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Z tumely, I have toiled on in the most unthankfnl, unpleasant  
’ labor a man can perform, and gathered together for you more
I 1 than $600,000 of funds and real estate. I have run the whole y '
I financial machinery of the institution through war and deso- { ‘
‘ lation and bankruptcy, without the loss of a dollar of money   I
, which ever came into my hands, or without having called on I  
f this Board to assume a dollar of responsibility. I must, I 6*
I therefore, rid myself at least of' the details ofthe Treasurerls ?
I Ofiice, which others can attend to as well as myself, if I am I
  expected to go forward in my higher aims and objects in 1 4
I reterenee to the enterprise. I ask you to appoint a Treas-   <
, urer, who shall attend to the legitimate duties of' the office and I
J to the collection of all notes which I may pass into his hands. ,
g I wish to press forward as I can, the great work yet before I ·
  me of securing f'unds for the erection of buildings and im- I
`   provement of` our grounds, as well as to increase the endow- I
, ment. 1
J I would also recommend most earnestly the appointment { _ .
` of a Solicitor and Correspondent for the Agricultural and I .
I ]1Iechanieal College, who shall be authorized to receive dona- g ` I
Q tions of money, stock, farming implements, and to make I  
, collections for the Cabinets, Museum, Libraries, dsc., of the Uni- `   t
versity. 'I`hcre is a wide field of sympathy and benevolence   ‘
1 in this direction, which can just now be cultivated success- I
’ fully, and which I cannot possibly reach in my labors. With I , _
I such an auxiliary to my ofiice, I think we can increase largely ` . I ; I
  the resources ofthe institution during the next year, and add I 1
Q to its other advantages much in the way of' those objective I  
, aids and illustrations, which go far to make up the true I i
I character ofthe institution. With these facts and sugges- I ‘ I —
  tions, gentlemen, Il. will close this report. I think we have ,  
I much reason to thank our Heavenly Father for the signal y I I
I blessings which he has continued to us during the past history 1 I
i   of the institution. \Vith unprecedented growth, it has risen I j
in its proportions, and in the public favor and confidence, and I .
. if` we all will only be true and faithful and wise, and liberal { I  
in all our policies, and look to God for His favor, we will I ‘ ‘
I accomplish through it a vast work for the good of' our State, 3   I
y our country, and humanity. Before closing, I must allude to
? a vacant seat in the Board to-day. Since your last meeting, _
I llavid W. Illhompson, of' Mercer county, has died, and in his I
` death we have lost a true Christian man a11d a most faithful ·
I Curator, .lI`rom the very beginning of this institution he 1
I was its unfaltering 1`riend, and in all its varied fortunes he 1 y
  followed it with a liberal heart and hand. I recommend that j
E this Board put upon its records suitable resolutions of respect 1- ·
  to his memory, and semi the same to his bereaved children. 1 I
y All of which is respectfully submitted.,  
y J. B. BOWMAN. , ,
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