t~ terraced under thc direction of tlte tott, led tlte discussion on tlte question
y Soil Conservation Service. W. li. of delaying tlte picking dates of the
it- Sntith, Project Engineer, explained thc peach crop so that peaches of higher
ntetltod ttsed itt building tltis niangtnn quality would be available. lf allowed
tt terrace, as well as tlte newer type of to t·entaitt on the trees for a few days
e tlte broad base terrace. He also after tlte ttsttal commercial picking
a called attention to tlte fact that U. S. time, peaches will increase one-tltird
·t ll. A. Tccltnical Bulletin No. 1789 on itt volume. During tltis time tlte
.t- Terracing, was available and that lt starehes itt the peach turn to sugar
r- gave a thorough discussion of tlte attd greatly add to tlte quality of tlte ,
n subject. frttit.
y, Dr. Doran stated tltat the cost of .\1. Y. Nttittt, of Sturgis, Kentucky.
it- terracing sonic ZUU acres of his l`arm wlto will serve as superintendent of
it averaged abottt $1.50 per acre. the fruit exhibit at the State 1·`ait·
tr .\notlter featttrc of tlte day was the tltis year, asked f`ot· cooperation of
h free fish fry at noon, provided by tlte tlte growers itt preparing tltis exhibit
ty l·`rnit Growers of Graves (Bounty. Two at tlte fair. I
w hundred pouttds of ft·eslt crappie attd '
eatfislt were consumed, l.liSl'lZl¤l-.Z\ Soil vs, (;lj1.'1`1\'.\'1'1f)N tx ’tttt; ·
ir; 1’t—:.tt·n ()nctt.xt:n
[_, A 1·`t:w ()1’1·1N .\tn '1`.xt.tl`0Hl`i¤lll €01lU¤ll1'*il- W- U· ¤‘·l`lll· the Yopp-Micltael·1{ost-ttfield contnter-
_ strong, llorticulturist, l’rinceton Sub- eial pt»a<·ltort·1tard near Paducah. Tltis
` Slilliwll- WHS 1>l`- lllil _"UlY _].ii.; }{t·i;r_ Cotmftt .43/Nl?. 1
._ eonttol method known to date ts to \I(_Cl__u_kOu Céumv ij
*· dig out the diseased tree. A young ‘ ‘ ` ‘ LQ
  tree may he re-set where the old tree A few years ago the insect known 5}
,"` was removed witltottt fear of it be- as crown borer gave promise of cans-  
'"I eonting ai'fe<·ted. It was stated tltat ing an attttttal loss to tlte strawberry 1
"li tlte greatest infestation occurs itt industry itt southwestertt 1{entucky itt  
sontlt eentral Georgia attd that 1{en- excess of S1tl0.0tl0 per year. Although "' 
H; tucky is itt the region of very light tlte general life history attd habits of _;
`“‘ ittfestation. Ottly two or three dis- this insect were reasonably well  
lh eased trees were fottttd itt tlte state known. the dantage front this little  
1* itt 1$•ZlT attd none ltas been fottttd to "bug" was increasing year after year. Qi
`Y" date itt 19218. Naturally the growers rettttested a ¥ 
VM l·`rank T. Street, of Hetttlersott. special held and laboratory study to E,
·m Kenttteky. discussed tlte delay of peaelt be ntade by the Entomology Depart- gg
`HS ripening by the suntnter applicatiott tnent of tlte Kentucky Experintent  
I" of nitrogen fertilizer, attd stated that Station. Dr. Patil O. Riteher of tltis tg
etl he was (¥O1l\`l1l(‘\‘(l tho Lfl`O\\'t‘1` (`O\ll(l tlt*}l1l1`l1llt‘1ll was assigned to tlo the  
ntanipttlate tlte ripening date of ltis work.  
ll lruit a few days by tltis ntetltod. One of the first field activities that  
tee; \\'. W. Alagill. of the Ketttttclty Agri- I took part itt after cotning to Ale- is
ily rultural 1·1xperintent. Station, Lexing- t‘rac·kett County itt tlte spring of ltl2lT.  
li ;