cited as a :
model for clarity. Sagan. Koestler. By DANNY MACKEY Center Cinema (that shark is starting naked because I was not in possesion followed her. She soon joined some and started whistling. They lifted their
Bradbury. Tuchman, and Howe are as to grow on me) and planned to drop in of a beer can. So. nonchalantly. l ,other friends who proceded to climb Millers high into the air (look at me ‘
well known fortheirliterary artistry as This particular campus news item on the party upstsairs afterwards. reached down and picked up an empty up onto some chairs. From there. they Mom!) and made a vulgar toast. ‘3 . ‘
they a" it” the" tOPIS- This isnm the comes your way courtesty of Truthfully. I have been to very few ————————— started to cheer and holler. Looking Looking around to my right. I saw 1‘ -
artistry 0f the Seh0°is 0t literary W.l.R.L.. “What‘s It Really Like"“ frat parties. In the back of my mind I towards center stage again. I noticed a some guys doing the same thing. Most '
critiCIsm. but a skill in giving “meat.“ This week's topic? The excitement of 3 always pictured them as wild. exciting, band warming up. Soon, four guys of the guys were alone. Some guys had ‘-
solid substances of factual matter in fraternity sorority bash. anything goes type happenings. ladden commentary who looked like exiles from Motown dates. but the majority were alone. .
prose. which many writers find First. let us define a “bash.“ Bash: with adventure. This image I had was ' began juking and jiving. I looked except for their beer. ‘ I
difficult tItI) produce. awash as many tulmultuous upheaval pertaining to heightened funher by reports I had _________— around; nobody seemed to care. Well I decided it was time to make ‘ i
:hiio‘ii‘s s‘pcecia‘ii‘gdfnila‘sfiht‘sspegialt‘i: :‘r‘gdur::d“tiii‘goni:ropr:rti:ii‘i:ir inCidents heard from 'fm brothers. discussing can. Ahhhhhh! Now i re" secure. likeI 50- this was it‘ This “5th: Wild and my grahd "it i had PUShc‘i my “its“ .
, . _ . party or the exotic times they had. So. as I belon ed! ~ b . . ~ - 3
of the seiences and the humanities. gatheringl! The purpose of this article climbed the stairs to the raging party g mysterious legend ’2“ hear a 0““ to the limit' My whole being cried out ‘
_ This kind of clarity is a common link isto relatetothe readers. if they missed above. my blood ran hot as I prepared L°°itih8 M" to the left. i saw one This was “Partyland. i yawned and for rest. to slow down. I was i .
between the best popular writers of it last Saturday night. the fervor and myself. fellow set his beer “h, down; his looked at my WMCh' It was rnuchItoo intoxtcated With my sensual pleasure. i.
history and science. and science excitement accompanying one My friend and I pushed and fingers remained curled i." the beer- “0de to dance.Ibut some ingenious Yawning again. I slowly started At
hmi°h' t°°- 3‘“ the" has to he more Particular frat. sor. get-together. soueezed our way into the huge Ci‘mhihg Potitim" H'b't is Stiohgi people were swaying batik and forth" P“5h"‘8 my way 0i" “this mess. Jim i
than 'ust ood. clear writin . Th . . . Over agianst the wall. four orfive guys as I reached the doorway. somebody .
J 8 . 8 etc it happened last Saturday night in ballroom. The place was packed. At I finally planted myself securely in - - . - . . .
mustbesomflhm dee r.somethin the Stud . . . . . . . With triangles on their shirts. were spilled a Bacardi on me. I smiled, :
. 8 PC . g cm Center Ballroom. and the moment. gazing inside. I got this the dimly lighted room With thousands - - . !
um draws readers to mm s . . , , , . absorbing all the stimulation before tomorrow | would tell everyone I got
. . ry. eience. your rovmg reporter here. by chance. strange feeling that once inside. I of people milling around me. Soon I th All held a beer None of them . th rt nd l
. and science fiction. year after year. attended this happening in hopes of 3 might never get out. But the urge for edged up to a girl with a ponytail and em. ' ~ funkwanh someone at e pa y a “
-. Ideall hi ‘ . ~ - » - - moved- 1 could tell they were hams shes illed her drink on me......lshould
y storians attempt to chance meeting With the opposite sex cxcncment guided me in. sweater. She turned and looked at me. - - - - p -
; reconstruct accurate] events and . _ . . _ _ . the time of their lives. Every once me have stayed for the second mowe :
, . . y I _ he wanted to pick up a girl). A The smell of alcohol singed my [smiled cleverly,clutching my empty whil on of them would ask a d mm .
; e as an is r ' - ' ‘ . - '
. i; assumptionsinth p t. dh to ians friend of mine acquired two tickets nostrils and I quickly noted that beer beer can securely. Sensing I didn‘t “3:”, if the had seen Lar own
. ', pgealldpgiods are ezsily kept busy as free to this event.the purpose of which wasin abundance. After mingling fora belong or sensing my bad breath. she p y y I ry.
’é. thez deozcifIhzeIwheIpcumcnts. or as Im still not certain about. Anyway.we minute while some presentation was lit up a cigarette. blew smoke in my Then It hIaPPehed! Action! Fifteen Danny Macltey la a Pic-Optometry
owntimes have first went to see Jaws at the Student being made center stage. I began to feel face and walked away. Undaunted. I or twenty girls climbed up on a table junior.
, i
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 ‘ l
‘ 8. ll” KENTI ( KY KERNEL. Wednesday. September II. "79-3
Ag prof invents new grain dryer ONE LESSON '
: . . . 14 and Se t. 2 J‘Dt
i I! DONNIE WARD perforated floor slightly abOVe documented. According to sept p 8 E .9
' Report" the ground and as the air enters Payne. efforts are being made 1230 - 3230 pm. 'B'DLD'BNA s
i and rises throughthe floor. the to “find and record unburnt
l A method to hel reduce grain dries. hydrocarbons and particulants _ _
E farmer's dependepncc on The only difference with in the exhaust of the biomass 304 B Mathews Bldg. 365 SOUthland 277 6155
E, ommercial fuel in raind in using the biomass burner from burner.“ E , . ,
3 has been developedgby ”scrim: commercial ones is in heating “EspeClally large-scale CaIl 258-8672 for more information Just 2 Miles Off Nicholaswlle Rd.
E specialist Fred Payne at UK's the all; PEEreviEtEEiEus metlEods haEve farmersziEll find this method
g a ricultural-en ineerin de- urne lqur petro eum or economlca in saving on gas
i pgrtment. 8 3 heat. but the clean