»? 7/i :» .
_)_/_.2‘ ;
I" l’ltl·1\'l<1N'l`lN(i SUN SCALIJ \\'l’i`ll 'l`his makes an excellent formula for
li`; \\'lll'l`l·]WASH whitewash regardless of where it is
le Flt\Nl( ’l‘. S'l;ltl·Zl·2'l', Henderson, Kentucky   uII§I)]§3lLi(I¥S 2$n§;"L;iS£;’y  
'l`he heavy pruning which the fruit the trees have developed sufficient ·
iis growers often do throughout the win- shade.
at ter and spring months, due to the l·‘or painting the wounds made by
ni short crops of fruit ln prospect, leave the saw cuts the old formula of raw
ill many large cuts exposed to fungus in- linseed oil and powdered blue stone,
IY tection ami many limbs exposed to on the basis of sixteen pounds of cop· _
tb sun seald. .\s a result mueh interest per sulphate to each gallon of raw Vj
iff has been shown by the growers in linseetl oil, is still one of the best `
materials whieh would protect them known formulae. This paint needs to
.S_ from loss of valuable wood siibjeet to he stirred each day for approximately
II,. these dain;ers. Sonic benefits from three weeks and is much better paint V
.I,, the use of whitewash have been expe- if made up several months in advance.
,,I rit~nt·•·tl. it is impornun to wltitewasit lteeeut iut'ormati0u indicates that the
.,I· the branehes and paint the ents as use of ready made dry Bordeaux vqorks ‘
H,. soon alter pi‘tinin;.: as possible, Iillltté HS well, Ol` better than ]>t>\\'t ‘ I mumlty of }`°m"'}`H  
II°_"_ eonsisteneyl of a rntlier thick paint. Six varieties of strawberries were T
II" \\lien applied. this has a beautiful frnited this season as follows: Pre- is
IHF whitttf color and is ver5Ilresistant Ito mier, DoI*sett,Fai1·fz';`>;, Catskill,lBIake-  
‘ _ wea iering. r s sour mi t eau not te more ant Beaver, 19 origins p am- V
I_h`_V used. it is important that the paint be ing distances for the varieties were  
lt" made up fresh as used. \§`heu using varied as follows: One row each of  
MII this on apples, the addition of 2 Premier, Dorsett. Fairfax and Cats- Q;
mtv ounees of raw linse··tl oil to t·a·t·h kill were set at 12, 1S and 24 inches 5
mw ~ quart ot sknnIinilk gives the paint respectively. Blakemore was set at  
mw even more resistance to weathering. 220, Htl, and 42 inches because of its  
  t‘tiNll’.\RATl\'i·i YIICLDS IN 24-Ql`.I\llT CRATES PER ACRE FOR THE  
III?] 1>ll·`i·`Elti·ZN'i‘ \'.\ltll£'l`Il£S ANI) l·`O1{ THE Dll·`FERliNT SPACINGS  
¥t‘I` I ltipening I I I  
I‘I_II` Variety ° Dates I ll" 1S" ' E4" ` BO" I BG" I 42"  
ut. rV · VVKV   moor V   ‘**"{—·——TV4—ViXV‘ m hg
¥"‘I I nay it I 1     I ji
‘“‘V i·.».·mt.—i— to xii.? sms I sts.: I I I 5;
M(i°I_` ` June 4   I I   I _
II"' I nity it I I I I I I  .
"“" t»..i—s.·n to I znett ams I 247,1 I I I VV
I June 1 I ` I I  
hilt- V V r V #···’   eV V **77.*   V VV‘ I ·V** VI"; VV  
I he I May lti I ` I I I I W
tue 1·‘an-tax i to I 3•;•;.u I :iTII.T I Ctot.6 I Q I  
liel- I June ti I I I | I  
. V VV~—~V sl V I V· " WV r` Y Y Vl V‘Vr· I`-
IIUI. I ' | May ls   _ I I I ` I I  
I UI. t‘;.tsI,I1I I I to »t!e•,.»   -t~t0,s   42:1.0 I I I I,
HP   . une ti   I I I I I  
. . I "
Lift I II"' I== . . I I   I   I . .  
I in Illaketnore to I I I I .l.I;».EII ...»·l.tI .»—l—l.:i  
I..,..t I MIIY III I I I , I I it
v ·_ V 7 I 7   ¤ pv nl MW I nr I -rAn>A77v‘_` W  
ISI;} I May ll I I _ I I I I  
Ibm, lleaver I to I , tll.3 I I I I g
I June Z! I I I I I  
., I.