Sex: 1] Male I] Female  
Marital Status: [I Single K] Married
M I] Divorced E] Widowed   y
    . Age: Q 23 at Under Q 24-32 K1 22--11  
. K] 42-50 [l 51-59 [1 60 & Over  {   W 
i Number of Children:    
' , Household Income: E 20,000 & Under Cl 20,001—35,000    
M 1] 35,001-50,000 [I 50,001-65,000  E  
"Y 9* .. A I] 65,001-80,000 E Over 80,000 $   
i . Current Position:  _;  
Length of dine     ‘·{_-
3 € with current employer:   ;    '',_  
x _ -     . . s
y _,    » ·‘    {gz-·» Post-Graduate Degree: Q Masters [1 PHD     j
_._. ; .  _V_V____V_»v_ `ir ': _ f   [1 Law E Medical T    M
\ Residence: [1 Own home I] Rent   A 4
We gre gsking for   Invest in Stocks: lil Yes Cl No  i ‘ _
your assistance to   _;, -  i
determine what you Regularly Invest in IRAS      
t '   V9;
cuggrgznz   or Keough Plans: I] Yes [1 No ;   {
general. We will use  
*hl’_l“l°"{"°'l_°" *° Exercise on a regular basis: [1 Yes [1 No l *   `
assist us m dnscus- .  
sions with advertis- N_ h E  
ers ¤s they make lg ts per year spent {  i 1 I
*l‘°l' d°°l’l°:i}:° in a hotel: [1 1-5 E 6-10 [I 11-15 F  qt
SU P0 8 1-   ;
Kentuckyzlumnus U 16-20 U Over 20 ~    V?
magazine. We do ;  
¤¤* ¤¢¢d Y¤¤* ¤¤m¢ Number of automobiles owned:   j  
or address. You § j `*r‘  
ne::e‘;':,l,:,:;, If:  Name of Long Distance Service:   ~_·ii;»
right. THANKS FOR Q  
P|e;(;l::PT;E°; Do you own a mobile telephone: [1 Yes ij NO gi    
0 i b 15. s d   *
yduj r;;pons::y Number of UK home games  
*°’2· °" ”‘°ll '° _H°** attended per year: I] 1-5 [1 6-10 _
;T6m;n,;g:;°;;; E 11-15 1] 16 or more  
Lexgngyonl KY Favorite past-time / hobby i h
40508 outside of work:  
ATTN: UK Alumni  
32 Kentucky Alumnus Fall 1992