
Defense Activities of Women Students

     The young Women of the University are engaged in defense
activities.   Theyr have a bundles for Britain committee, and are
workinflg hard and enthusiastically on their project.  There is a
large group of girls knitting for the Red Cross, a first aid class,
and a radio and code class.   Their program is essentially the
same as that of Russell Sage College, which is said to be a model

The Defense Council

     A council has been set up to which are referred many matters
dealing wit'ih particibation in the Defense Program.


     The total enrollment for tne second semester is 3505, as com-
pared to 3601 for the second semester of last year.   This repre-
sents a decrease of approximately 2.7 per cent.   Thile I do not
have the figures from other institutions, it is r.my opinion, and
that of the Registrar, that this decrease is probably representa-
tive of what is happening over the country.

     A fur-oher analysis showrs that the number of men enrolled this
semester is 4.4 per cent smaller thhan the number for the second
semester of last year.   The nu.b.er of women, on tho other hand,
is very slightly larger.   The Graduate School, the Collegec of Agri-
culture, and the College o-f Enginecrin-, have had small increases
over the second semester of last year.   The Colleges of Arts and
Sciences, Law, and Commerce have decreased, awhile the College of
Education is approximately the same.   When the figures are analyzed
by clas~es, we find that there have been slight increases in the
Graduate School and the junior class.   The heaviest decrease is
found in the sophomore class.

     The enrollment for thIs semester  is 6.4 per cent less than
it was for the first semester.   Last year the second semester en-
rolimerit was 5.4 ner cent smaller than the first semester.

     While it is somewhat rlif-ficult to draw definite conclusions
from these figures, it appears probable that our losses have been
for the most part occasioned by the defense program.    The decrease
in the number of men indicates this, and the fact that the sophomore
enrollment suffered the largest decrease of any class, suggests
that a good many boys who may not have been doing particularly sat-
isfactory work have found it advisable to enter military service,
or seek employment.

The Summer Session

      Summer Session plans have been completed and every effort lhas
been made to provide arn educational program that will be useful
and appeal to students.   As has been pointed out heretofore, the
emrollraent during the summer will Drobably be affected by the grad-
uate work being offered by the four State Teachers Colleges.