OTHER ThVESTDIA I NS.   There is opportunity for
wean. other lines of investigation, more especially those
relating to live stock and its possibilities in connec-
tion with cut-over and extremely rough lands.

     The development of property of this character is de-
pendent upon the funds available and upon its location
with respect to its accessibility to the public and the
problems of the farmers of that region as they are de-
veloped. Consequently, under operation, many additions
would undoubtedly be made to the above suggestions.    How-
ever, they represent problems which we know at the present
time to be pressing.

     AITRICULTURAL EXTENISION.  It would be advisable to
carry on in connection wil;h the-Rbbinson Foundation cer-
tain forms of extension work, such as have beer; developed
by the Extension Division of the College of Agriculture.

     At the present time, the greatest opportunity lies
in the field of Junior Agricultural Extension.    This work
is developed for the purpose of teaching the boy and the
girl under home conditions the possibilities of improved
methods of agriculture and better methods of living.
This work has been developed to a considerable degree in
many of the mountain sections, but it may be developed to
a much greater degree. Its results are more or less im-
mediate and its tendency is to bring about a greater
vision on the part of the boy and girl as to the possi-
bilities of the locality in which they live.

     The Extension Division of the College of Agriculture
is prepared to cooperate with the Robinson Foundation in
placing men and women in junior extension work in the
mountain area. and will be especially interested in addi-
tions in Breathitt, Perry, Knott, Magoffin. Morgan and
Wolfe Counties,   There is opportunity for the employment
of five or six men and women in this territory to very
great advantage .  The EJxtension Division will put up dol-
lar for dollar from the kobinscn fund for the carrying on
of work of this character.    In accordance with federal
enactments and rulings., this work would necessarily be
under the full direction and control of the Extension Di-
vision of the Coll0ge of Agriculture.    If initiated, it
would be deemed advisable to request that a committee be
appointed from the Xobinson Foundation who would advise
and cooperate with the director of the Agricultural Ex-
tension Division in determining upon tho amount, character
and areas in w-hich vork is to be pL-rforraed.  It would al-
so be advisable to arrange through the Ag.ricultural Exten-
sion Division for counties in which work, is carried on to
supplement with county appropriations the funds provided

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