E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

        No action being required on the quarterly report on gifts and/cr grants,
 the report was accepted by the Chairman and ordered made an official part of the
 Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

        F. Dr. Maurice Stanley Wall Named Vice President for the Community
 College System (PR 4)

       President Singletary recommended the appointment of Dr. Maurice Stanley
 Wall as Vice President for the Community College System, effective immediately.
 He said it gave him much pleasure to recommend Dr, Wall, a long-time member
 of the faculty and administration of the University, to this key position. He added
 that Dr. Wall's appointment had the concurrence of the selection committee ap-
 pointed to seek a Vice President to replace Dr. Hartford.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and concurred in by Mr.
Clay and Mrs. Blazer, Dr. Stanley Wall was named Vice President for the Com-
munity College System, effective immediately.

       G. Interim Financial Report Approved (FCR 1)

       Mr Ruschell recommended acceptance of the financial report covering the
eleven--month period ending May 31, 1970. He pointed out that the report reflects
95. 4% of the annual income estimate and the expenditures represent 86. 8% of the
expenditure authority. The auditor's report for the 1969-70 fiscal year will be
submitted to the Board in the early fall.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and so ordered, the
financial report was accepted and ordered filed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the

       H. Lexington Banks Designated as Depositories (FCR 2)

       Mr. Ruschell explained that the recommended designation of the various
Lexington banks to serve as depositories for University of Kentucky accounts would
continue the present policy established by the Board of Trustees for an additional
six-month period. He recommended that the Finance Committee be authorized to
study the present policy to determine whether or not it should be changed.

      On motion by Mr, Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and passed, FCR 2 was
approved and the Finance Committee was authorized to make the study recommend-
ed by Mr. Ruschell. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )