The Axqcutive Commitree of "e Staze Univeroicy met in the

President's office on Thursday, 1ay 15th, 1913, for tdie purpose of

making a new budget for the ensuing year. Tijeore were present

2essrs. C .S. Niohos,     Cl.a. 2Ay,  .Ca. Sol, C.. Terrell and

2ywel 3.oviee.

      Upon .notion made, seconded end unaniaouly *asioed, the

fofliwing .resolution =as aidopted: 1ie recooamend that -tUe resolution

heretoore passed .r Xef.erimce to .'-iseB .knbifld be now set aside.

      Upon motion wade, seconded and unanimusly carried,

24-tep .Eiarnh Cirn ws. Ln'e d AlseasTant 0rofessor in iocderr Ianguagv*,

and her salary to begin neex.t         at 0be0.t  i

      Upon oo ,,;;an kmide, nevionded -.i nd2 tanivtoW4y ca'ried,

Willia:ini S3nyder .b *ai electedl ' ull-i .r-esesor in cbax D)ep.ri'ent.

:*'f P4l3i-ei and1 hiS an.Ia.xb w beg-jin at ~, ,350)U.

      44pQn Irltion =;4e, seconded and unanimously carried, itWas

decided ttmt .-;x'ofesaox 14iox .camison be not-Ified of iis- transfer

to anothe r dpart.ient -and his saa&ry fixed at '1100.

      It wa- ordered 'by unrinilaous vote SUt there be lmde a separa.

tion of Athe 1)irectdrseiip o  J' Pt~aioal ~duc& ion gor , en nan for

Women so as to makd two (ojistinct depart.nents. 'efat the ireaident

be authorized to enploy a Director of xhysioul j~ducation for Aen,

to begin with a salgary of $15A00.

       le. lywel Diviee W11 'n fiad mac ot O a suat;emen iaakirag toa't-

atively the budget for-nexr. yepr, presented sa;ae, and after die.

oussing t-u-ne question to sotue extent and noie Modifications Buga

gested, it O     directed taat Txie budget be presented at the next

meeting of this CoFwittea.