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\'ol 1 AUGUST 19218 X0. 1
”"‘"“‘"""`”       tl1r···· uml one hulf yours. 111 Feb. r
‘ »   A     . 1'llill`)', 1€·f1l}, he went to Oklahoma as ,
__ ` , $*`    ·. ‘ i·1>;t·~11sit»11 liorticulturul Specialist. ’
J    "  _ uml \\`Ul‘li•:d there until he returned
  Y_° · ' to lietiturky July lst.
` 1   .\lr. .\r1:1st1·<111g is the etlitor of Ken-
_  tuelty l"l`lllL Notes uml will welcome
 _" - suuuestioiis uml (‘l'lll('lSli)S of l‘l`lll[ and 4
 ij F _,., herrr )iI`<¤\‘·'<·l`S for multing this bulle— _
,,_'   _ I     W.    tin of the ;r<·ut<·st possilile Service. ‘
' *3 ,>[js·.’Z` lturinu the pust few weeks Mr.
· `·; ,. . - .\.l`l!lFll'*1llL[ hus l1··t·n visiting the fruit
      -`·_ ; I :<11·l |»··rry sertioiis of litgiitueky to ?
  ...4ni   1 ' _ stutly the 1>1·<»hlt·111s lH*lv()l`ti setting up
;_.·;i¢,..  ¢ _¢_   1111 »·>;perin1e11tul ])l'()g1`£iI`i1. lie hus
   ’§;’§j;; L_   ° ' l1< utlqtiurters ut tht; \\’(‘Slt;1'I1 I{¢_·n- -
· _"_    1 tuelty l‘;X])Y‘l'lIll€lll Substution ut .
  . l’l‘lllf‘<‘il¤ll. Coniniunicutioiis shoultl he ·
,   illl¢l1`•‘$Si‘tl to him tl1¤»r¢·_ ’
`   y' A, .1. Or.x1;r. Head ‘
1 ‘  .;_   T _ _ —   . _ ]Iurlir·z¢lturr1I Dcprtrtnzrnt. ,
‘~ ir Tw ··i   · :. .· — .
LMA sig _ · in ;1___ e Tzilitiszfy of Iitnfuekj/. g
‘ `ttsffi _n     ..1 _4 A -i
    §:'_ fLY·"’, .` ‘ 'l`lll·j 1{liN'l`l`(`KY }·`I{l`IT NOTES  
li .>  *1     .. .. l%l`Ll.l·]'l`IN 3
"· Q     _· 'l`h1~ ]»11rpose of this bulletin is to  
  - preseiit to the fruit untl l)@l`1`}` grow- ;
\\`. lt. ,-\l:Als'\‘l;t)Xt; ¤·1`¥ 1>1‘¤1·‘li··:1l uutl timely i11iorm;1tio11  
,. _. . . . ,.. ,. ,, .,   uml <»li>e1·r:1tions on vulture. roduu- f
UH' Al"\\ Hwhlll LLM mul tion. llL1I`\`t·>Illl!, niurketing uigl pest 1-
lt is il ])l•‘1lSlll`¤‘ to \\'t‘lt‘st·rv:1ti<»11s of zenerul ;2
l1lllIl`l'ill the lust spetciul session. Nlr. interest. The lntlletiu will he sent  
.\l`lllSll`t\ll}l wus :1 ll\t'llll)l'l' of the llor- free to :1ll ll‘SSt‘l` t'. S. \\'1tllllliill wus uwuy I11 the ul1s1~nt·e of :111 utleqiiute list  
for ¥l’il(lllHlt* stutly. of fruit growers this issue is bein!  
llr, .\I`lllSIl`\>ll§ huils froni Yl`t'\&lS. sent to su1·h lists us were fountl uvuil· {
where he §l`il(lllill<‘tl in llUl`ll<'lllllll`t* uhle uml timlouhtetlly 111:1113* growers  
trtun Yl`<‘X2lS .\. illltl Nl. t‘ollt~;1e i11 were llllil\'(Wl(l1ll‘lf. oniittetl. 'l`here will  
lt¤2i•. \\`hil·~ there he eurm-tl il l2\l`§* ulso he some tluplieutioiis tnutle. lt  
|>&tl'l of his expenses working i11 tl1· will tulte u few inouths to {Jet the _
<‘olle:e oreliurtls. niuiling list worked Olll to the point  
l·`rom 1929 to will he wus il §l`2l(lll£ll•‘ where this hulletin is reuehitirs those j`
stmlent ut Nlieliiuuu Stute College. who wunt und use ii.  t
'l`l1e s111n1m·rs were spent i11 fruit work \\`e wish to urge every grower to g
ut the South lluren Sulnstution. liur- ussist ns in setting :1 correct niuiling  
in; the Sllllllllt‘I‘ of lillil he wus stu— list. lf you know of il fruit or berry  
tionetl :1t l"(‘llll\`lllt‘. }llt'lll§l1lll. i11 t·on— grower thut is not reeeiviiiz this hul— g
ueetitm with :1 spruy Sl'l`\`ll'l‘ projet·t. letin. who tlesires to he placed on the  
After leuving l{t‘lllllt'l(}' he wus il list. hure l1in1 fill out the request  
nieniher o1` the liortieultur:1l st:11`t` ut lwlunk on the lust pugez or turn his gi
tl1e (rl(‘(>l'§`l1l l‘lX]\t‘l`llll(‘llI Stutitui for nunie in to the eounty ugent.  
l¤l`l,l1l·Z'l`IN t>l·` ’l‘lII·l l{l·ZN'l`lit`l{\' .\