search in horse matters. His vouchers are such, in general, as will
astonish the connoisseurs themselves, and will bring conviction home
to them, that, however enveloped in mystery, many things are ne-
cessarily obliged to be, yet that the work itself must be of great pub-
lic utility, and deserves well their patronage; and in conjunction
with that most useful work, "The American Turf Register," pub-
lished in Baltimore, will, in a very short time, exceed their most
sanguine expectations, and go far to accomplish the wishes of most
of the breeders of the present day.
                                      JOHN C. GOODE."

           "Diamond Grove, Brunswick Co. Va March 3, 1832.
  "I have examined the manuscripts entitled the 'American Race
Turf Rerister, Sportsman's Herald, and General Stud Book,' intend-
ed for the press by Patrick Nisbett Edgar, Esq. and find the con-
struction of the said book to be as good as it could be. And from the
particular distinctions made in said manuscripts, between imported
horses and those bred in America, I am decidedly of opinion that it
will afford much instruction and useful information to the amateur
and breeders of the blood horse in this country; and be ,the most ef-
fectual means of rescuing the genealogy of ancient horses from utter
oblivion. It will be a work wvell calculated to improve the stock of
thorou gh bred horses, and deserves well the patronage of a generous
and discerning public.
    (A true copy.)                    JAS. J. HARRISON."

                            Brunswick Co. Va. March 5, 1832.
  ",I have examined the foregoing wfork, and concur in opinion
with Capt. James J. Harrison, that it will be a very valuable acqui-
sition to the public, and particularly to the breeders of the blood
horse and sportsmen in this country.
     (A true copy.)                    THOMAS GIBBON."

                " Prestwood, Brunswick Co. Va. March 8, 1832.
  AI have also examined the foregoing work, proposed to be pub-
lished by Patrick Nisbett Edgar, Esq. and do concur with the above
gentlemen in their opinion of the said work.
     (A true copy.)                       JOHN TUCKER."

                           "Brunswickc Co. Va. March 10, 1832.
  "I have likewise examined the said manuscripts, and find them to
contain the most useful information that can be, for breeeders and
trainers, as it regards the pedigrees of blood horses. It will be a
work the best calculated to throw light upon this subject. The
arrangement is excellent, and the distinctions made between horses'
names as good as it could be. In fine, it is a work of immense la-
bor, and deserves an ample remuneration from the public.
     (A true copy.)                  MILES B. BRANCH."