October, November, and December, 1948
Satnplcs 1`ailing to equal ;2.'\1H1`H.11l.}' hy more than one-half of One per-
cent., or that were a.tln|t<—ra1cd with hulls, nnground weed seeds, or refuse,
have bee11 made to stand out in the re iort. b V the use of bold-faee t e a
pointing hand, and (where necessary) appropriate remarks under the list-
ing; of the feed that was labeled incorrectly.
Gus,r.| Fnd. Guam.! Fnd. Guar.I Fnd.
Abilene Flour Mills Co., The, Abilene, Kansas
\V1te·a1 Bran and S(’1`(*(*l1l11L{`$ ......,..,.,.L.,.L_,,L, . ..l, 14.5 15.5 3.75 4.4 10.0 10.5
Acme—Ev¤.ns C0., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Acme 10% 1*1;:* and Hogs l·`ced.. ..................,..L.. -.,, 16.0 17.2 3.5 4.9 6.0 6.1
Ky. |·`:trtn Feed ...... A ....,,,,,,,,...,,L , ,,,.,. _ .._......,_____________ 14,0 14.4 3.0 3.0 9.5 2.7
H. T. Adams 8a Cc., Ha.1·rot~<| .......     . .,.............._..._,__ 11.5 12.1 2.25 3.5 12.5 5.-1
Albany Mills, Albany, Kentucky
K`Mixt-tl I·`et·tl ................... . .................. .   ._,.. . ....._...______ 13.5 11.6 :1.0 2.1 $.0 5.2 E
Below LZ'\l2lI`£\ll1L·l‘ in tnrotcin. `
Albers Milling Co., Seattle, Washington
Alilllllll 25% <`:tI1‘ I·`e<·d....   .....   ,____.__ _ ___..__..._ 25.0 27,5 4.0 5.0 5.5 -1.5
Munttzt E5",} ¢':¤11` i·‘<~•·¢1. ...................... 25.0 27.5 4.0 4.3   3.9
Alfocorn Milling Co., East St. Louis, Illinois
K"1>oll:ir Mark 13C; Laying Mash ..... . ....____.... 18.0 16.3 3.5 3.0 3.0 7.6
Hnimv c·n:tr:tnt¢·t· in protein.
K`Fu11 Pail 16% Dairy Feed ....._.._____.___ __,_.__ ...._... A___ 16,0 15.1 3.5 2.2 15.0 13.8 E
Allen Cotuxty Mill, Scottsville, Kentucky
Alco 16*};, Dairy Feed _..__.__..._... _ ..__....._...__________________._., 16,0 17,3 21.5 1.4 15.0 10.11
Alco 102}; Dairy Fcet1...A... .....,....,......._.......... _ ........ L- 16.0 16.3 3.5 4.0 15.0 9.0
Alco 10% Dairy Feed ........___._..________ _____ __...,_ _ __..__.___._ 16,0 16,9   5.0 15,0 $.-1
[71111*11 liy—l’1‘u<111¢·ts Fsre<1__ ____________ _____ ___,.__,_,.1,._,_____ 10,0 8.3   4.7 0.0 `I.1 ‘§
Arinlteratorl with corn st·1·¢·r·t1iiiu·s.
Allied Mills. Chicago, Illinois
\VZ1.)'Il(¥ Super 1I1·oilt~r 1·`cct1-.._ .....,..   ..............., 22.0 23.8 3.5 4.-1 4.5 4.S
\Vz1yno 1~];·g· Mash .___ _ _......., _.__ _______,_.______ _ ,_,_.,__,,,.___.   20,0 20.8 3.0 4.4 N.0 T.?
\\'=tyno Eg; Mash ............ A ...... . .... - ............... - ............... 20.0 21.5 3.0 4.5 K.0 7.1
K`\\'ztyno 1ST}. Mash Layer. ....................................   18.0 17.9 3.0 3.9 S.0 9.2 E
w·\\’21}`ll(§ 135} Mash Layer ......,,,,, W,- ..................... . .... 1S.0 19.4 3.0 3.-1 3.0 9.1 E
§`Ec0nomy Scratch 1¥`ee<1..-.- .... .._...-..._.._.---.. 9.0 10.0 2.0 3.7 5.0 3.1 E
.\1ln1t<~rzitt·t1 with screening·s.
Economy Scrtitch Food ....____..,. . ,._...........,____._,.,_.,.. . 9.0 0.2 2.0 5.0 5.0 2.N
\\':tyne 32% Dairy Supplenicnt _.__,......................... 32.0 32.6 3.0 3.4 10.0 6.0
\\`:1ym= 20"2 Dairy 1·`ccy·product.
¤`$l1;ZL11’l1l•Q 10'fg Dairy Fecdl ....._,,_ , ........ . ................... 10.0 10.4 I1.0 2.3 15.0 14.0 'E
Excess clipped rmt hy—product. V
¤`Sl_l{{`(11`1l1Q 16% 1):1iry Feed .............,_,,_,_,.,,... _. ....,..... 10.0 15.2 3.0 2.2 15.0 12.3 °“
Excess clipped oat 1¤y—product.
\\'ayne Special 40"} Ho: Supplement ...... _ .... _ 40.0 43.S 2.5 4.1 $.0 5.3
\\’;tyr1e Pork )1z11{e1‘_,_,,._._.,___...._..,.- 14.0 15.2 3.0 3.6 8.0 1.3
\\';1y11r- D0: l·`t1¤><1___ _,___,_ _ _____ _ __,_,_ _,_______,____ ___,,_,,,___. __ 22.1) 21.0 4.0   5.0 LI.!
Alwxxys·A-Head Mills, East St. Louis, Illinois
'ljt)I`(1t\I` 171} Pig and Hol; 1·`e·t·d ...,     ....... ...-. 17.0 13.3 3.5 3.0 6.0 6-9 W