TIIK KKNTl'CKY KKItNKI.. Krid.iv. April 27. Ifl.Vi

Music Festival Scheduled
Here Today And Tomorrow









iii&n lihmi miku'ius rrotn a II over the state will compete foi
honors today and tomorrow in the 32nd annual Kentucky Stati
High School Music Festival.
About 700 students are expected
to take part in the vocal, piano,
and organ sections of the festival.
All ' participants must have
achieved a rating of Division I in
regional festivals in order to enter

the state contest.

have been played. Arnold Blackburn, professor of organ at the
University, will discuss organ techniques with the participants.
The University Choristers will
act as the demonstration group for
those students entered in the
Choral Student Conducting section
of the festival. This event will be
held at 2 p.m. Friday, in the Fine
Arts Building.
Choruses from fiO high schools
will perform Saturday. They are
scheduled to be heard in the University School Auditorium. Alumni
Gymnasium, and the Bluegrass
Room of the Student Union Build-

The schedule of events call for
ptarto solos in Memorial Hall on
Friday morning-- . Piano duet and
duo events will be heard in the
University School Auditorium Friday afternoon.
The organ event Is being held
for the first time this year. Students entered in this event will
perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, in
Memorial, Hall. After all selections ing;.

Around for
A Fine Dry

arvara Froiessor
Discusses Future

The Ouisnnl Theater will present "nip InnocentV, a psychological mwtrry thriller. Mav
The play Is bv WlUlnm Archllmld
and is based on Hmry James'
short story "The Turn of thf


S( mv"-




place about 18JH
old cmintrv house in Kng- land which is haunted bv the
spirit of evil.
The cast will Include Pace Williams as Miss Olddens. Janet Lambert as Mrs. Grose, Nancy Nile
last Wednesday night.
school level. This counseling should in the role of Flora, and Freil
Dr. Stouffer's lecture, entitled be directed more at the parents Sliter as Miles, her brother. Mary
"Social. Science and the World of than the chffH, Dr. Stouffcr stated. Ann Stevenson and Charles GalTomorrow," was one of the lecloway will also be in the cast.
tures in a scries sponsored by Paul
G. Blazer.
Social science is still undevelS,V"Ti
oped in comparison to the physical
sciences, Dr. Stouffer said, because
of the difficulty of gaining proof in
experiments. In order for a theory
to be proved, controlled experi(Author of "Darttot Boy IVitl Chttk," tte.)
ments are necessary. It is much
harder to control experiments involving social phenomena than
physical, he added.
There is a great need for social
scientists in the world today, Dr.
Once there was a Chi Omega named Alfreda Pectate who
Stouffer said. He listed four major
was beautiful and
areas where the need is particuand wore clothes of the most
larly great. They are in the fields tasteful cut and smoked the gentlest of all cigarettes
of industry, where sociological
Morris, of corns! and had, in addition to these admirable
concepts are being applied more
qualities, a brain so massive and retentive that she used to read
and more to advertising and personnel work; in government, where the Britannka just for kicks.
economists and statisticians are
Alfrcda had one great ambition: to be elected to Phi Beta
needed; in publi chealth; and in Kappa. Consequently she was all
when she heard a
education, where the major probrumor one night that a man from the Phi Beta Kappa selection
lem is the vast number of people
of eligible age who do not go to board was coming over to the Chi Omega house to interview
her. Being all
Alfrcda sat down and lit a Philip Morris,
as she always did when she was all
for gentle Philip
Morris, as wise Alfrcda knew, is comfort to the troubled, balm
to the beset, and a haven to the vexed. Rut gentle Philip Morris,
as Alfreda, with her mighty intellect, was well aware, is not
only a cigarette for times of stress and strain, but also the






Audubon Film
Scheduled Here

"Great Smokey Skyland" will be

the theme for the Audubon Screen
Tour series, to be given at 8 p.m.
tomorrow night in Memorial Hall.
Dr. G. Harrison Orians, distinguished National Audubon Society
speaker, will show color motion
pictures of the Great Somkies.
These southern highlands are one
of the greatest wilderness areas
remaining in the United States.
The Audubon Screen Tour series
are presented by the Audubon Society 6f Kentucky, the National
Audubon Society, and the UK Department of Zoology, and features
natural history lecturers. This is
the third and final program for
the 1955-5- 6 series.
Dr. Orians attended North Central Illinois University and the
University of Illinois. He was a
ranger naturalist at Yosemite National Park and served on the faculty of the University of Idaho
and the University of Illinois. In
World War II he taught p:e-- f light
training for the 'Army Air Corps.
He is .now a professor of English
and director of the summer session at the University of Toledo.
UK students presenting ID cards
will be" admitted free.


Window shopping's a time- - proven
way to test before you try. Wo
think it works for dry cleaning
services, too! Pick th smartest
looking women, the most dapper
chilmen, even the
dren. Ask them how they got
that way. Chances are, they
don't wear new clothes every day.
Chances are, they use a
dry cleaner. Chances are,
they use us! Why not join in?
The prices are fine!








Guignol Presents


"If nunkiiul survives the atomic holocaust, tin world of to morrow will he a. wonderful place if our understanding of in in '
and his institutions continues to develop.
These words highlighted the talk
Tn mrrt tM ,irnhiti tV- Qff.
by Dr. Samuel A. Stouffer. profes- Silkli coun.sf.linR of .student.,
sor of sociology at Harvard Uni- - frr
snould brpul not in hif!h schoo, or
vcrsity. given at Memorial Hall lnninP uUJh hut. nt tho crnrt



perfect accompaniment to happiness and light. For gentle
Philip Morris is sunny and cheery and jolly and merry and
yummy! All this Alfreda, with her giant cerebellum, knew.

By and by there came a

loud, masculine knock on the door, and
Alfreda, composing herself, went to answer it. "Won't you come
in?" she said to the man outside. "I am Alfreda Pectate."
"And I am Ed Fester," said the man, entering with a friendly
smile. Ed had found that a friendly smile was a great asset in the.
Venetian blind game, which happened to be Ed's game. He had
nothing to do with Phi Beta Kappa; he had come over to see
about a new blind for the house mother's bedroom. But, of
course, Alfreda knew nothing of this.
"Do sit down," said Alfreda.
"Thanks, hey," said Ed. "But I can't stay long."
"Of course," said Alfreda and proceeded without delay to
demonstrate how wide and comprehensive was her learning.
"Deer," she said, "have no gall bladders."

Farm experts estimate that improved pasture can produce about
100 pounds of stock feed at a
cost of about 60c.

Discount On Cash And Carry

The Famous SKIMMER


by . . .


Now In 15 Different Ways


bu Capexicr

"Is that so?" said Ed, who until this moment had believed
deer had gall bladders.
"Ben Jonson," said Alfreda, "was buried in n sitting position."
"Hfiim," said Ed. ,
' 'Fortnight' is a contraction of "fourteen nights " said
"What do you know !" said Ed.
"Many people think it is forbidden to wash an American
flag," said Alfrcda. "That is not true. It is perfectly proper to

wash an American flag."
"Learn something every day," said Ed.
"The smallest fish in the World " said Alfreda, "is the Tan-daPygmea, which is under a half Inch when full grown."
"How come they buried that Jonson sitting up?" said Ed.
"It's terribly crowded in Westminster Abbey," said Alfreda.
"Oh," said Ed.
"Ann Boleyn had six fingers on her left hand," said Alfreda.
"Heavens to Betsy!" said Ed.


"Are there any

questions you'd care to ask me?" said Alfreda
one," said Ed. "How big is your house mother's
A tear ran down Alfreda's cheek. "Well, that's the way it
goes," she sighed. "You work and slave and study and then they
catch you on a trick question! . . . Oh, well, that's life, I guess."
Forlorn and bereft, she rose and shambled to her bed anil
fell upon it and wept for several days. But finally she pulled
herself together, and today she is with Byrd in the Antarctic.

Black Kid
Brown Kid
Navy Kid
Red Kid
Whit Kid


Whit Satin
Black Sued
Navy Sued
Camel 'Kalapo
Wedgewood Katalop

Red Kafalop

Natural Peruvian' Linen
Yellow Peruvian Linen



Sporti Car Print Straw



You don't hate to be a Phibate to kntnc that Philip Morrii, muJe
by the tpontort of lhi$ column, it the grntleil, tattieti cigarette that

money can buy.
