a 8.

was also directed to the fact that tihe General Assembly of 1920
passed an act requiring that a1l members of the Board of Trustees
shall henceforth be citizens 'of Kentucky.  On motion duly sec-
onded and adopted the Secretary of the Board was directed to have
the usual forms prepared on which the election may be held this
summer for an alumn-i member to take the place of Air. J. I. Lyle,
whose term of office expires January, 1924.

     5. Consolidated Baptist Church on Winslow Street,    A com-
munication was read from the trustees of the Consolidated Baptist
Church on W7inslow Street requesting that they be allowed to con-
tinue to use the church until May 1, 1923 at which time they ex-
pect to have it removed.   On motion duly seconded the request was

     6. Out of State Travel by Members of the Staff.    President
McVey called the attention ;of the. members of the Executive Com-
mittee to the fact that several questions have arisen in connec-
tion with out of State travel by members of the staff.    A letter
was read from Dean Cooper indicating that members of the staff of
the College of Agriculture were freauently required by reason of
arrangements with the Federal Government to carry on work outside
the State, and that the College of Agriculture is being consider-
ably embarrassed by reason of not being able to get permission for
travel for the persons involved.    The matter was discussed at
length and a motion was made by Senator Proman, seconded and
adopted adking that the committee previously appointed take these
matters up with the Sinking Fund Commission and report to the Board
of Trustees at its meeting on April 13.

     7. 'The Athletic. Council's Reouest for a Stadium.  A committee
from the Athletic Council, consisting of Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, Mr.
Henry Curtis, Professor Enoch Grehan and Professor S. A.,,Boles,
accompanied by Superintendent A. 0. Whipple, appeared before the
Committee to ask for authority to erect a building on the Univer-
sity campus for the conduct of certain athletic activities.    Doc-
tor Funkhouser made a statement to the Committee regarding the
necessity for such a building and filed the following memorandum
for the consideration ox the Committee:


        For The Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky

     1. The interest and attendance in basketball has reached the
point where the University can no longer accommodate the players
or spectators.

     2. This results in a financial loss each year amounting to
several thousand dollars and discourages-the support which the TJni-
versity should receive.