nINWTES OF MEH BOARD OF TRUSTEES    -       May 30, 1911

     The Board of Trustees of the State University met in annual session in the

Trustees' Room in the Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 30, 1911, at two o'clock P.M.

    Present: Messrs. Carpenter, Cox, Smith, Terrell, Clay, Davies, Stoll,

              Wathen, Edelen, Nichols, Patterson, Regenstein, and President


    Absent:   Gov. Wilson, Messrs. Wialker, Atkinson, Turner.

    In the absence of the Governor, Lieut. Gov. Cox was requested to act as Chairman.

     The Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting of the Board, with the

exception of the option on the Calvert property, the report of the Acting President,

the letter from the Commandant in regard to a target range, the report of the Presi-

dent Emeritus on the Posse Gymnasium, and the report of the committee on salaries,

the reading of all of which was dispensed writh, on motion duly made and carried.

      On motion made, seconded and carried, the minutes were approved as read.

      The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee were read by the Secretary.

      Mr. Regenstein moved that the minutes of. the Executive Committee be approved,

which motion was duly seconded.

     After discussion, Mr. Smith proposed as a substitute motion that an appropriate

committee be appointed to which the minutes should be referred.

     Said motion being duly seconded, on roll-call the vote stood as follows:

     Ayes: Messrs. Smith and Patterson.

     Noes: Messrs. Carpenter, Cox, Terrell, Clay, Davies, Stoll, WIathen,

            Nichols, Barker, Regenstein.

    Motion was declared to be defeated.