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i f 1
4 J
Y eoordinately. Two hours rt week. First semester. Professor Johnson, »  
r Mr. Drummy. i
. 3. Krxmmries. Required of juniors in Mechanical and.Eleetrical  
, Engineering. Prerequisites, Mathematics 2, 4, 5, Drawing 3. Three I
{ hours ct week. First semester. Repeated second semester. Assistant  
5 Professor Hawkins. V
1 4. Krrzmmric Dusicx. Required of all juniors in Mechanical and
  Electrical Engineering. Prerequisites, Mathematics 2, 4, 5, Drawing
a 3, 4. Mechanics of Engineering 3 must have been completed or be L ;
1 taken at the same time. Twelve hours tt iceek. First semester. P1‘O—
F fessor C. H. Anderson, Assistant Professor Hawkins. .
' 5. SLIDE RULE Piclxorrcrz. Required of all sophomores in Engineer-  
, ing. Prerequisites, Mathematics 4, 5. One hour d week. First semester. _ .
' Assistant Professor O’Bannon. _ . _ ‘
6. AN.xLY'rIcAL Mncirlxxics. Required of all juniors in Engineering. ·
Prerequisite, Physics 3a. Mathematics Tb must be completed or taken
I coordinately. Five hours a ioeek. Second semester. Professor John- l
7. Mlicnixn Dnsicx. Required of juniors in Mechanical and Elec-
· trical Engineering. Prerequisites, Mechanics of Engineering 1, 2, 3, 4. ,
Niue hours ct ureelc. First half of seeoizd semester. Professor C. H.  
5 Anderson, Assistant Professor Hawkins. . _
8. Giurirics or Mllcnirzns. Required of all juniors in Mechanical Z *
{ and Electrical Engineering. Prerequisites, Mechanics of Engineering   ~
1 and 3. Lecture ouc hour a week, drawing room two hours ct week. I
First half of second semester. Assistant Professor Hawkins. I
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