3. School of Extension.


         (a) College of Law.

         Additional General Departments of the University shall be as follows:-

              Department of Physical Education for Mlen.
              Department of Physical Education for Wqomen.
              Department of Military Science.

           It is believed that the foregoing organization will very substantially

 promote the welfare of the institution.  Each College is provided with a respon-

 sible head charged with the high duty of seeing that his department is managed in

 the most efficient manner.  I believe the scheme will promote the unity of the

 University as well as efficiency in the work of the teachers.   The Council can be

 of great service both to the President and the faculty by suggesting from time to

 time needed changes and improvements, and also in carrying into successful operation

 such of their suggestions as may be adopted.

          The Council of Deans have recommended to the Executive Committee the ab-

 sorption of the Academy into the School of Education to be there maintained as a

 Model School. The plan is as followe4s:

          "Until the Secondary School System of the State is developed, a Pre-

paratory School, comprising not more than the last three years of a four year High

School, is maintained under the supervision of the School of Education as a Model

School to prepare students to enter the various Colleges of the University."

          The recommendation is but the enforcement of the fbllowing provision of

the Kentucky Statutes concerning the Academy:

          "That from and after two years from this date (1908) all sub-

freshman work shall begin to be eliminated as a part of the University curriculum,

and such elimination shall progress as rapidly as the educational conditions in

Kentucky will justify: Provided, however, special courses may be given in any of

the Departments of the University, except that no sub-freshman normal instruction

14ay 30, 1911