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E.     tlli Deparinieni ol ;\niinal llnsbaiulry
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{   = EDITORS NOTE; About six years ago tlrc (Zorernrnent Adiaeent land is available lor experiinental pun- ..
{ { i of Guatemala requested the US. (Iovernnrent to prorirle ifiiciiiiics [ni- {ruin iuiiniiilg ini. \-ci~\» niciicci-_ [ini _i ii _.
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5   ;\(IL-[SOI!] SCTLICL to lllL Tililllllj C·$t(ll}ll$ll((I C(lI[(>( lll -\r~H grgiiii l|`()i|) ll)(* ll()(‘l{(‘l1‘ll(‘l` l‘UllIlllil1ll)Il \\`lll lllliTl*i\v '
,` l ' » ,.,' . , I. 4 ’ , . _ _ _ _ _ _
g culture of tlre ( nxtuszty of San Carlos. DUH! li¢H¤l~`.l· ll illll Siiniiiiiyn n·lii·r·r·l)y expr-rnnenlal 5t\I(lll`$ Ul :\HH¤1~tl ll -
*—’` ‘ of tlre U. IK. College of Agriculture and Home lzeononues __ _ .. . ._   _
5   _ _ _ bandix max be eontlneletl. llu- 1 nixeisity nuns at ·,
g _ surveyed the situation. He u-as accompanied by Dr. ]. hull com ‘ {hm` nil S (INI I \rmuhm H
" · . _ `1 . ‘ ' ‘. [ il L .‘ ` ' `l' \‘ j' "
    _ Eduardo Hernandez, Department of Modern Foreign Lan- V _ ( I   ll ( _ _ I i` _ _ U "
    _ guages, who screed as Interpreter. As a mult of Imin \\‘l·It~li’.` ‘*l“""‘“"‘l*‘ ·“" ‘ *""""`l’·‘l""‘ \""l"‘“"*·
ti   Q recommendations, the University of Kentucky assuriuwl oon— The (Yollt-ge of linuinei-ring has an elegant sn ~`·· _
V, i   traetual obligations tlzrouglr tlze (YS. Stale Deparlrnenl lo on the new campus, Its ln-antillul anditorinin is li: C-}
,` V     Provide tl"? Services 'C(l‘“’$t€d- in eolorinl tropical xxoods and it is otlrerxyise uell eii»;_;·_-F
  Q .   { The accompanying report includes some relevant olzscrra- rm. pmibssimmi mix \·(.ii.I.imu.}. Sim HSN l‘Wm__._ ._
if 3   iu-rw ”*<1r '|`hv¤‘<- is <·<¤¤·sil<· li<·=¤ii¤>¤· <·lW `   mls “'l‘
1i;   Flick, University Of [Own; Libi·rn—y’ 1Q60’ Din Hci-bci-t oil;-rings because only a lexy ol the eolletles w--§`1 `·—` $""‘l'*‘l `
i   ` M€i$$€Y, U¤iV€l'SitY of K€nfllCl€€***` HS ml C<·ea\11*¤'·* uw the I
i .  on 115   and ab()1lt   St1I(_1(_}]'lt$, (ll;\S$(jS ;_)_]'c (;()]]d|]Ct(-(I )(¤i·i·(·(·ily Iiiiiilyiil to think [hill ii )i·(i|·(»SSi)i· \\()iii(l (`illlld-l  Clio;] ki
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i   i tlfld AdH'llYllStl'2ltlOYl l"lO1lS€(l lll ill] lll]pOSlDg’ ]]C\V l)\lll(lll\g_ to i)r()l(·s5 l()|'l\]i[ll}'_ llnllu-r_ ilu- i)liil()$()i)ll}` is l"    €m(`(ll(‘;i
  V;j_    . 4 Laboratories are conducted in a L,al)m·;rtor-y Biiilrling wiiicii gin, (yin-his ],(.]n iisciij ()ii,i.,· Si.,-iiccs cimtisii-,,4 iullil   nomic c
      _ 1S shared with the College of Vgtcriririry ivlcdicinc anal c(,nimi.i. iuciniii. ini. pmcimsi, or iui)()mim.i. i.iiinin:i’  n'. Siiici.
   ;r_   Animal Husbandry. 1`here 1S also an gurrlirm-{nm (if Sirik- ririrliriims ii, i|i(. iiiynii-i·_ ri(|(]iiii,,,ii] ni-(,[`c$Sinn;il inurl  clllllg, Si
_ _`_: fi    me =··‘¤h¤t<*¤¤¤·‘¤l dcslgll ¤PP"<>l?¥`l¤Y0 for lll(* tropics. ol key nu-mln-rs ol` the stall`, st·hol;u·ships in “‘“l   Sllllilr
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