F 5 . r
.1 l
I 3 7. DYNAMo DESIGN. Required of juniors in Mechanical and Elec-
trical Engineeringf Prerequisite, Electrical Engineering 1. Electrical
K Engineering 2 must have been completed or be taken coordinately.
Twelve hours a week. Second half of second semester. Assistant
Professor Bureau, Assistant Professor Barnett.
8. T1zANsromxI1·m DESIGN. Required of seniors in Mechanical and  
Electrical Engineering. Prerequisites, Electrical Engineering 1, 2, 3.  
Four hours a week. First half of second semester. Assistant Pro- €
fessor Bureau.  
9a. Er.1ccrmc.u. Lnnonsrortr. Required of all juniors in Engineer-  
ing and seniors in Industrial Chemistry. Prerequisite, Physics 6.  
· Electrical Engineering 1 must have been completed or must be taken  
_ coordinately. Two hours a week. First semester. Assistant Profes-  
sor Barnett. Y
9b. Erucrmcar. Lnisonyronr. Required of all juniors in Engineer-
ing and seniors in Industrial Chemistry. Prerequisite, Electrical
Engineering 9a. Electrical Engineering 3 must have been completed . '
or be taken coordinately. Two hours a week. Second semester. As- ‘
sistant Professor Barnett. .
10a. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY. Required of seniors in Mechanical QT
and Electrical Engineering. Prerequisite, Electrical Engineering 9b.  
Lectures and recitations one hour a week; laboratory two hours a y
week. First semester. Assistant Professor Barnett.  
· 10b. Emzcrizrcnr. Lsnoicixrorcr. This is a continuation of Course 5
f 10a. Lectures and recitations one hour a week; laboratory two hours .
T a week. First half of second semester. Assistant Professor.Barnett. ·
  2012.. Aovixxcnu AL·rEI¢NATING CU12IzI;N·rs. Lectures and recitations { '
; jive hours; laboratory ten hours, and drawing ten hours a week.  
\ First semester. Professor Freeman.
  · 201b. Aovimcicn ALTERNATING Cormnxrs. A continuation of course I
  201a. Lectures and recitations jive hours; laboratory ten hours, and
drawing ten hours a week. Second semester. Professor Freeman. _
202. TELEPHONE ENGINEERING. Lectures and recitations jive hours; _
laboratory ten hours, and drawing ten hours a week. First semester. F
` Professor Freeman.  
I 203. ILLUMINATION. Lectures and recitations flue hours; labora-  
. tory ten hours, and drawing ten hours a week. Second semester. Pro- Ii
fessor Freeman. ,
. . V
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