
          The executive Committee of State University of

Kentucky met pursuant to adjournment in President Barker's

office May 3, 1916 at eleven o'clhck A. M. Present, C. B.

Nichols, R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston, Jr., J. E. Brown,

Frank McKee and C. B. Terrell.

          On motion made, seconded and carried the Committee

to considerthe question of the University printing and

Printing Press was given further time.

          Miss. Linda Neville anneared before the Committee

and was heard unon her representation that free lecturers

could be obtained at the University under the auspices of

the State Board of Health, that the lectures would be upon
such subjects as would include trachoma and allied afflictions.
Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the matter

was referred to the Committee of Deans of the University with

direction that that Committee report to this Committee at its

next meeting such recommendations as the said Committee of

Deans deems advisable on this subject. The Executive Committee

voiced its approval of such work.

                  President Barker made the following report for

the Committee heretofore appointed concerning some publications

in the Alumnus which is as follows:-

         In obedience to your request, I took up the matter

of the Alumnus with the Executive Committee, and laid before

them fully your views on the subtect of their rights to criti-

cize the adminittration of the State or the University. We
very readily reached the following conslusion, which I think

will be entirely satisfact6ty to you: