· I TREA2··lURl·]li’S iziiroivr. . 61 l
I ~ . '* . - .
i 'jllllllllll Rcputt uf the emzasuxcn.
6* l The Treasurer begs leave to submit the following annual
I 1'GpO1‘l», \V1til1 it gOl'lO1`3.l SlZ€Lt.GD1CIlb of ibl10 V2U`lOl]S fl1l1(lS {1].)-
I pended.
I I The conditions of the act of the Legislature, renioving
4 I Ixentucky University and consolidating; with it the Transyl—
I vania University, having been complied with by their re-
I S})CCUVCBO{l1`(lS of Curators, W. A. Dudley, Esq., Treasurer
· I of the Transylvania University, fornially passed Over to my
I hands the funds ot the szune, consisting ot` the following
l securities and moneys, viz:
Q SiX liourbon county bonds ____________________________ ____ $i:_0oo 00
_ _ l Nine lA)lllS\“lll0:\1\1l I:]f§1lll{ll)I'l' llailroarl lum¤l5_ _____________ {>I(rt)() tu)
_ I 'l`\\'enty-live Lexington and l:l`:llll{ll)l'[ llailrond bonds ,______ _25,000 00 {
· A   liight Covington and Lexington 7 per cent. Railroarl bonds-_ 8,000 00
,   l’il`t<·en Lexington City bonds _____ __ _____ ____ ______________ 15,000 00
~ T One Lexin·»·ton (Fitv note 1 000 UO
F ,, ·= . , -» . :····~ —o~· ·· *······*·— ·· ········· i'
I ~   len shares ot bank ot lxentueky stock .___,___ seed". ,___o_ 1,000 00
· i ._..-_.._
i Nlaking total amount of Transylvania stoeks,_ ____ __ _____ $i;5,5oo 00
.   ln addition to these. I received the following un-
i e i` I paid coupons and casliz
‘ 7   Twenty-tive Lexington 5; Frankfort ll. R.coupons, $750 00
, I Nine Louisville and lJl`:l!]l(i·Ul'l Railroad t·oupons_ 270 00
I   lniercst on Lexington {lily bonds due _,~___L___ 1,2250 00  
I I (`ash ..._..___A__ _ _________ ._ ____4___,_______ 1,300 00 I
. _ I -—-~-T~ :2,sTo oo I
i_ _ Nlaking in all __________________A______________ __ ____ $150,370 00 l .
E V For all ol` which l executed my receipt, \‘{lll('lI is entered
I on recorel in the (`lerk`s otlicc ot` the Fayette county court.
I l also :ll·lt'l`\\'1lI`tlS l'(‘('Ul\'Cll, 1`roin the T1`C2l$\\I`l‘I`()l"l`l`&ll\S_\'l\':lIllIl
` University, a balance retained in his hands for settlement
` I l ot` all claims against said l`niversi1y, oi` _____ _, _,___   ____ $5101% 67
ll 2 l Making total amount re<·cived___ ________________ _,1_11 _,__ $T0,zTG aT
I I I Less the tax on the railroad coupons _____________ __ ____ ____ 51 00 I
l Leavinrr not balance received |`ron1 Transvlvania l`niversitv__ $70 225 07
O . e 7
l Which amount has been carried to the proper m·t~m»n1s.
I have also collected, during the past year, $10,801 00 of
• the Endowment Fund of Kentucky University, the most of
I which was due before the war, and thepaynient of which had
_ i been suspended.
I . . . . .
» In accordance with the act of the Letrislature reruirinrr
rn l as
I   certain sums to be refunded to citizens of Mercer county,