

     W. R.Ro-;ers, Department of Botany, effective April 7, 1941.
He is to be paid $10.16 for his service in April.   A transfer of
the unexpended Dart of his salary,)"l39.84, is ordered from salary
budget to expense budget in Botany.     The amount so transferred is
to be expended for microscopes.

     Sarah MeCCormack, part-time secretary, Department of History,
resigned to accept position of secretary-bookkeeper in Women's Res-
idence Halls; effective March 31, 1941.

Other Staff Changes

     Idiss Frances Seeds was taken ill suddenly and it was necessary
to provide for the care of her classes.    Temporarily, IMIrs. Mary
Carolyn Wooldridge, who is employed as a graduate assistant, was
assigned to 1lhc classes for the month of December at a total payment
of $125; and for the month of January at a total payment nf $200.
This temporary assignncnt was terminated with the close of business
January 31, 1941,

     .Assistant Professor Edith Grundaeior of the Department of Home
Economics, entered the hospital I-arch 6 for an operation and it was
necessary to make provision for her classes during her absence,
Mrs. M.xrian Allen was employed for the morning classes at the rate
of $28 a week; and Mirs. Mrary Carolyn Wooldridge was assigned for the
afternoon classes with the payment of $15 a week in addition to her
present duGies as graduate assistant.    This arrangement to continue
for the period of the emergency.

     15. Lunch and Ca.m.Pus Tour.

     At one otclock p.m., luncheon was served in the Football Rooms
Student Union Cormmons where, on invitation of the President, the
members of the Board of Trustees were joined by the deans and admin-
istrative departraent heads.  After luncheon, the group, led by
President Cooper, inspected buildings on the camIpus, new and old,
Old buildings visited were Miller Hall, the old Science building,
and Neville Halll, norw^ occupied by the Departr.ent of Psychology,
formerly Sknown as the "New Dormitory".   New buildings visited were
the Engineering Quadran;,le, the Biological Science Building, the
Home Econor..ics Building, the Wenner-Gren Laboratory and Tobacco
Laboratory.   The tour ended at the Experiment Station Building about
4:00 o'clock p..

     On ri:otion and second, the riecting adjourned just prior to the
hour of luncheon.

                                     D. H. Peak
                                     Secretary, Board of Trustees