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Happy Valentine's Day! Part of the duty of the gg editor is
to look at similar newsletters from other libraries. Some are a
bit (yawn) dull, and others are really...um...different. For
example, Florida International University's Library publishes an
unusual (to say the least!) newsletter called “Top of the
Stacks." Most of it is like the gg, but one little item, called
"A Day Off?," is a multipurpose tidbit. So here it is, my
Valentine chuckle to you, by way of Florida.
A Day Off? [Top of the Stacks v.10(6),
February 1986, p.8.]
So you want the day off. Let's take a look at
what you are asking for. There are 365 days
per year available for work. There are 52
weeks per year in which you already have two ‘
days off per week, leaving 261 days available I
for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day
away from work, you have used up 170 days,
leaving only 91 days still available. You
spend 20 minutes each day on coffee break.
That accounts for 23 days each year, leaving
only 68 days available. with a one hour lunch
iperiod each day, you have used up another 46
days, leaving only 22 days available for work.
You normally spend 2 days per year on sick
leave. This leave you only 20 days available
for work. We are off for 5 holidays per year,
so your available working time is down to 15
· days. We generously give you 14 days vacation
per year, which leaves only 1 day available
for work, and [you want a] day off! `
V Joyce Welch received the following thank you note from Lisa
M. Carpenter of the Lexington Child Abuse Council, Inc.:
Dear Joyce and M.I. King Staff,
Thank you once again for supporting our
- Christmas party this year. we had lll
children at the party and your gifts helped
make the childrens‘ Christmas brighter. we
all appreciate your continuing support!
A `Sincerely,
Lisa M. Carpenter
Lexington Child
Abuse Council, Inc.