complaints before your Honorable Body, and request your
attention to these subjects.
   And we cannot but hope that some course will be
adopted by the supreme authority of the State, which may
in future prevent such evils to suffering individuals and to
society. We feel it a duty which we owe to ourselves and
to the Shakers to say that we have no personal pique or
quarrel against them on any account whatever, and we are
perfectly willing the Shakers should enjoy undisturbed
their religious opinions so far as they do not operate to the
injury of the community at large, or distress unoffending,
virtuous females, heads of families and helpless children.
  And we trust that you in your wisdom as fathers and
guardians of the people in general, and of the oppressed
in particular, will pay that attention to this subject which
its importance demands.-And as in duty bound will ever
pray.             AMASA SARGENT, and 56 others.

  Mr. Carrigain, not having seen the remonstrance, re-
quested that it might be read, and it was read by Mr.
Parker, as follows:

   To the Honorable, the Legislature of New-Hampshkie,
                      now in session.
  WHEREAS certain evil disposed persons, have for a num-
ber of years past strove, and still continue to strive, either
directly or indirectly, to molest the peace of the United
Society called Shakers, of Enfield, New-Hampshire, and
have by their false statements anid deceptious insinuations,
deluded many well disposed people in this town and vici-
nity, (who perhaps are entirely ignorant of the principles
of our institution,) to put their names to a petition for a
redress of grievances, which never have existed since the
organization of said Society; it would be proper to re-
mark, that some of said petitioners have been, and still are
dependent on said Socieiy for assistance in the comforts of
  Therefore, we, the undersigned, members of said United
Society, feel it our duty, as friends of justice and truth, to
remonstrate against the aforesaid false statements and
deceptious insinuations contained in said petition; and all
documents contributing to their support; as a public