The Kentucky Kernel
Published every Thursday throughout the Collego year by tho student body
of tho University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students,
alumni and faculty of tho institution.
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is the official nowBpapor of tho University.
It Is issued with a view of furnishing to its subscribers all tho collego news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning the
Universities of other States and Canada.
mall matter.
Entered at Lexington Postofflce as second-clas-

Students of the University should, and of course,

will receive these draftees in a hospitable manner, with


Managing Editor
"Squirrel Food"
Sporting Editor
Feature Editor
.Home Economics
Literary Societies
Patterson Hall
Exchange Editor

R. J. Raible, Miss Bessie Conkright, W. S. Sherwood

Edwin T. Tapscott
J. P. Barnes



-- Business
Assistant Business Manager

Time and again, from the lecture platform, from
pulpit, from the political "stump," have we heard
the theme of patriotism discussed. Four-minupersuasion, their oratory, in
have used their powers of
behalf of the great Liberty Loan campaigns. Others
have admonished the people to show their patriotism by
subscribing to the Y. M. C. A., to the Red Cross, the
Red Star, etc. These, and others who have done war
work, have unquestionably done much for America and
her Allies.
But some have crossed the Atlantic and will never
come back to us. Some have gone to the training camps
in France. Some have been sent to the Western front,
to the first line trenches. Some have gone "over the
Clad in the khaki of the American fighting man, or
wrapped in the bunting of the American flag, some have
been lowered into their last resting places to the drumfire of American rifles. These have given their all to
liberty. One of these was a student of the University of
Kentucky. He was Lewis W. Herndon. He was the first
University man known to die on the Western Front. He
had the signal honor of "dying in the harness," the
greater honor of dying for his country.
Mournful as the incident is, and fraught as it is,
with sorrow to his comrades who have not yet been
given the honor to share in his immortal glory, the lesson he leaves to his fellow students is as valuable as his
sacrifice has been exemplary.
To pass to "dust and darkness," in the full strength
of years, when the limbs are weary and when the day's
work is done, especially when it is well done, brings
neither sorrow nor regret, for this is God's appointed
time. But to pass as this young man passed, in youth,
"in love with life and enraptured with the world," with
the Eastern sun still gilding the hills that lay before
him, yet with the "harness on," in the midst of battle,
in the sublime struggle for the freedom of the human
race there is the lesson, comrades and fellow students.


In the news columns of the Kernel of this week a
story which deals with preparations being made to take
care of the 400 selected men to be sent to the University
in the near future for training is featured. This paper
congratulates the University upon the fact that it has
been designated a training station by the Government.
Auhorities of the University are doing everything
possible to make the tutelage of the men here useful
and beneficial. The University Y. M. C. A. intends to
extend to the soldiers all the comforts the Y. M. C. A.
and similar organizations in the cantonments of this
country afford. Music will be taught by the University
director and it has been planned to feed the men at the
"Mess Hall."




the right hand of fellowship and" upon terms of good
comradeship. These men are in the service of the ATTENDS STATE COUNCIL
United States; many of them come from the best families in the localities of their residences. Some of us, in
the next few months, will perhaps be with them, in the U. K. Girli "Put On" An
Ideal Committee
service. We should receive them as our guests, as if they
in the University. We
were University men in training
should show them the buildings, the grounds, and assist
them whenever possible with courteous treatment and SCIENCE HILL HOST
kindly help. We should do all we can to make their stay
The Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Council of
here as pleasant and as profitable as possible.
the College Associations of Kentucky,


Alias Eliza M. Piggott
Mm Eliza Spurrier
MIm Mildred Graham
Ch&rleB Planck
Frederick Jackson
Sam Morton
Lee MoLean
Miss AuBtin Lilly
John J. Leman
Virgil Ohapman
MUs Virginia Helm Milner
Miss Elizabeth Murphey
Mias Louise Will


was held April 1245 at Science Hill
School, Shelbyvlllo, to offer training
for the cabinets elected this spring.
The conference was well attended
delegates enwith about seventy-fivrolled. The entire cabinet from the
University was sent, those attending
being, Misses Mildred Graham, Elizabeth McGowan, Austin Lilly, Mary
Beall, Eliza Piggott, Mildred Collins,
Louise Will, and Hannah Weakley,
who went as alternate for Miss Ruth
Patrons of Science Hill acted as
hostesses to the visiting girls, and the
regular sessions of the Council were
held at the school. The welcome address was given Friday evening by
the president of ,the Science Hill association, followed by an address by
Miss Mable Stone, secretary for the
South Central Field. An Informal reception was given in honor of the
delegates after the registration.
The conference on Saturday was devoted to departmental plans. The
cabinet of the University demonstrated an ideal committee meeting, Miss
Mildred Graham acting as chairman,
the other members of the cabinet
forming the committee. The meeting
was supposed to be that of a social
committee. Plans for the party which
the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. are
to give Friday night formed the business of the meeting, many arguments
pro and con being offered thru all the
dignified channels of Parliamentary
Saturday evening the seniors of
Science Hill presented Oscar Wildes'
play, "The Importance of Being Earnest," for the visitors. The meeting
closed Saturday afternoon with a vesper service.

(Heard after the big league game.)
They swatted home runs by the score
ten or more;
And long
Their fielding was marvel too,
And all their pep was strictly new.
They put the Wildcats in the shade,
They showed us how the game is

How to Win the War.
Wear your last year's tie. If the
padding gets awry, tear it out and
present it to your Red Cross friend
for compress material. This will not
only save your temper, but give you
that pleasing "done my bit" feeling.

Finally ,the bravest deed you can
at home: Test the new socks she
has knitted for a Sammy. If no more
than six blisters result, they may be
termed fit for over-sedo



Into The Garden Maude.

went into the garden
Just a little while ago,
I thought I'd write a poem
On the springtime, doncherknow.
But no lilies were blooming,
And no pansy's face showed sweet,
How could I write a poem
Upon the humble beet?

On a South Lime Car.
Hammond "Wake up."
Wear silk shirts and socks, Save
Tapscott "I wasn't asleep. I Just
cotton and wool for MEN.
hate to see a woman have to stand
Don't work In a garden. Save your
One Benefit.
strength in case you can't escape the
As the Florida Times-Uniodraft and must fight for your
serves, there is one good thing about
the theatre of war. You don't have to
get up to let a fat couple find their
Don't waste light, studying. A walk seats after the show has started.
in the moonlight with your best girl
will thus be a real patriotic act.
Awkward girl,

If you have faithfully followed the
above instructions, you are excused
from investing in Thrift Stamps and
Baby Bonds.

Phoenix floor,
Stumbled. Crepe
Is on her door.


Inter-murgames are succeedlns
famously according to Coach Boles.
In the two games played Monday the
team from the College of Engineering
defeated the Ag. team 10 to 1. Tho
Arts and Science team was defeatel
by the Lawyers, 13 to 0.
The batteries for the first game
were, Coleman and Herber, for the
Engineers, and Vanarsdale and Parker and Chambers for the Ags. Tho
game was "fast and furious" with
much of the big league stuff seen here
Saturday displayed in the miniature.
The second game lasted but six innings.
Daddy Boles says many good players have been discovered who have
been living to blush unseen, and he
hopes some of them may decide to
play with the varsity when their college games are over. The games will
continue on the same schedule, two
games each Monday and Thursday
afternoon. Practice will be held on
the Mulligan lot behind Stoll Field.

Fred Mutchler will speak on
"Gardening" at the regular mooting
of the Good Fellowship Club at 8
o'clock tonight at the Maxwell school.
Professor Cover will have charge of
the musical program.

The flag of the University of Ken
tucky waving at the top of its 500 foot
flag pole has inspired thousands of
students and citizens of Lexington as
it has caught the winds and played
with them. Recently, however, the
inspiration of the flag has been lessened. It has been flying at an odd
angle of 45 degrees.
During the severe cyclonic wind
storm which struck the Blue Grass
section last May, the pole was greatly
bent. Since that time It has stood
like an old man, bent with age, seemingly unable to lift its head to the
heights befitting the bearer of "Old

The program at the Y. W. C. A.
Sunday evening was in charge of the
Publication Department and was conducted by Miss Adele Slade.
Miss Elizabeth Kraft spoke on "National Organization," telling some of
the mechanics of the Association together with its field work. Miss Roberta Thornton gave some Association
news, such as the uses to which the
Students' War Fund has been put,
and the opening in Paris of Hotel
Petrograd to accommodate any girls
and women doing war work.
The next meeting of the Y. W. C. A.
will be in charge of the Missionary
Committee and Miss Eleanor Robertson, Louisville, will speak.

But now with the help of team,
tackle and pole, it has been straightened. It was necessary that the pole AN AMERICAN PEACE
be shortened some ten feet, but
There can be no peace with honor
now "Old Glory," has resumed its duty
or safety to ourselves or to posterity,
as an inspiration to the students of
except a just peace, and there can
the University.
and will be no other peace. Work for
peace accomplishes nothing but the
JAMES GIVES GARDEN LECTURE hampering of our effort, the delay of
the real peace, and a greater toll of
Professor JameB gave a lecture at death of America's fighting men. Our
Maxwell street school, Monday after- duty 1 a to war tor a just and right-esu- s
peace; to work or speak for any
noon, to the people of the Fifth Magisterial district, on the subject of how other peace is aid and comfort to Geto plant a email garden to the best rmanyinjury and disloyalty to our
boys in France.
