C H Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER 4, 1913 No. 12
. .5
‘—  "' "‘_‘ COURTESY OF
wttgug; qw. 1-..1;;;.... A||1·h•y Ay-. 8sys Its Hard to Plck an All-Btn Grldlron and V•nd•v|||• ·•6tunt•” to C H BERRYMAN Prospects Bright for s Successful
Lqokmg rm-, gnj thm Eleven, and Glves Hls Reasons Add Gsy•ty to tm Oceealon. ° ° Season, and Much New Mlterlil
v . ·°m*· rw chu"' —— Harlow F. Dean, of Arts Club, to Ren- H-. Turned Ou"
.._._.. ——- ¤0v:RNOR McCHEARY INVITID du swam vo"' -—;-
} TH! econ; negewr Mgrrgg, STATE GPI'! SEVEN MEN _... Numb". 6000 SCHEDULE ARRANGED
' ....; ——— On next Saturday evening one of . .......
The wudcau cmfcmded their 1913 umm J' Tis°rt' in Lexingwu Lad") the biggest events ln the history of PLAN TO RAISE FUNDS Basket ball practice has begun in
.,“0¤ with the most gmemns wmv I have (men °°m°nd°d that A"` State University and the clty ol Lex- earnest, and the prospects are good
cnr Nan on Sum meld. The mu American. All-C0nfeN¤<>¢. All-Bitte metee will be pulled on at the pheemx Through the courtesy of Manager for s successful season on the armory _e
  md whit, eleven S", [hg wm {mm TM nl °th°r A“`T°°m° WM? ° j°k°' Hotel. The banquet will be an appro- Charles H. Berryman, the Ben Au floor.
U ¤·· v¤¤v¤r·¤w ¤r r·¤·····¤¤ •¤· ¤··¤¤- ”““"‘°" ‘° "‘°'° `"‘° ‘°°°‘ ‘“°" ·=*·¤¤¤ 0* me ·¤*e¤¤*¤ vers of the Theater has been donated for the ttm. A""“‘ 3° '“°" "G °“° '°' ¤’°°“°•
at Out game of the season, and lt was by t · ue ly in posmou to select Wildcat! during the season just closed. can which wm be given December every day, and Coach Brummage ex-
• theypleuum of hm md the wonderful 1nteuigent.1y,snd Ifeelthatl amlsbor- The hmcueee wm else be e ··geMe_ 15 under the auqmces of the Sum! peots to be able to put a classy tlve
mud mmm): umm, of one Tonner ing under this diflicnlty in striving to eethero me". between the emzeee of rumvcmty Y M C A for the purpose on the floor when the season opens.
' nun, yc]gpt puymn, th.; the md, ”l°°t m Auxeumcxy °]°v°¤' Bmw Lexington and the faculty and stu- of creating A fund with which to to The veteran material available ls
(mm the Sunny gut, nosed out e 13 umm “° uw"] hum. ls um gnu dents of State University. und wu delegates from the Univer. Carl Zerfoss, Tuttle, Scott, guards;
to 7 d,cg,g°¤_ w!;i°h I h"° ;I°°° °°°bl; ti °b°°"° The movement was started by s my to me Student volunteer weston Preston and Parks, centers; Morgan
th s season. owever, av ng con- · ·· ‘
, prominent glumnug of the city and is and Schraeder, forwards. The most
,,§`,‘;‘ff’,Q‘§§; f’_‘{,f__ §’,‘;§'°_,,,`f,§'f jj *··~·¤ wss Mr- B¤·¤=···· ·**~¤*··· 0* test tts-tts s.»w..-tt ws. st aid of ;’j¤f'§,'{Qj"‘Dj_Q‘;j;‘b;";0”€an“_j'j8;‘ psmssg new ttm s Tom ze.-s..,
wedceu revel, reduced In the mw “m°“°' ‘° S°“° U“"°"“’· "h° h" the Commercial Club and public 1 ' who shows promise of great class as
eehavy edd, an Kemecuem mu M °°°° ul uw °°°m' °f °b° Sum m °°` spirited citizens, the object being slug";} R r [ I t d 1 i t d a forward.
A ’ 8 mm this N"' I haw d°°|d°d t° ‘t` greater State University. Secretary ope I Ren Q D an S an The schedule to date is as follows:
the Tennesseans from whistle to tempt 8 selecuom The selection et Cramer of me Commercial Club has composer, will be the entertainer of Ju. 10_Asmwd Y- M. C- A- at
'm°¤°' uid °:° mlmcylut wwfmtb this team ls embarrassing for other suggested that M umn; mbloaux to im the evening and as an added feature Lexington
NU df DB! • D¤¢ h¤¤\• Gl S muon. Harlowe F. Dean, of the Arts Club, ` _
made the Volunteers meager lead _ di°°t° mu um t°m°h°wk hu b°°n recently of the Conservatory of Music, Jw`16_ChHsts Church' Cmcumnt
me mm “‘° "°‘ um M'· B"“'““° ‘“° ‘“’ buried, that Chief Reagan and the hss- B t m gl I I st Lexington.
F t Id uu, adm hed nu h"° bun °“°°i°'°°d m cuching klest boy in the University do a sort bog ou, W vo umn mcs num- JM- 20—A¤bl¤¤d`Y· M- C- A-. Rt Ash-
• °' w° '” ‘ ' ° the University of Kentucky team .. .. °"‘ I
_ of United We Stand act on the plat.- ,, Mid-
been sifting down on Stoll Field and men. it duncan ee niece wuheet uu Mr. Roper is the composer of The Ju 21 Marshall com e at Hum
. in groa:d was everywhere soaked. me or allele eel, Num hem seek mfg; P for ul. Chlmes," and in his lmprovlsltatlons IL 8 ’
~   W R *     V r . -*5 · r»~1";}‘·.  A .. · `
- ss ss- www ...t st. est., "“"°""'· ““ "’°"' “"""" ·¤··· s · ··¤K···» dsriisvwn mae ,0 §,‘{"§f,"‘,,‘,{·_;_'$~···**!'*""""" ""“" J-.- ·•—¤·······e s mss. s
me eb reed m Q th e l, hum numb"' md yu uu Uunniu mm ville stunts will be enjoyed. Alter the E L. Hm ° · ' Charlottesville. ,
as _°,_,__',§ '° ° ° ° " ‘ *·· ··> ¤····=¤ ·¤<·····r ¤=·¤ ¤·• ··°·•* asm . .....s.. will se an me the C A of St;tj°°U”“’m’r_; ";’u_; E Jan. s.w..tt..m.. and ss, .t
U gamma me and- were teams that I do not think that those renewing ereenm et were eeeeey rams th rt ,456 th H Lexington, Va.
I d ml 5000 km f e ‘"‘° ”° ’°‘"" °°"“’°‘”'" ‘° ’““° ‘"“ was will be given. °° ° °°°°° ' ° W Jen. z4—v. M. 1.. at 1.e¤nngton,Vs.
’°°° ° W ’ PI" N"' ° consider that the selection of these Addms ecnmm Mccmuy. “mF’“°t “°°°“*“`Y t° ’°“d u" t" d°l°' Jem 31__Heiee"_,e,.8_ et Lexmetem
‘“‘“"°" °‘ ‘“‘°' "°’° """°" "°““" ses *- ¤·=¤ ·¤ ¤·re··¤*¤e- Mr- Bm- s.nm...n.y.,.- J s e.....t, — ‘“‘°‘ '°-“‘° °°“‘°"’°°°· "'“°'*—‘"“ °° est. t.-U..tt..-..t, tt t..,....tn.,, ..
the gold. It ivasha mThanksgiv· we and I dm, careful cemummee Adam". HTM University m hmm- attended by more than 6,000 students Lexington.
3: .t:;.cr;:t tw   2) d Wim  ""'° °°‘°°‘°" "‘° '°“°‘""" "‘“"‘°"‘ tion of semee··-meanest s. s. ess  '°;’“;““ °"_‘;" °°"°‘° ""' ““"°" ree. tt-utnvmtty of ssuttvttte, .t
• . W Y °* Y * n- tucky team for 1913; ker. B Y dfth merica and many of Louisville.
goals zgumbogsc studsmb ugmed Len Eud—z°¤°"’ Kentucky Sum "The Educational Assets of Lexlng- the Dowd foreign institution" Feb. 18 and 19—Unlve¤-stty or Jrsn-
; dres isnt h re; betey oore, Len T·ckle_emtchel.' Kentucky mn’__R°pr°¤°¤tativ8 from the com- Dr. John R. Mott, associate general www at Lexington. -
au , an a ay e, egan the job Bene secretary of the Worlds Y. M. C. A. '
· Fb.21—Ui it f l ,
of clearing the field of its straw blah- _ mucul Club' Movement, chairman of the Executive e n vers y 0 C Mmmm
ust gm °°°:° B°(;°°”’ G°°r°°t°Y°` "“°*°“°¤ T°¤°"*°"'·”°°’** B’°°"· commntss of student Volunteer Mets “‘ L°“““'°“‘
CRIB lass, GOPKOIOWD. ' F b_ 26__M 1 C u _
The Volunteers were on the fleld _ · mud"' ment and general secretary of the B ar atm 0 esa! .t Lex
any me seemed to be when It mgm Gund w°°d°°°' Kmmcky "What the Reporters See and What W ld, Ch I U St d F i¤8¤>¤-
sem.; s st. mts at t J5 tts vine 8***** The WM-°r*¤¤ ¤·~¤*¤·‘·¤ ¤* ¤=· wlyhi Mtn tuninst et?;T°:;°' “‘“""‘ ‘2‘“““""“"‘ °°"°‘°· “‘
. : - ' c saunono e.rs n
eats trotted out on the fleld and were mgm Tackle-—W·lk°r' Louuvmen r°p°n°"’ st d t t l th 1 Lexington
ad ie b , 1 °°***°' "°°"—*’°"‘· "°°°“°"’ “‘“‘°· ··1¤ Times of ole, wm soy, we,. “ °“ ‘“°""""“ “ " ° “°"’· °“" A date ent be sn-mss sts.- tt.
I;•¤t· W • ¤1’¤t 0 muse wd mgm Eud_R0th' Kentucky Stew B0ld__~R C Stun who is considered to be the most in- meet University of Cincinnati on hor
e eers. . Len Hm Bsck_Tume’ Kentucky H ' ’ ‘ H tluentisl layman ln the United States, h n
e A few minutes later the game had Sum R TM Umsusgy N: amnkmrt _ will preside over the convention. Omg cor.
‘ tat tt . .  
'*'“’*°d· Th° nm m°'“°“*° °’ “*° R B k- in le Trans 1- opmsen ve E num   he reminded the students that they
ism Hut °° T ° y' y "The Flght for Southern Honore"- ly conduct on the floor the interest
8\¤\0y W0!'0 encnsh to ¤b0W U15! {D6 vent; D J J T rt I ' were sent to State University to flnd
Wildcat, hu! mot a dmgerous 0pp0_ Fun Back and C·pmm_Sc0"” Ku-   . iss .1 Ed U H R d splayed ln coming out and the pleas- the mm standard, to know the good
¤0¤¢· TUB Volunteers K¤‘¤¤*-IY Wt- meh. stem senutxjrzmizl $@:2: on TJ apr- 2:: pe;-romance of the mgm evening' from the bad. the right from the wrong
Wdillwd ihd BNIB IDG Whitd t%¤¤1. °I heve no hesimuon in selecting any y n V r` M;scF;l::.s¤;is:mH;l:3t;: zssnuyt; and to live according to the right
and their backheld. reported to be A B f 1, _ He is en exeeueet ' ' ’ ‘ M standard with afalth in human nature,
z° °° ° wd Admission will be by tickets at $150 Mrs A W Gulllon Mr and Mrs Zem-
very llsht. was in reality the equal in mm en the Ousnael and me bee, de r I tc Th m b Gd' bmi ‘ d ‘D Z ‘ ‘ ‘ s tstth that broadens the me or man.
werent of tsst of xsntueuy. The vm- ,mm mu I hm me ee, ,w_ H, 3; ;_’h“°·u Bil **2 ° ";°‘;‘ t :" I f““ W "· °""*“’—‘· °‘ W°"” C°" This ls the second toss tnts ssnennsr
r 0 D . V ,
t°" °h°°r wdght °°°bl°d umm t° ls an exceptionally good punter and a th U I it Oh ld sry ::1 Iguana ef: 0:1 fmwu year that the young ladies and gentle-
link imo me veneer of mud md nm nm drop kick". Rom payed a wp- b eningzerg y s ou s ow s oy y dhe For clemnglttee also deserves men have heard the Judge speak and
· mn f°°"n‘ °° uw mm ¤°u°d un` notch game at the other end all season y L an race vas t at an S of The Idea' the two occasions call for another ln
derneath while the Wildcats flound- ’
' until he was taken ill at Louisville, the near future. We need more such
° ‘"‘ ‘"°   °’°° ’“ “‘° “°"‘*‘° ··=·· ··»·~·»=   ··=   ···   ···· T"Es{t'}>%‘§§s‘%—No€Em JHB3t”€s?s’§’E's'§'t¥°t‘£sNTs   peny *¤   dm     W
""·°h°r°u· lay"` °t W"' "°u°d' Pak two games, his magnificent showing   er ls supremely fitted to do us good.
was a little weak in his toe work and unmet Cmeumeu end ether good _   EMM"` Jurm md Imtrudor SN". The convocation committee is urged
T•¤¤•||0• Ili¤0d ¤0¤16 ¤¤ l¤ i¤¢0|'· to arrange him another date and let
*6***** wsrrsnts his '°l°°u°¤· And"' Edlters are grateful to the Students. on Freedom and Fstnsss.
shsnse of tnnr vnnts- A fnrwsrd ness ,e,,_ of G,,e,e,,,ew,,_ t, ,,,0,,,,,, good the students and faculty re-hear mm.
d ral un b lr b D ..;........_.
Ltd :1:oNm w°K::“:ck;,s :;:3 FL: °¤d Wd P°"iblY °¤ UW wh°l° '°" After the struggle of the edltors of Judge Lyman Chalkley delivered an Mr E T Proctor and Mr Taylor
Wu" W°'¥ mtiht be Ul"°¤ * Pmce °"°" The Idea to get permission to hold a interesting talk to the students of o ' ' - ,
""°"° "°“‘“°"’ "“‘ ‘“‘ “‘° "°“‘°“‘ new fundltftln dance for the be ent t st t U t tt ”°"‘ °' "‘° ""“ °“° S°'°“°" °°"“"`
blt of defensive work of the day, and walk t L I m I the tron _ I n 0 A Q n vars Y at convocation Tues` ment, passed the Rhodes Scholarship
me umm: mu mm new Tennna 6*2 ° W W °· 9 S 8 our college weekly, we can with filled day morning on "Standards." Judge examination
for down. Pumas out from behind 6*** ¤¤d most *K8*`°“iV° WCHG I h°·"° appreciation thank the dance commit- Chalkley discussed standards that are
M. .081 HQW Put booted wuuy md *99** this Y°¤'~ The °th°" tackle $0*** tee and Miss Hamilton particularly, true and those that are false. Cour- Joe held her hand and she held hls‘n;
uw Nmmozl to Kentuckym slum W C*‘“'·°h°*‘· °‘ K°m“°l‘Y S'·“°· ‘”h° for the kindness shown us and the un- age. honor. lying, stealing, humor, wlt, Soon they hugged and went to kiss'n.
uno A una buck ruled to nm md @h°¤8h V°*'Y Wim wd PNWUK his drst waverlng lnterest ln the welfare of the vulgarity and obscenity ln their true ignorant that her Pa had rls‘n,
` ' Yea'- hu m“d° “ *'°m"k*bl° ‘h°w' college at large. The staff compli-iand false characters were vivldly por- Madder’n hops and simply slzz`n.
`• (Continued on Page Eight.) (éontilmed OD Page Eikbt.) ments the students f0l‘ UIQ B6¤ll8¤l&¤- truyed by the speaker and in closing (lee! But Joe went out a whizz'n.