May I3 should be V0. 7, no. 33
éial Ina;
$9 s
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  · llllll llllllfllllllll Ill Jlllll     ·~ ···   M ~ »~··HE|ll Hlll lllllllllllllllll  H ¤·r€d       be {Ill VI|llll}ll’$ llllll TIIIP
Ifrom Lieutenant Allen W. Gulllon, for·| tg|V°T' In "h°p°I Saturday evemng M
, tmer commandant of the Cadets Corpsl · -    °b°l°°:d ht IM Umveslti chori; ___..., V
g _ _ at the university. The card was malled| · l U ' m Hs °n W e r°° °" .
  GI’8.d\18tlllg CIBSS IS at Fort Bliss, Texas. and says ln! 21 Hlgh   Enter Rep teveryone III ImIImd' LOSE Three Out Of SIX
· H- lpart: ·-my company wm. sm the as resentatwes 1n Annual t "" 'h° ¤’°¤'**m '°' ****’ °'°"’"¤ W"' Games on Southern Trip
thé L8.I`g€St Ul tl’l€ IS- . be soloists, ladles‘ double quartet ’
OHIO? COUl[)8I'llGS ln UIC   Bri-     lladtey tri m I t tt f t ti        
tory of the School sane. Events: drln (close and eat _' 0. ens quare e or mxe »
tended order), wall scaling, tent pitch-t lglcis gt"? ng: °h:ru°· There will be
‘ lng relay racing. As t was the only The university this week ls host to *‘ °" ” E ° °"“¤· The baseball team returned Sunday
l` l l th ·
htTh° nazi: ir°(:;1°?t::it::s.npth: Omcet- wmt the company I was hap.I0ll€ hundred high school pupils of the The €¤m9·t¤· t°8€th€*` with other morning from a slx-day trip to Ten-
  "°t:y ° t ° tc" tu un for gachet t,y_ Congratulations tm the 6xc€ttettcetState who are here for the Inter- SDIO! and the ¤P€¢l¤l ml1¤l€¤·l f9¤“"`°¤ nessee where they played three games
lors degrees. Last years graduates __ lhotd tn ttl tt t nd n S tt Ft td mttsto tovortt
umb nd on hundred and twenty all. 9 0 ape 8 0 to 9 . _ and the Southwestern Presbyterian
zvo Std thafwu constdered ut un- On the reverse side of the card ap. under the auspices of the university. twigs lttzances G€iB°:» 0; M¤Y¤Vm€·|ITnlverslty. The trip resulted ln two
gr uluauy tu e number but tht- yen pears tt photograph of tt cut, wmt tm Twenty-one hlgh schools are entered W 8 6 °·c°°mP¤¤ st °l` the 9V€‘ game won, three lost, and one tied.
there are gne hundrett and ntxttntwt; lnscrlptlon stating that lt was award- and this meet P"°mlS°“ to he the m°“t ning C0¤·¢h Bfllmase attributes the three
cndtdates for dence- gd to Lteutenant (mulch-, company successful of any ever held. Dr. W. "°‘°'**· losses to the fact that errors were
Thu number does not include those ttt ··C0mt,atty C0mpemt0tt_·· L. Anderson ls ln charge of the ath· numerous on the unfamlllar ground,
_ The student body jotmt in cottgt-at. letlc events and Professor C. P.       and the fact that the pitchers en-
:3;) tlIiII•;IIll&pI:rII h;(;xror;;st:;;r£:n:: ¤l¤¤l¤z our old commandant, Iweaver cf the music and public tcountoroa were about the bggt the
speaking €Ve¤t¤· team has had to buck up against
;'·°;x‘;)°:;tn°;::“2§;:ér :::ttuxt;°;°t:z The new track on Stoll Field ls be-       I this year. Hard luck was a big factor
lng used for the flrst time by the hlgh ln the games
dred degrees at the graduating exer-   I 0 A   not t t t ttt t r '_
¤·•;t ¤·· ¤··¤·=· t t ed by · · · Z° ...§’..°?.'J‘Z2.?.§1.?`..l.hs ”;““§`§t.°,'..?d Dinner ts Served at the Th. ns. ELT.; °.3`l3f‘ C.....t...........
°°° “°m°° °v° °°° °ppr°v straight-away ln front of the stand · was played Monda
· - . . Y afternoon and
m° f°°°"y 'md °my uw final °x°m`           ln addition to the regular events SCOVlll€ R€Sld€YlC€   went eleven innings. The flrst two
i°;;*‘;':t; Ext:;;°;t"I’n;”;t;°‘octencas on the program. a relay race for the the Home “EcS.” batters or C. U. were able to secure
*···· S\1¤d¤·Y Schools of Lexlnzton and one ——-——i hits which resulted ln one score Not
there are forty-two Seniors, and lnl Lot. the tratotnttto ot th ttt tt The Board of (`ommerce took an- I I
' ‘ ’ ll h l ·
the College of Agriculture the same JUIIUS     R€pI‘€S€I1l, B 9 u vers y other ot tts ntttttto _tottrnoyo·» yootor_ um [ ° °gmh wu ?h°""“t “bl° m
I t _ _ _ has been arranged. Seven or eight connect wlth Thomas twlsters again.
p > ¤“m*’°"· ***8*** °* "'h°'“ “"° *“ ‘h° _ Umverslty on Subject or the Sunda) Schools have entered d¤Y· €°'¤g to the A¤'*°¤**¤’¤* E*¤°'l· Spalding scored in the mth, bringing
l'l°m° E°°"°mi°° D°p°"m°m‘ Th° of •¢EdiS0n” their teams and all of the eight fra- mem S°’m°“· The members len thetthe score to a tie Tuttle drove out a
C°“°$° °‘ M°°*‘“°*°“’ '“‘d E'°°“’°“' ternltles ln the Pan Hellenic Council 'l"`¤°“°¤ S*¤“°¤ °" a spew] CM at ho I
_____ · me run l th l hth hl h
Eng*“°°""g h°° thuIty`f°°r sud me wlll compete ln the contest arranged 12 °I°l°°k and made their mst Swpt the flnal scorling fgoretie Wlltlcfts ::2
Mlnln College has four. The annual contest of the lntercol- t S vt , · _ ·
g for them. at Us C0 ll "*“ld""°° °“ the hx features of the game were the hlttlng
These graduates represent every leglate Oratorlcal Association will be tttodnto wttt no awarded the wtnners pergment Station ya,-m at 1230, when of Reed Tumors home mn and the
”°u°° °f uw Sum fom the m°“n` held in Berea' May 15' ln all events and a silver loving cup l““°l‘€°“ was served by tha Y°“¤g ruling of the umpire who call d tle
{gina through the Blue GPIB! to the The members ofthe association ¤!‘€ wttt bo gtvott tho oottoot wtnntng tho ladies of the Home Economics De oomo booouoo ot, nrovtouo E; at;
Purchase, and Florida, Massachusetts. Kentucky Silto U¤lV¤l'¤l¢Y» T¤`¤¤¤Yl· tttrgut number OL ttottmt partment and the Experimental Bak- ments etsewhero The Sooro tottg 8.
New York, New Jersey, Tennessee, vanla Unlverslty, Georgetown College, Yesterday the vtstttng students were gry at the Sta{i0n_ After luncheon the State_ ' AB H R fw;
Indiana, Ohlo, Missouri and Panama Central University, Berea College and rogtotorod ot tho Y M C A rooms members inspected the various points Sottrodor on 5 1 o 3 2
are among other sections represented. Kentucky Wesleyan College. all of Today th ttmt I t I tI tn dl of interest around the Statlon farm. T t tI  
The names of the candidates by col- which Wlll enter l‘epl'eSellt¤tlVeS lll the tngo tor ;trY;€ oto:oaro:?oojlondB vI::tn The heads of the departments were “lI:ttg;It gt     ft at I3 3
leges follow: Ngttttj ¢<>¤¤°¤*· solos are being held ln the chapel ln h°°‘“ ’°'” me day and the l”°g"*’·"‘ *“‘ Park   3h   3 0 0 2 0
cen". or Arts and Sclonco. The winner of the contest will re- ttto morotng and ottorttooo and the cluded talks by Professors J. J. R,,,,dI   I I ``-'` 5 3 tt t tt
Esther M. Bailey, Jeanette Bell. celve a beautiful $25 gold medal wlth ttnots at 8 dntoctt tontgttt The out Hogpeyt (v_ w_ M,,_ttt€wS_ Et S_ Good_ Watérs `zb ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ V 0 U 3
U ‘ Amy Breslln, Marguerite Brown. the coat of arms of all six colleges round tn ttto tonnto tournnrnont to otso George Roberts, Harrison Carman, Dr. Soototng tt '`'`'°' QI t t o 3
Rexle Brooks, Teresa Buchlgnanl, El·lstamped on lt ln enamel colors. botng ttotd today. Tomorrow, the soo none.-; Grghggnt Dean _y_ H_ Kastte Park (" rr' '‘`‘` 4 2 U U U
la Mae Cheatham, Elizabeth Cole· Last year's contest was won by ono ronntt tn ttto tonntn tournament and others, .rttotnnS"n' ```'`' 4 o tt I 0
grove, James Henry Coleman, Grace John Howard Payne, representing wttt no ttotd and the prettmtmtrtes tn -?...•...—_.. ' ‘ ‘''`''' _
Crulckshank, Helen Desha, D. D. Don- Kentucky State and his clear cut vlc- ttto rnorntné and attemoon and thelCATS     ,r0mtS 37 Z Q E  
· ohoo, Aleene Edwards, Elizabeth El- tory over all his opponents gave the ttnnts at ntght ot, the dectamtmons for       Cumb€t_tand_ AB H R A E
drldge, Esta Gunn, Annabel Grainger, unlverslty flrst honors for the tirst boys wont soton and quartettes tn Chestnut SS 5 2 2 3 I
Lester W. Grady, Martha Fox Hleatt, time ln fourteen years. ttto onooot Sotttrdoy rnorntng the Tomorrow afternoon the Wlldcats Luno_   5 1 o tt o
Anna Hodges, Chrlstlne Hopkins, State will be represented this year tonnto ttnnto wttt no otoyott ond tn meet the boys from the University or Hnrdtoott zo t t o tt 2
Ludlo Hollowell, A. H. Johnson, Mrs. by Jullus Wolf, who recently won the ttto ottornoon ot 2 n_ rn_ ttto trtoto ond Hawaii, across the sea. This aggre tturns tt; I °``''   t o o o
Rhoda Kavanaugh, James O. Kelley, llltersoelety contest between llletttnots to trook ond ttotd ovonto on' gatlon is usually the strongest that StoottonSottIot.IIIII 5 o o o o
Albert John Kraemor, Owen S. Lee, Union and Patterson Literary Socie- Stott tstottt nthe Kentucky lads stack up agalnst ttontor tto` I   tt o o t o
A, B, Llebovltz, Malcolm McCoy, ties. Wolf's subject will be "'l`he Sotttrttoy ntorntno tho otnmnt oto during the season. The Hawaiian “·rtgtttI tt I ``''`° t o o o o
James Park, Nancy Pllcher, Esther Genlus of Edlson." Stoto ttntvorstty novo motto ntons to» team, so far, has lost only a few games Tttoo rt. I ''°`'`' _t o o o o
Rider, Dan T. Roberts, Leo J. Sand- To wln this contest wlll be a time- toko ttto vtsttoro around the otty tnland if the home boys support the Eaton, tt;   tt o o 2 t
Ls mann, Marguerlte Schweers, C. `B. ly Victory after State’B unsuccessful otttontobttos ond Saturday ovontng tho pitchers ln good style, the contest III_ ____
Shoemaker, Clyde P. Taylor, R. B. year ln debating. Cttornt tyttto ot. ttto nntvorotty wttt ron_¤ will be well worth seeing. The llnc- Totots to 5 ,, to _t
Tum" J°m°° W‘ w°°°°n· Arthur E" —;—-—•-•-•-——-—- der a special program in their honor up mr me wudcms will b° °'b°“t "   lnnin • ~
Wegert, Elizabeth White, Natalie M.! .tt to ttndorotood that the nntvorstttr follows: McClelland, p.; C. Park, c.; Stott,   tt tt tftt t tt¤ttIt tt tt tt_.,
I w°°d· M' H‘ Judd‘ S' I' A' A'     iauthorlties will arrange some otlter}Tu[tu°* {U; l\I“t""?· 2b·? Sch"“d°"· £(`llllllJ€l`ll1.IllI I tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 o o-Q
. c°"°·° °f A°'I°°m"`°'       special exercises during the stay of Ss"' J‘ l°rk· MM °*"*ldmg· HW R€*’d·` Struck Out—By Thomas, 3- ny E,.
Bljd YWB:I°CIl RI lIII§I6(?munll     ‘_"_ I the hlgh school contestants. Cf.; Crum, rl'. iles. 8. Base on Balls—Schrader,
C rt*     g;°*   ‘ V3"': •Da‘t ‘ 'l‘he model for an athletic scholar- 'l`he high schools who are entered! ”*°‘•·•··—t Wright. Waters. Home ltnh-:rutt|s_
D"';'Ettt0u' C gn·EiI;t0¤‘H‘C   ship medal which was submitted to are: Stanton, Sprlngfleld, Stanford,lACADEMY     Three-base Hlts—Chestnut, Burns.
' t' J 'J‘ ‘ F H ’ ‘ ‘ J the executive board of the Southern West Point, St. Helen’s, Maysville, Er-'       Two-base Hlts—(‘hestnut. Reed. C.
br°I;th’ ‘;v‘J ‘;;°°’ ‘ ‘ K°n°°dy• d' Intercollegiate Athletic Association by langer, Lexington. Hardlnsburg, Som- ___ Il’ark. llalk——Thomas, 2.
;i‘Rs;';_.;¤' Ch::;;Jjv`;°:ir$?°2ux’ a committee of which Professor erset, Richmond, Ashland, Bellevue, ·t—ttt. Ketttucky Aottoonty ot Sotonoott Second Game.
Pong.- W J ·Ptg“0tt C· G Doovntni Charles Weaver ls chairman, was ap- Cynthlana, Louisville Hale, Louisville wtttctt was otgutttzed tut year wtttt ttt Un the second day another umpire
D“vtd’Cutt osu E In témtnlu H L' proved and accepted by the board. Manual. Lawrenceburg. Bloomfield.,tttntttbersttttt of ttbuttt tiny t,t.t_,ttttttt,ttt'“'¤¤ Secured who proved more unsat-
Poote w·y'*;‘nd· Rtwttd. P E· Rich; Professor Weaver was advised of this Walton, Uatlettsburg, Ury Ridge, ttctttttttsts tttttt ttottotoro ot ttto Stoto isfuctory than the mst. (‘uutbor|uud
tt ards Q J Roth B W dont H· Scott in a letter from President W. M-I will meet at State Vniversity next swred [wo runs in the uml inning and
G C' stmt C'B‘T ‘t no   T t' klass. of the executive board. Saturday tt to wry ttttotv tttot ttto ncre able to hold the lead untll the
tto   W zlorthtnotxg 0; C' Yt)u:" Each university ls to award one     tttotttoorsttttt wttt no oonstttornttty tn_   seventh, when thc score was tied. l·‘or
, . .H°m• lumtttloo . . tttooo ntottoto to ttto tttttoottt ot ttst         croonott nt ttto wtnttto ntoottnot ttour and onehalr innings no scores
J nt A ker Lot. B·rtt8tt Mary 'Varslty team having the highest rec·t t A rttature that Stmutd be or on were made. ln the last half of the
°° 6 ° ’ ' ord for scholarship State University —·—·— t · · el v· tl 'I`l ‘ ‘
, · peclul lll[t‘l`€SI ls the semi-popular leo- *° ‘" ‘ ‘“°“·l» 0* (U“*b°l'l¤¤ld. Willi
g::t;I;°'Itti:;‘":;3y:"Bl;r;bt::° Moor? will award one this spring and the! At tt t·ttt.tttty ttteotttttt toot wook tt tttt.t._ ttt ttt,. ttt·ttttttoott_ tty ttttytott tt one niun on third and two out_ scored
Elsie Speck • p honor tuuy   to any one of soynlwus delttded to hold the annual conlttxtiuert Professor. of Physics, Case il Slllkle. $l'UrlIlg lllv Wllllllllg full,
cottooo ot ctvtt lrtotrtoortno °'I°l ""’" wh° h'"° b°*’“ di"u"““l“h°dtlnencelnent exercises on June l0th, School of Appllod st-lance, t·lt»y,,|uttd_‘i'*’l*’|