l Michener, john Updike, john Irving, Letters to the Editor
  l C.S. Lewis, Stephen King, William Sty- l
    ~ ron, Torn Clancy, Anne Tyler and D.H.   More Families ofFiue
l   L Lawrence. james Michener was men- Regarding your request for information
     *_ ` tioned more than any other. Alumnus 1 on multi-alumni families ("A Family of
Q]       § Bobbie Ann Mason made the list, too. Five Graduates" — Kentucky Alumnus
tl     _   ’:  l The answers to “what is the best Vol. 62, No. 1), Rita and Frank Faraci’s
‘       book you’ve ever read” are also very five children graduated from UK from
  ,_  lllll,w§’@_ mixed — from The Soarce to Trinity to 1967-1977. They are Mary ’67, a profes-
  gagi  y Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy — also sor at Florida Atlantic University in
',     included are Where the Red Fern Grows, Boca Raton; Frank ’68, an attorney in
      Les Miserables, Fatal Wsion, Parliament of Huntsville, Ala.; Pat Welch ’70, a high
i   Whores, Lonesome Dove, “almost any Ayn school teacher in St. Louis, Mo.;john, a
l -     ¤f=   R o is lt ·’ th h ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Fl ol ’77
l  ,._,_   an oo , among many o ers. p YSICIHD in jupiter, a., an janet ,
    l There is no particular theme run-   adentist in Lexington.
  ,//     ning through the summer’s favorite T The Faraci family’s loyalties to the
   ga; l reading — it includes “various myster- University of Kentucky remain quite
T     wg ` l ies," The Free Frenchman, Gondan Kitchen strong.
l " " num    Ggdis Wife, Blind Ambition, Bluegrass U
i Land Cf Lye, Koop, The Texas Connection Frankj. Faraci
‘   and The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception. jupiter, Fla.
  Faxline Focus responses to the 1
  questions about summertime I
  reading were truly a mixed bag. Q `SEE THE       92
l However, most of us like to read in ·
l bod, and tho Bible was the oVoI.Wholm_ . _A·_ Travel with us by motor-coach to AmeriFl0ra '92 _
l ing choice for the outer-space library.   in C‘°lumbuS’ Ohi°* _
1 NOW, ponder this _ _ _ Of those who   Friday September 11, 1992 fora *day-trip of
i chose to put the Bible in an outer- @L$`CO'VE:7(,I£S €?'R,£Q)LSCO’l/E9(l£S
i space library, fewer than half named l Without borders, bellhops, or bother, you're aguest ata Monte Carlo palate,
  the Bible as a book that had helped T a Britisfi fag/i Yea, and a Japanese Yea Ceremony. Discover the wonders of l
  define their lives. 1 Malaysia, Korea and 9(yssiao. the marvelous variety of Africa and l
_ The space colony library included l Jilusrrafrkz. Flediscover familiar friends from Canada to Holland] Ireland
  not only sustenance for the soul (the and Itafy. l/Wth beautiful pavilions, displays, shops, entertainmentand  
1 Bible and the Koran), but for the 1
l mind (the dictionary in several lan- Th Id     92/ i
  guages), the body (selections on ewor is ringing its est to Ht] LOK2 . l
l health) i and the €UVlYOUm€Ul (Atlas 8:00 a.m. — Depart. from King Alumni House, 400 Rose Street, Lexington
l and map of the heavens, The Whole 11:00 a.m.-Ai~nveln Columbus (Optional 1-1/2to ‘.Zhour guided walking tour available  
j Earth Catalog) _ One alumnlts Chose upon arrival. Cost- $8.00 per person/Seniors $5.00 each. Reserve below.) it too  
, to take Mad Magazine along, and 7:45 pm" D°l°a"9°umbu€ _ __   l
l , tt , l 11:30 p.m.— Approximate arrival back in Lexington
  another Saud Orlc gf Gary Larson S i Send your check to the UK Alumni Association, King Alumni House, 400 Rose Street,  
  Cartoon an[hOlOg1€S‘   Lexington, KY 40506-0119. For more information, call 606-257-1478.  
  Books continue to be a favorite gift 1 —————— ¢ — — -j-‘— — é — — t —————————— _ 
  to glvo to othors and to buy for ooo»S   Make T__ resewat;1on(s) for the AIIl€I`lFlOI`2l trip @ $55 each = $___  
{ Sola Usually Evo to too books oro pup 1 Please includ  walking tour(s) @ $8.00, and ___ @ $5.00 = $______ 1
chased Cach year. j j` Total enclosed = $____
The public library is a popular   A NZtm€· 
, place for most of you — some go as _  ` Addf€SS 
t many as 50 or 60 times each year. a;  ¢  State___Zip___Phone____ 
l Most of us read at least an hour a day,   VISA#..__...jExp. Date ,
  while some read as much as three and   .___ MaStoI.Cal.d# Exo Dato l
  four houls 3 day Whcnévcr pOSS1bl€` *There must be a minimum of 30 people booking this trip to prevent cancellation.
l Favorite authors include james
  Fal] 1992 Kentucky Alumnus 31