i   Z/ze Kentucky .4/umm;
1mEs ) '
ov. Clements To Speak Founders Day, Feb. 22
l- KY Governor Earle C. Clements, dis- historical sidelight of the Founders  
;,   ; guished alumnus of the University D&X’11C€1ibYat{0n· ’ New York Alumni L
—· KY· ` i Kentucky and chief executive of _‘ H umm are ulged to Watch
KP?. E Commonwealth, Wm be the tlgeiil 10cal papers for announcement Meet And Elect
—=i  Gaim at me annual Founders Day ¤ t 6 F9u{*d€‘YS_ Day brcadcast, and
31;  nvocamm to be held in Memorial the administration has extended a William E. Butler, outgoing secre·
$3;,;;,  all On February 22_ ieordieiul 1nv1;ati;>; to former stud§n;s tary Of the New York Alumni Club,
-· ; o re urn o e campus on e - .
iwba Features of the Founders Day mary 22 to participate in the C€1€_ was elected president of the group
E  lgbyation, in addition t0 GOV€1‘- bratiOn· at a dinner meeting held Dec. 18 at
W or Clements} address, W1}1 b€ the   the Hotel Paramount in New Y0rk
10 ·
',    Ymg Of the Comersmne Of the new ' t rior to the Kentucky-St. Johns
`exlgi.  Eidhouse, a series of ciassmom New Orleans Alums Liskgtball me
ihgil; ~ ures 0n the history and develop- F O _ t_ I; g d 'L D St k
N-J-  ent of the University, a special OTH] I'g£lI]1Z2l 101] e succee s . uncan 0 GS,
cousin smieal exhibit in the library, and _ _ _ _ who has been transferred from New
LOIQQ.? broadcast by electrical transcrip- A SYOUP Of Gllumnl hvmg 111 Néw York to South Carolina with the
1·O¥§¥·  on, which will be sent to Kentucky Orleans met with Helen hG. Simi}? Southern Railway
10 . . ° '
’_i_ _  dio stations for broadcasts during €X€€ut1V€ $€CF€t31`Y Of t 9 · ·
{ig- M  week of February 22. Alumni ASSOCi3’tiO¤, OH Wednesday Other of f i c e 1* s elected vger?
·   it , Dec. 29, prior to t e t h ‘ S —· 11, ` esi en ;
g The radio p1`Og1`BIn;   xvill be iieillgl-[;2;r;-Tu1Qn€ Sugar Bowl gall-19, ;€§)7_a2]?bQft01;;C1`€t;/iif? aillé S• A'
*· KY ered to all Kentucky stations, will · · · ' _ ’ . . . .
molma _ _ _ and perfected plans to initiate an Raplel, and Mlmm S_ Smith, Jomt
Q·    _°1ud€ a IQVIGW Of the Umvemtyys organization in the southern city. Ueasurers
Vbh?5 tory from the turn of the century Th mu Called to ether by `
n. KF- A  today; the problems of an ex- 6 g p’ , g . The New York group héld H
L M d· - , - . Bernard Freedman, 40, met in the _ . _ .
" Ky' I mg Umvelsity and the Im- H t 1Ne O·1ea11s and made plans Cocktail party and dmnel meeting
:7; Iovements in physical facilities and f (ie bw . I meetm at Mr gn the evening of the K€HtL10kY·St·
3; Kgf  rscmnel over a period 0f 50 years. OI a Elsmess g ` Johns game, and guests included .
~·_- Included OH the b1`O3dC8St \Viu be Flleedmans home On January 5, at Bernie A ShiV€].y     athletic
’·Fl°‘ . · . which time the group planned t0 _ ' ’ 1 . d
  resident H` L' Donovan 44* and elect officers and formulate policies. d“€°t°r’ Kentucky aumm an
if   0 members of the faculty who sports writers from the BIUGSMSS
§·    He on the Qgmpug ·-Then and Mr. Freednian actiii as teéngiyragy who had accompanied the team to
imsé.  0w." chairman of t e mee mg, an au e New York
IV 19] · . . M k S' , M.S. ’38, took 0ve1‘
     A conmiittee of Univgi-sity faculty EhEO§u€i€S1‘£°?;mpO1_a1_y S€C1_€tm_y· Present at the meeting Were: ML
n,·K$,:  ernbers is working on a suggested _ 1 and Ml~S_ Stokes; Mr. and Mrs.
  thne of topics for Classroom ]€C_ The clnb plans to hold a soeiiq Butler; Miss Sorrell; Mr. and Mm
402 H? ms during the Week Of F"b*"~““`Y nileetmg m the may future at Whm Albert; Mr. Smith; Mi-. Rapier; Mr. .
2;    » and this outline win be Offered time films of some ·0f the Kentucky and Mm J. F. Johnston; W' E_ Davis;
.i; * all faculty members \Vith the basketball games will be shown. Walter N. Flippin, JL; Thomas S_
ii. iii: ope Phat at 1€¤St cme class period of   Stevenson; Charles White; Rufus L.
fg Ifflj  °h “¥StF¤€t0F will be devoted to a Sylvia Smith, senior in the College Weaver; Eiizuckeiman; Mr. and Mrs.
  °“SS1°¤ of the historical back- of Agriculture and Home Economics wl F_ Steers and son, Bill; Mr. and
iitlritki  9u“d_"‘“d d€V€l<>Pm€¤t of ‘¤h€ from Brandenburg, Ky., has been Mis Hugh R, Jackson; Webb Wy-
   mV"s‘ty· honored by having her photograph man; Mi; and Mrs. J. Fred Rayburn;
S-   Thehbrary exhibit wiii foiigw the appear on the cover page of the W. B. Mayes; Mr. Shlvély; M1`- and
iéginw  "‘*l°Pm€¤t of the University from November issue of "What’s New In Mrs. T. C. Lyons; Mr. and MPS- W· L-
;'g},’{E  ° Qafly days at “WOOd1a¤dsg· Home Economics," a national maga- Gabbert; Robert L. Manley; J'. W. V
»éH,Igl:  °}*€h its present program of sx- zine. Its cover pages are devoted Geiger; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Euisen- I - A
4; KY·  _S10'n‘     iHC].L1d€ piCt,ul`€S, to picturing 011tstandlng Stlfdcnts In berry;     K*mbf`°“$Sh*     ` I
 mt°d_ mamflal and manuscripts home economics from various c0l- ton; Mr. and M1S· · - Y»
 d Wm be 811 interesting and leges and universities. Continued on Page 20
. | 1